View Full Version : Stalling Issues

07-09-2012, 12:05 AM
I have a '01 GZ with 10,625 miles that I bought used. I had fixed it up and it had been running good up until now. I had taken the gas tank off to get rid of some dirty gas and when I put it back on it and refilled the tank it had trouble starting and running. It will start and idle with the choke on for a minute or so but then it dies. With the choke off it will stay running if you give it some throttle but when I ride it and I roll off the throttle to slow down, it dies. I have heard that of air flow problems can cause such issues and the bike does have a gap where the exhaust pipe bolts screw in due to a crack from the previous owner and so the exhaust pipes won't completely tighten; however this hasn't really caused any trouble before so I was wondering if this had anything to do with it or is something else wrong?

07-09-2012, 03:59 AM
Try the idle screw on the carbie, or carbie could be abit blocked up from the dirty gas. Either way, a clean wouldnt go a miss. I have to get around to doing mine.

Rookie Rider
07-10-2012, 12:24 AM
And add some barrymans B-12 or Seafoam in the gas tank with the fresh gas, bout half a can .

07-10-2012, 03:14 PM
I couldn't get it started the other day but I took the carb off and found two clogged jets so that my have been the problem but I will try adding something to the gas too.

07-10-2012, 04:20 PM
You'll find that the carb is the Achilles heel of the Gz. Frequent doses of carb cleaner in the tank, after you've cleared the jets, will help in a big way. I can't get carb cleaner, over here, but adding a fuel additive that is advertised as cleaning the carb & valves, has kept it running perfectly for the past five years. :2tup:

07-10-2012, 05:45 PM
The dose of that stuff is 1 oz/gal of gas, maybe go up to 2 oz/gal as an initial treatment. Too much of either will make the bike run like crap. More is not necessarily better. Add it to every 3 or 4 tankfuls depending on how much you use the bike.

07-15-2012, 06:18 PM
Sorry it took so long to answer. I got it running good after cleaning the carb and using a 4 ounce bottle of Red Line complete fuel system cleaner (the only thing the store near me had) in a full tank of gas and adjusting the idle sped. Thanks for all the advice!