View Full Version : Sold bike... Buyer picking up tonight

06-07-2012, 07:26 PM
So, i just sold my GZ. I sold it last weekend and received a deposit of $500. He is on his way here tonight and is planning on riding it home. Here's where it gets tricky. He is an out of state buyer. I already took care of the title on my end at the local tag and title place. The buyer is NOT a strong rider at all (he was shaky as hell on the test drive. Never got out of first, and stalled it 2 times). I am getting the rest of the money tonight and am wondering what my liability is if he wrecks it on his way home. It's an hour and a half drive on a 55 mph highway. I told him that it's not a good idea, but he wants to do it anyway. I should add that he did show me his completion card from the MSP he took.

What should I do?

iPhone post

06-07-2012, 08:32 PM
Sell him the bike. If he took the course and got an endorsement on his driver's license, you should not be liable for an accident on the way home. I would talk to him seriously first, maybe give him a few pointers or lessons before he leaves. No one else is coming with him who could ride it home, or he can't comer with a trailer? Ask him to call you when he gets home if you are that worried (mostly about the bike probably).

06-07-2012, 08:40 PM
I emailed him this week and said that a trailer or a truck would be best to take it home. He said that he was renting a van. He called before he left and said that he took the van back and is coming with his wife. He'll ride it home and she'll follow.

I am worried about both him and the motorcycle. Him more. My selfish reason for asking is because I don't want to be held liable for the cost of the motorcycle or be sued by his wife in the event of him wrecking it and hurting himself.

Good idea about giving him some pointers. I will talk to him before he leaves. Not only is this his first road experience on a bike (from what I know), his first experience is on a highway at night. Hopefully he rides around the neighborhood before he gets to the highway.

06-07-2012, 09:15 PM
You don't need to worry. He is assuming the liability in riding the bike. Your responsibility is to execute the documents for proper transfer of title. make certain you put "as is" and "no warranties" on bill of sale as well as "final sale." Hopefully he has his own tags and you are taking your plates off of the bike. If he doesn't insure the bike prior to riding it then it is no different than getting it from a dealer. You take a loss if you crash. You can't stop him from riding once he assumes ownership of the bike. I get what you're saying, people sue for anything and everything. I practice law in Ohio, not in Pennsylvania, but I can't imagine this being a successful cause of action. Hopefully he listens and your tips help him. Some folks just don't listen to sound advice.

Rookie Rider
06-08-2012, 01:09 AM
I hope the buyer gets home safe, congrats on the sale tho.

Water Warrior 2
06-08-2012, 01:10 AM
That does sound a little scary for a new rider but hopefully he will make it home safely. Hopefully you get a call to confirm a safe ride home.

06-08-2012, 10:17 AM
Got an email from him stating he made it home safe with no problems. He's got bigger stones than I do.

I miss the bike already

iPhone post

06-08-2012, 10:29 AM
So we're all glad it worked out well. for everybody.

Rookie Rider
06-08-2012, 11:57 AM
Crazy bastard, glad hes safe.

06-09-2012, 11:08 PM
That's good news that he is safe. I had a long highway drive when I first got the Beast and I had the dealer deliver it. I didn't want anyone else to ride it before I did, but I wasn't willing to jeopardize my safety (or my bike) in riding above my skills level.