View Full Version : Windshield
05-30-2012, 07:11 PM
I'm thinking of getting this windshield: ... ef=lh_ni_t (
I like the wider shape than most other windshields in that price range. From the photos of the mounting hardware, it looks like it would fit on the GZ250, and be fairly solid.
05-30-2012, 08:03 PM
Hi! I've never seen that shield but it looks fantastic! Great hand protection, which is just what you need for cold weather. I was worried about the HD having 1" bars, but it says it includes 7/8" hardware and seems to be a universal kit, so I can't see what could possibly go wrong. That and the price is right!
Post up some pics when/if you pick that one.
Water Warrior 2
05-31-2012, 01:21 AM
That is a really wide shield. 35 in vs 28 for the GZ bars.
05-31-2012, 10:07 AM
It's also 20" tall. Probably too high for you unless you are 6'-6'2". It's better to have the top of the shield just below eye height than to be looking through it,
Memphis Shades (the Malibu), Plexistar, SlipStreamer (SS28), all make shields like that with extended handguards that will fit the GZ.
05-31-2012, 04:29 PM
Also, go back on Amazon and look at the other windshields of that brand, there is a selection to choose from. I was thinking of getting a windshield for my bike, but they cost more than I wanted to pay, until I read the OP and clicked the link. That brand costs less then those brand names mentioned by mrlmd1, so I wonder about the quality. But I am interested, and might just order one.
The one I am thinking about (for my Shadow) is: ... sbs_auto_1 (
LATER: I did some research and found that some windshields are made of acrylic (less shatter resistance and not DOT approved). The low-cost windshields on Amazon don't state what they are made of. I'm not going to get one of those after all.
06-24-2012, 02:53 PM
So I ended up taking your advice and looking at the other windshields, and I ended up getting this one: ... sbs_auto_7 (
I figured the other one would be too big and might look funny. It might also be like trying to push a brick wall down the road, aerodynamically speaking.
It came with all the necessary parts. I needed two allen keys and a crescent wrench to install it. It took about 15 minutes with just me doing it. The hardware is very versatile in terms of positioning and configurations. I got it set up the way I figured I'd like it, tightened all the nuts and bolts, and set out on a test drive.
One thing I noticed right away when I got up to about 70-80kph, was a high frequency vibration on my helmet (a Bell Revolver modular) - it felt like my eyeballs would rattle out of their sockets. It was a bit better with the visor closed, but still noticeable. I stopped a few times and adjusted the angle and height of the windshield, but so far everything I try results in the helmet-shake. The windshield itself is solid and not shaking at all. When I duck my head down below the top of the windshield, the vibrating stops.
Does anyone have any tips for how to best mount a windshield? This is my first time. Should it be up high? Rest on the headlight? Should it be almost vertical? What should I be looking for?
Water Warrior 2
06-24-2012, 05:55 PM
Ah, the dreaded helmet buffeting gremlin.
A common postion for the angle of the shield is it should pretty much match the angle of the forks. Try that first and take a test ride. Buffeting will/will not be there to some degree. Next lower the shield to it's lowest point and see how that works. Experiment by raising the shield to find the best position for least buffeting.
Common advice is to be looking just over the top of the shield rather than through it.
You may find that almost nothing really works for you. Do not dispair. It just might be you. LOL. Yeah really. Do you have a different helmet to try? Some helmets are your own worst enemy in the wind. Ask me how I know.
Sometimes you may be better off with the entire helmet in the airflow.
Also, do you ride with your knees gripping the tank for a cleaner body shape cutting the wind? That will possibly alter the air flow in general and yield different results.
Another thought. Is the shield mounted as close to you and the bike as possible? The closer the shield the better the chance of you actually sitting in a bubble of nonturbulant air flow. All in all a windshield is a crap shoot with winners and loosers. Experiment for best results. You can never be totally out of any air flow without doors and a roof.
Let us know what happens after experimenting.
06-24-2012, 06:59 PM
In addition to what WW said how high is the windshield? If it's too low (short) then your head winds up right in the turbulance from the air the windshield is throwing up. You want the air stream to go up and over your helmet. As mentioned, the top of the windshiled should be at the bridge of your nose.
06-24-2012, 07:19 PM
The angle of the windshield should match that of the forks (they should be parallel). Make tiny adjustments from there as a starting point.
Is the air coming from over the top of the windshield, or from behind and underneath, hitting your neck and chin?
06-24-2012, 07:34 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the responses.
The windshield is 17" from the headlight cutout to the top. I started with it right down on the headlight and pretty much parallel with the forks. Then I tried it further back and sitting on top of the speedo. From there I just kind of wiggled it around randomly between the highest and lowest point. Sadly, I'm getting the feeling WW may have it right by calling it a "gremlin" - could be very difficult to eradicate without just getting lucky with an angle that suddenly works...
I will try out all of your suggestions and report back.
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