View Full Version : Dead spot in acceleration

06-06-2012, 12:12 PM
When accelerating slowly I reach a spot where the engine falters, I can accelerate past that point but wonder the cause. I'm on my third tank with carb cleaner mixed in. Any thoughts? Hits in 1st at about 12- 15 mph

06-06-2012, 12:58 PM
I don't really recall 1st gear being good for much after 12mph anyway, honestly. Once you get moving, you should go ahead and bump it into second.

If this issue isn't showing up at other road or engine speeds, then I would wager that your carb is good and clean and you have nothing to worry about. 3 tanks of gas with carb cleaner and that thing should be spic and span.

Rookie Rider
06-06-2012, 03:48 PM
Yeah, i dont go much in first gear. I take off and go maybe 10 mph or 10 feet, then kick it up to 2nd gear. 1st gear sux.

06-06-2012, 04:36 PM
Yeah, i dont go much in first gear. I take off and go maybe 10 mph or 10 feet, then kick it up to 2nd gear. 1st gear sux.
16T front sprocket fixes that problem nicely. :biggrin: :)

06-06-2012, 05:08 PM
When accelerating slowly I reach a spot where the engine falters, I can accelerate past that point but wonder the cause. I'm on my third tank with carb cleaner mixed in. Any thoughts? Hits in 1st at about 12- 15 mph

Exactly what do you mean by "falters" ? Is the behavior consistent every time you open the throttle or intermittent ?, we need more specific and descriptive details, remember we are looking at a computer screen not riding your bike, nor can we listen to the engine rev.

06-06-2012, 09:57 PM
Oh come on guys... specifics????

I have done the 16t sprocket. And all are correct 1st is weak. Falters as in it reaches that point where the prudent "in no rush" rider is shifting anyway - approx. same throttle position for each gear and it acts starved for gas... but, if you twist just a hair it picks back up and takes off. Hit it like you just realized there's a truck behind you and there is no hesitation.

Maybe at 75 mpg and easy riding I should quit nit picking and just enjoy it.

06-06-2012, 10:27 PM
Now the description of you problem reads like "if I open my throttle to a certain position, the engine will accelerate but at a certain point it will not go any faster. Then, when I open the throttle further, it will accelerate again". :roll:

Yes, enjoy the ride! :2tup:

06-07-2012, 08:58 AM
Oh come on guys... specifics????

I have done the 16t sprocket. And all are correct 1st is weak. Falters as in it reaches that point where the prudent "in no rush" rider is shifting anyway - approx. same throttle position for each gear and it acts starved for gas... but, if you twist just a hair it picks back up and takes off. Hit it like you just realized there's a truck behind you and there is no hesitation.

Maybe at 75 mpg and easy riding I should quit nit picking and just enjoy it.

It sounds like you're just hitting the flatline between what the gear can do and how much air and gas you are pouring into the engine. If you were to do this for each gear, you'll find that flat spot will be at different speeds, but it's essentially the same thing.

If you are really concerned about it and think maybe we are all nuts and don't understand what you're saying, I would check your vacuum hoses for possible aging and give the air filter a once over. But other than that, I think it's just that "dead spot" that exists on any vehicle in all gears, but at different speeds and throttle positions.

Rookie Rider
06-07-2012, 10:24 AM
Blain, i would do the 16t, but im on the highway alot.

06-07-2012, 10:49 AM
Blain, i would do the 16t, but im on the highway alot.

She'll still pull 70 with the 16T. And if you've jetted your new exhaust right, you might get even more power on the top end. With a rich main jet and almost full throttle, you should be purring right along.

06-07-2012, 03:21 PM
I haven't jetted the carb. How much error have you guys noticed in the speedo? I drove past a radar box yesterday at 48 on the speedo - box showed I was only going 37 mph. There is another box set up about 10 miles from the house - going to run by there on my ride this afternoon and check it. IF I'm staying steady with surrounding traffic, it must not be that far off.

Water Warrior 2
06-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Speedos can be out as much as 7%. This is quite common with Suzuki. Radar boxes will pick up a slower cage far behind you before they recognize a smaller bike. I even notice the boxes picking up a large SUV behind my Ranger when the SUV is gaining on me. Apparently size does make a difference. :whistle:

06-07-2012, 04:01 PM
Speedos can be out as much as 7%.

In England, speedos can be legally out by 10%.

Water Warrior 2
06-07-2012, 06:23 PM
Speedos can be out as much as 7%.

In England, speedos can be legally out by 10%.
I would imagine that applies to speedos reading 10 % higher than actual speed. If the opposite were true then everyone would be getting tickets for speeding and have to fight it in court. At least the odometers on bikes are much more accurate than speedos.
Speedos in cages are usually within 1% so I can only assume bike speedos are inaccurate to protect us from our own foolishness. A better speedo can be bought for a bicycle and put on a motorcycle and have awesome accuracy.

Rookie Rider
06-09-2012, 12:16 AM
Jonathan, i bought the jet but it doesnt have a slot for the flathead screwdriver. See the post where you explained to me how to jet, the one titled, "i did it, i cut my muffler off and added a new one".

06-09-2012, 07:47 AM
Jonathan, i bought the jet but it doesnt have a slot for the flathead screwdriver. See the post where you explained to me how to jet, the one titled, "i did it, i cut my muffler off and added a new one".
These jets can be installed with a small socket (8 mm I think).
:cool: :)

06-11-2012, 03:54 PM

In addition, I would check your clutch cable slack. It sounds like an issue I had a couple times due to over tightening the clutch cable.

Keep us posted.