View Full Version : And yet another 16t sprocket post

05-26-2012, 06:10 PM
I'm in NW Florida, sea level, flat highways, beautiful white sand, topaz blue water.. it's rough living here :tongue: ! Last Saturday I ordered the 16t sprocket, came yesterday, installed soon as I got home. First trial on commute to work today.

At lower speeds, the improvement is amazing. The gears run out longer, and on the highway the rpms are lower, less noise - no screaming engine at 55-60 mph.

Top acceleration point is 65 mph WOT... if you have room and no head wind it will continue to climb (very slowly). This is fine with me, I prefer 50-55 mph and if that's not fast enough.... :fu: pass me. I anticipate mpg to pass where i am now at 75mpg.

I'm thinking this is a good thing for the flat lands, the 15t is the best general one size fits all and for those who live in rough terrain maybe the 14t high torque would be best. I'll be storing the 15t for the future. Taking 135+ mile ride in the morning, we'll see how it does on the few hills I'll encounter.

Thanks for all the very informative posts on this mod. You guys are.. maybe not the best... but, pretty darn good :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
05-26-2012, 08:22 PM
Sounds good to me. Longer lower gears are nice around town and in lessly populated areas. A slight incline at your speeds will bog down the engine in 5th but that is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. That is why 4th gear is there. Most folks try regearing once at least.
I regeared a dirt bike to go slower way back when. My 650 Vstrom has an added tooth up front and is very nice to toddle around town. However I don't often get into 6th gear on the highway as it is pretty fast if I want to maintain the lower part of the power band. This applies to my local roads. Out on the prairies with a higher speed limit the bike in 6th is happy and so am I. I do have a personal limit for top speed though. An indicated 140 kph(87 mph) is an actual speed of 81 mph and that is plenty fast for my thrill factor.

05-27-2012, 01:01 PM
bpdchief, I have been looking at my 16T for months, I thank you for your report. I got the bike for my wife. We live in Daytona Beach. She only rides around town and we hope to ride from Key Largo to Key West in October. After reading your post, I am going to give the 16T a try.

Be Safe JIM

Rookie Rider
05-28-2012, 01:16 AM
I kinda wanna 16t when a get my new chain, i do highway sometimes so im not sure. 1st and 2nd gear really suck with the 15t

05-29-2012, 12:57 PM
i have 16t, 140 main jet, 2.5 turns on the pilot, and unrestricted air cleaner.
i can cruse 70 to 75mi and with good condition 80mi

Rookie Rider
05-29-2012, 09:05 PM
Theres barely any good conditions in New York. Lol