View Full Version : Need a little more torque

07-10-2012, 08:48 AM
While I am still impressed with the GZ250 and how handy it is for running to town, in these hills I need a bit more pulling power. I wish they made the GZ in a 350! I am considering buying an S40, but concerned if there is much more vibration. Part of the reason for selling my last Sportster (1997 solid mount) was the vibration was too much for my arthritic hands. GZ250 does not do that, and I am wondering how the S40 would be. I don't know anyone around here with an S40 that I can try out. Anyone here with experience with the S40?

07-10-2012, 09:05 AM
Hit the dealer up for a test ride.

Water Warrior 2
07-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Yup, hit up a dealer for a test ride. A used one a couple years old would give you a good feel for vibes. The S-40 is a bigger thumper so there will be a different vibe to the entire bike. Depending on the year some S-40 models had drag bar style bars or more traditional bars. Vibes can be reduced quite a bit with grip puppies over the stock grips.
I think the S-40 is a nice upgrade without going real big and heavy. More than 2.5 times the engine and only 60 lbs more bike to pick up when you drop it. The GZ on steroids.

07-10-2012, 12:46 PM
I used to lust over a friends BSA 440 back in the early 60s. The way I remember it was it shook all over like a dog doing a plastic bag. But I wanted one anyway, I like thumpers!. 2 1/2 hours to the dealer in Roanoke VA...I can't deal with the one in Beckley, WV...lots of difference in the prices and attitudes!!!

07-10-2012, 04:03 PM
If the dealer has a used Shadow 750, consider taking it for a test ride. It certainly has the extra torque, and mine is surprisingly smooth. The handlebar is rubber mounted to make vibration nearly nonexistant.

07-10-2012, 04:15 PM
"Need a little more torque"...... I've read the road test for the S40 - and "little" seems to be the operative word. :)

Water Warrior 2
07-10-2012, 07:01 PM
You may want to locate a S-50 for a test sit etc. A 800 V-twin with lots of get up and go. Basically the same engine as the M-50 but a somewhat lighter bike. Water cooled, drive shaft and carbs instead of FI.

07-12-2012, 09:31 AM
I have one of those (S50) and it's a great bike. That's what I moved up to from the GZ.

07-12-2012, 12:00 PM
mod the carb

Water Warrior 2
07-12-2012, 01:23 PM
I have one of those (S50) and it's a great bike. That's what I moved up to from the GZ.
Did you have any other bikes on your short list before buying the S-50? Pros and cons for the short list may help future upgraders.

07-16-2012, 04:57 PM
Sorry for the delay in answering you, been away for a few days.
I looked at a few of the Honda Shadows up to 750cc, a couple of Kawasakis around the same size, and a Yamaha Virago, but after sitting on them all and riding the S50, that did it for me. It was quicker and lighter, a very reliable solid bike as attested to on another popular forum with one member having 135,000 miles on one at the time it got wrecked (hit by a car), and 80,000 miles so far on the second one he got. And I liked the way it looked too. To each his own, you have to try them on and see how they fit and perform.
All I can say is look around for a while, don't rush into a bigger, heavier, more powerful bike too fast. If it's too much for you, you won't ride it as much and you won't feel safe. Everyone eventually gets a bigger bike, then after they get smarter, they buy the third one which is usually the one they keep.

Water Warrior 2
07-16-2012, 11:49 PM
Everyone eventually gets a bigger bike, then after they get smarter, they buy the third one which is usually the one they keep.
Oh crap!! Now I gotta buy another bike after 7 years on the Weestrom??????? ARGH.

07-17-2012, 11:46 AM
Everyone eventually gets a bigger bike, then after they get smarter, they buy the third one which is usually the one they keep.
Oh crap!! Now I gotta buy another bike after 7 years on the Weestrom??????? ARGH.
Yep. Time to go get the land yacht on 2 wheels. Hurry! :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
07-17-2012, 03:05 PM
Everyone eventually gets a bigger bike, then after they get smarter, they buy the third one which is usually the one they keep.
Oh crap!! Now I gotta buy another bike after 7 years on the Weestrom??????? ARGH.
Yep. Time to go get the land yacht on 2 wheels. Hurry! :2tup:
Actually there is one for sale right here in town. A friend has a slightly used(20,000miles)1999 Kawi 1500 cruiser that he would part with. It is tempting. Would have to sell the Weestrom first though. Another fellow has a 2004 H-D up for grabs but they are just too common a sight around here. And he wants far too much.

