View Full Version : Whats your max speed (flat)
06-25-2012, 08:54 PM
Hello, I've been stalking these forums for a while now, and I feel like my bike is a bit slower than many of the numbers I read here (granted not by much).
So, What are the max speeds (no incline or decline) your bike can reach in a reasonable amount of time (under 20 seconds or so in 5th gear), and what is you max downhill speed.
Also, I am not yet a very mechanically inclined person (getting better every day though), but what relatively simple things could I do to coax an extra 5-10 mph or so out of the bike all around (I'd like to be able to go along at 60-65 a bit more smoothly (I plan on installing the 16t front sprocket soon (which will help a bit with the smoothness and speed on the flats and downhill, but reduce my uphill speed a bit in 5th? (In theory, shouldn't it add ~2-3 mph on flats?)), but beyond that, what easy things can help?
I am aware of the performance mod section here, but I don't yet understand what some of them actually effect.
I am 5'10" at 175lbs, the wheels are stock, my 'average' max speed is about ~62 mph (struggles to keep up at 55 at anything more than an incline), the fastest I have been able to get it (downhill, wind at my back) was 74mph.
The GZ that I had would do 75 + everyday.
You can wind it out in 4th and should be around 70.
A 16 tooth sprocket will not give you more top end speed.
06-26-2012, 08:20 AM
My max was right around 80mph +/-.
Your bike can go faster than 62mph. Don't be afraid to work it up a little bit. For a thumper, these bikes are pretty rev-happy.
If you have any questions about the performance mods section, just spit it out. There are some areas where common-knowledge items are left off, but we'd be more than happy to explain those to you. That being said, this bike is only ever going to go so fast. You'll never hit 90 mph on a GZ250. 16T front sprocket, intake and exhaust mods with proper jetting will net you 80mph... same as factory.
If you want to do anything, make sure your tires are aired up, your oil is fresh and filled, your chain is adjusted and, if you really want, raise the needle jet slightly to increase fuel flow in the mid range.
06-26-2012, 12:03 PM
Mine can do 80+ also. My bike is all hacked up, 16T front sprocket, 18” rear wheel with 38T sprocket, Main jet to 145, needle shimmed, straight pipe, open air filter etc. I have a digital bike speedo which I guess I need to properly calibrate. I was cruising at 65mph comfortably with some throttle left and was told later that we were doing 70+.
I also recently joined a bike run of about 30+ riders. My bike was the smallest displacement and was keeping up comfortably with the rest of them. In my opinion they were flying!!!
Here’s the vid from the run. At around 0:46 (tail end), that’s me creeping up from the bottom-left of the video… tank with orange stripe. ... ata_player (
06-26-2012, 12:28 PM
Hey cool vid, man!
06-26-2012, 12:35 PM
That was so much fun! I'm ready for another.. :)
Water Warrior 2
06-26-2012, 10:01 PM
You were certainly travelling with some fast company. I'll bet some of the other rides were surprised at the GZ.
07-03-2012, 09:30 PM
After lowering my 2005 gz, using open ended exhaust, open carb, really low salt flat style handle bars, slimmer sportster gas tank, no speedo, no fairings or plastics, no fendersfeet on my rear pegs, chin to the tank, open smooth road, 100 low lead fuel(avgas) .. I hit 95 mph. Of course with my buddy next to me on his sportsbike tracking my speed. :lol: :rawk:
07-06-2012, 12:24 PM
140 main jet
needle shim
open air filter
16T sprocket
cruse 75Mi flat 80+
07-06-2012, 11:46 PM
I just recently bought a 2001 with low miles. I have gotten it up to 75 on flat smooth road. and chickened out at 81 going down a long hill. it maxed at 68 going up a medium incline. i think with a long stretch of smooth road i could hit 80 on flat ground. this is all stock with a light pack and i weigh 146 with my gear and my helmet.
07-13-2012, 10:32 AM
I ride the smaller engined version of the GZ with a revvy 125cc, and it will cruise at 75 happily, well i say happily it sounds more like its eating baby chihuahuas! but for a 125 its not half nippy!
I only weigh 8.5 stone though which is about 119 pounds to you Americans!
07-13-2012, 11:13 AM
125 indicated with plenty of throttle left, oh wait, that was my vtx 1300. GZ-75mph.
07-13-2012, 01:14 PM
Your VTX 1300 Has a bigger engine than my car! But then again I never need to go over 75, wasted on me!
07-14-2012, 10:05 PM
Thought I would update you guys.
Anyway, I the clutch cable snap today when I was out of town with my family, so I used a pair of vice grips clamped on the cable so I could get it home. Anyway, I had them follow me home in their car to make sure nothing else went wrong and ended up taking the highway since there were fewer stops.
The point of me telling you this is because when we got back I asked what my average speed was and they said around 70 up hills, and hitting 82-85 going downhill. My speedometer was saying 76 was my max speedand 65 up hills. So, I guess my bike actually is going correct speeds, the speedometer is just more than the 3-4 mph off I was thinking, and is actually closer to 6-7 mph slow.
This means my "Happy flat cruise speed" is roughly 74-75 mph, right where it should be. I just never thought my speedometer would be that far off.
Thanks for the comments!
PS: Anybody know a place online where I can order the new clutch cable that is reasonably priced and wont cost me an arm and a leg in shipping?
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