View Full Version : Problem With Tailight !!!,,,,,,,,,

05-27-2012, 01:16 PM
Hello :biggrin: ,,, my tail light has stopped working but brake light works well, i did replace bulb. What could be the problem and how do i fix it ???,,, thanks :skull: fcontione@comcast.net

05-28-2012, 12:05 AM
Hello :biggrin: ,,, my tail light has stopped working but brake light works well, i did replace bulb. What could be the problem and how do i fix it ???,,, thanks :skull: fcontione@comcast.net

Well, it could be one of a few things. I am assuming that your headlight is working.
First, check the socket for corrosion. Then test the circuit to make sure the ground is good. You might even want to try another new bulb, sometimes (although rarely) you get a bad one.
Try these things, and write back if they don't fix your problem.

05-29-2012, 10:42 AM
Try measuring if you get ground and then if you get voltage from the other teminal. You might have some fuse blown too. or some of the relays .. check them because this does not really require too much technical skills and pretty much no specialized equipment except for the multimeter :)

05-29-2012, 02:21 PM
You can't tell if a bulb is ok or not, just by looking at it. Last week one of the headlight bulbs in my car failed. When I removed it, the filament appeared to be unbroken, but when I put my meter across the bulb terminals it was definitely open circuit. So, just do a quick test across the bulb, to make sure the new one's ok. :2tup:

05-30-2012, 06:34 PM
Hello :biggrin: ,,, my tail light has stopped working but brake light works well, i did replace bulb. What could be the problem and how do i fix it ???,,, thanks :skull: fcontione@comcast.net

Do you have a test light ? If not get one they are extremely handy ! ( and inexpensive). If you look inside the bulb housing you will see 2 small brass buttons. These are the two 12V + feeds to the bulb. One button should show voltage as soon as you put the key on (park light), and the other should not show voltage until you press the brakes(brake light). attatch the alligator clip (- end) of the test light to a clean metal frame ground, and use the test light probe (+ end) to touch the buttons. Your "park" circut is the one that's the issue. If the button for the park circuit has no voltage, simply follow the wire back to the next available plug in the wiring harness, check for voltage at the plug. This method is how you chase down a broken connection. I'm thinking the bulb socket is corroded. When you install your new bulb, always smear some dielectric grease on the base of the bulb this prohibits moisture intrusion.

Rookie Rider
05-31-2012, 08:32 AM
Very nice Road Clam.