07-18-2012, 09:01 PM
I have already had the bigger bikes. Been up and down like a yo-yo. Just counted up and have had over 15 bikes in my life, 4 sportsters and a FatBoy within the last two years. I am stupid enough that if I have a bike that is "special" like the last sportster (very fast souped up 1200ss) I have to act like I am 16 again. I have been trying to find an S-40 but no luck so far....May just keep the GZ250 even though the mileage dropped to 90.1 on this tank...heh, heh!!! It is almost enough, but just does not have enough to pass the 45 mph cigarette smokers in the short stretches of straight roads here in WV.....and at that it has some more power and speed than my first bike, a Harley Hummer, 125cc two-stroker.....Wife wants me to forget the bike and swap for a newer pickup.

Water Warrior 2
07-18-2012, 11:29 PM
Have you priced out a new S-40? They aren't very much compared to a lot of other bikes out there.

07-19-2012, 10:28 AM
even though the mileage dropped to 90.1 on this tank

"Dropped" to 90.1? What were you doing before that? Pedalling on the flat bits? :??:

07-19-2012, 11:50 AM
even though the mileage dropped to 90.1 on this tank

"Dropped" to 90.1? What were you doing before that? Pedalling on the flat bits? :??:
This is only the second tank and the first was 96.6 OK, I am still amazed because we have lots of hills and I have to hit 4th a lot...but I guess the extra you use going up is saved going down..I live in a rural area and do very little city/town traffic. My town does not even have a stoplight although it has a couple of stop signs.

08-06-2012, 09:34 PM
Looks like I am going to be keeping the GZ. Had some expenses I wasn't expecting. Had to buy a storage building and the prefabbed buildings are expensive.....I probably have half the materials needed to build it myself but I don't have the time right now. Anyway, I like the little bike, it is so handy, so easy to back down the sidewalk off the patio and don't have to worry about putting a foot down in the wrong place and getting off balance and dropping the bike.

Water Warrior 2
08-06-2012, 11:26 PM
You will never regret keeping the "little bike". It does what it is designed to do with few complaints. You can always upgrade at a later date with no regrets. Your GZ may someday become some one's first bike and teach them the fun and joy of riding while they perfect their skills and confidence on 2 wheels.

09-02-2012, 08:26 AM
While I am still impressed with the GZ250 and how handy it is for running to town, in these hills I need a bit more pulling power. I wish they made the GZ in a 350! I am considering buying an S40, but concerned if there is much more vibration. Part of the reason for selling my last Sportster (1997 solid mount) was the vibration was too much for my arthritic hands. GZ250 does not do that, and I am wondering how the S40 would be. I don't know anyone around here with an S40 that I can try out. Anyone here with experience with the S40?

ANY bike will have substantially less vibration than a 1997 rigid mount Sporty ! The new age of metric cruisers is excellent power and smooth rideability. Even if by some chance there is some "bar buzz" on an s40 there is a few tricks you can do to minimize. #1 is NOJ foam grip sleeves (I have them on both my vintage sport bikes), you can stuff 3/8" automotive fuel line up inside the bars to absorb harmonics, or you can inject expanding spray window foam up inside the bars.

09-02-2012, 09:10 AM
Well, I settled the "more torque" thing. I was going to look at a Suzuki Intruder 800 Saturday, and the friend at the HD dealer called Friday and talked me into making the 1 1/2 hour trip to look at a 2006 Sporty 883C just traded in with 55000 miles. The bike was almost perfect and the price was right, sooooooo, now I have a sporty again. GZ is still sitting on the patio with license and insurance and the sporty is sitting on the lift without until I get time to check it over a little better. Oh, and when I called the Intruder owners number to tell him I would not be coming, his wife/girlfriend answered the phone and was very happy, because she didn't want him to sell it!!

Water Warrior 2
09-02-2012, 09:59 AM
Congrats on the new sporty. Sounds like everyone came out as a winner.

09-02-2012, 10:17 AM
Well, I settled the "more torque" thing. I was going to look at a Suzuki Intruder 800 Saturday, and the friend at the HD dealer called Friday and talked me into making the 1 1/2 hour trip to look at a 2006 Sporty 883C just traded in with 55000 miles. The bike was almost perfect and the price was right, sooooooo, now I have a sporty again. GZ is still sitting on the patio with license and insurance and the sporty is sitting on the lift without until I get time to check it over a little better. Oh, and when I called the Intruder owners number to tell him I would not be coming, his wife/girlfriend answered the phone and was very happy, because she didn't want him to sell it!!

First suggested mod for you : Kuryakyn ISO grips !