View Full Version : chain lube frequency

07-02-2012, 03:59 PM
How often should the chain be lubed?

07-02-2012, 04:16 PM
How often should the chain be lubed?
Chain should be cleaned & lubed every 1000 Km (600 miles)
:) :cool:

07-02-2012, 04:40 PM
Any recommended products that work good? :) I don't really feel like going to the Suzuki dealer to ask to buy the specific Suzuki brand recommended in the manual. But maybe I should. Hoping there is a satisfactory brand I can buy cheaper at the auto parts store. Thanks in advance! :)

07-02-2012, 09:25 PM
Any recommended products that work good? :) I don't really feel like going to the Suzuki dealer to ask to buy the specific Suzuki brand recommended in the manual. But maybe I should. Hoping there is a satisfactory brand I can buy cheaper at the auto parts store. Thanks in advance! :)
No need to pay for Suzuki specific brands.I always had good luck with PJ1 chain lube.It's reasonable priced & works well as a cable lube also.

http://s16.postimage.org/weqlhbkwx/pj1_blue_label_chain_lube.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/weqlhbkwx/)

:) :cool:

07-02-2012, 09:41 PM
Great! Thanks!

07-03-2012, 03:58 PM

I've used this device (Loobman Chain Oiler) which was fairly cheap (about $30 including shipping) easy to install, and it works. I got over 44,000 miles out of my OEM chain. I used a blend of 80 wt gear lube and 10W-40 motor oil and gave the bottle a squeeze about every 100-150 miles. Sure beat getting down on the floor and cleaning and lubing the chain every weekend.

07-04-2012, 11:46 PM
thanks blaine for the oil lube info. great help.

07-10-2012, 09:54 PM
I found the Spector SX brand chain wax superior to the others I tried including the one recommended by the Suzuki dealer. It cost $10 and is carried by the Yamaha dealers and can be ordered on line. It is parafin based and does not splatter all over the place like the PJ1 does. I cleaned the gunk build up off the wheels, frame members, fender and chain with kerosene and have used it for the last 3000 miles without the mess.

07-10-2012, 10:41 PM
I found the Spector SX brand chain wax superior to the others I tried including the one recommended by the Suzuki dealer. It cost $10 and is carried by the Yamaha dealers and can be ordered on line. It is parafin based and does not splatter all over the place like the PJ1 does. I cleaned the gunk build up off the wheels, frame members, fender and chain with kerosene and have used it for the last 3000 miles without the mess.
I have used PJ1 for years.If used correctly it doesn't splatter or make a mess.When you apply,use sparingly & wait 15 mins for it to gell.I never once had it fling off the chain.I also use it as a cable lube.

08-29-2012, 06:44 PM
I use the Bel-Ray Super Clean Chain Lube. I used to lube the chain by myself but it was a lot of work to spray the chain, get on the bike, move it, spray the chain, get back on the bike, move it, etc. By the time I was done, I was halfway across the parking lot beside my house. I've gotten married since I bought the bike and joined the forums and luckily my wife loves motorcycles. Now I get her to get her to get on the bike and move it for me and the job goes a lot faster. It also makes washing, waxing and applying Armor All a lot easier too :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
08-29-2012, 07:02 PM
I use the Bel-Ray Super Clean Chain Lube. I used to lube the chain by myself but it was a lot of work to spray the chain, get on the bike, move it, spray the chain, get back on the bike, move it, etc. By the time I was done, I was halfway across the parking lot beside my house. I've gotten married since I bought the bike and joined the forums and luckily my wife loves motorcycles. Now I get her to get her to get on the bike and move it for me and the job goes a lot faster. It also makes washing, waxing and applying Armor All a lot easier too :2tup:
Do a search on the forum and look for home built axle stands. They will make the job a lot quicker and easier.

Anybody have a link for that please.

10-01-2012, 10:05 AM
Regarding PJ1, I stand corrected.

Water Warrior 2
10-01-2012, 12:17 PM
Regarding Fling from chain lubes. I found much of it flings off the front sprocket and is collected under the sprocket cover. An inspection every 3rd or 4th oil change is not a bad idea. Be prepared for an ugly mess 1st time round. After changing to DuPont with Teflon as a lube there was very little fling after 25,000kms of riding.

07-21-2013, 01:00 AM
well here I go use the suzuki chain lub spray 8oz or 17 oz can & acan of motol street chain lub
& wd 40 spray take the sprocket cover off 3 bolts & the chain guard off raise up the bike so the rear tire
is off the ground put a rag under the chain spray wd40 on the chrome wheel & wipe it off now
its clean the chain spray the chain bottom in the middle of it & rotate the wheel at the same time
take a paper towel fold it so its small hold it close to the top of the rear sprocket not toutching it
turn the wheel forward & watch the lube strings been pulled catch the strings with the paper towel
white one is better to see it fly off than spray a little of the mototol spray lub on the sides of the links spin tire a little wipe off the swing arm fender & the chain damper top and bottom put the covers back on done 1st time took me 1.75 hrs now takes only 30 to 45 min I do it after every ride

07-21-2013, 02:32 AM
I do it after every ride

Your trollness tends to amuse on occasions.

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2013, 12:40 PM
His T-shirt reads "I'm a Legend in my own Mind".

07-21-2013, 08:09 PM
mrgz250 is Clueless

07-21-2013, 11:55 PM
if Iam clueless than why are you asking help with the gz250 & dont ask for information
tech or other so keep bashing mine & what is said is mint condition new 13.5 yrs old I +
i dont use make shift tools factory only so keep it up u guys need the help

Water Warrior 2
07-22-2013, 01:05 AM
if Iam clueless than why are you asking help with the gz250 & dont ask for information
tech or other so keep bashing mine & what is said is mint condition new 13.5 yrs old I +
i dont use make shift tools factory only so keep it up u guys need the help
Have you noticed no one is asking you for help.