View Full Version : Octane, carb cleaner and wind

10-01-2007, 06:25 PM
I used to use gas with octane 87 in my bike and carb cleaner then a guy at the dealership told me not to use the carb cleaner insted use the gas with octane 93. With octane 93 the ride is smooth and noise level is low. I get the same mileage with 87 and 93. So I dont see any difference in mileage. Wind is a factor. During those days when we had 'air stagnant advisories' I got above average milage for my bike just because there was less air resistance. :)

Easy Rider
10-01-2007, 08:06 PM
I used to use gas with octane 87 in my bike and carb cleaner then a guy at the dealership told me not to use the carb cleaner insted use the gas with octane 93. With octane 93 the ride is smooth and noise level is low. I get the same mileage with 87 and 93. So I dont see any difference in mileage. Wind is a factor. During those days when we had 'air stagnant advisories' I got above average milage for my bike just because there was less air resistance. :)

1) There is nothing to be gained by using carb cleaner ALL the time. It might, in fact, cause it to run slightly worse.

2) There is (usually) nothing to be gained when using a higher octane than necessary either. The change in engine smoothness and noise level might just be because you stopped using the carb cleaner!!

Give 87 or 89 a shot again. I'll bet you don't notice any difference.

3) Above about 35 mph, wind resistance is the biggest factor in fuel economy. A windshield will actually cut down on the wind resistance........if it is properly mounted and not too big. It has less drag than your upper body.

10-01-2007, 09:08 PM
Sometimes an engine will get a lot of carbon build up in the engine. This causes the compression ration to be a bit higher. In some engines when this happens the higher octane fuel works better. I have a truck that does this.

My wifes GZ250 ran ragged when we first got it. The PO had never ridden it out on town. I fixed the problem by filling the tank and riding where I could ride WOT until I hit reserve. Filled up and took it home. It's worked fine since.

Blowing the carbon out. :)