View Full Version : Front fork fluid - small leak from dust seal

05-19-2012, 07:01 PM
After parking, I noticed a few fork fluid drips are coming from the front fork dust seal at the top of the outer tube. Is the cause likely a bad oil seal stopper ring? Any other ideas? This is the one that was in storage for three years. 220 miles on the odometer. Any guess as to what a shop will charge?


Water Warrior 2
05-19-2012, 11:11 PM
I think "I" would be tempted just to wipe off the drops and keep riding. After being parked for that length of time the seals may be dried out and a bit of leakage and exercise may be help bring them back to life. If not, then you have choices to make.
The only time I had fork leaks they were due to bent forks and hard landings off road. I removed the forks and had a shop repair them. Yeah, I took the easy way but it was worth it to me.

05-19-2012, 11:13 PM
Hi I would definitely try to use seal mates first: http://sealmate.net/

I had a quite substantial leak on my VX on the right fork: every time I shoved the front suspension down, I'd see fluid run down the fork from that side. Ordered up the seal mate and just slid it around the fork a few times, as per the directions, and there is absolutely no leak any more.

Apparently the majority of fork seal leaks come from tiny bits of grime or dirt or insect casings that get between the fork and the seal. This swipes them out.

Anyway, I hope it works out good for you. If not, I looked on cl and found a guy who did motorcycle work in my area who offered to do it for 60 bucks, so you might check craigslist in your area. I imagine a shop would be closer to 200? but I'm not certain.

05-20-2012, 12:30 AM
I just ordered the Seal Mate on Amazon. The website had a great video. I am very optimistic and I will hold off taking it to a shop. Nothing but 220 street miles, nothing unusual that would bottom out or damage a shock.

For the record, what are the seals made of? Would they tend to rot like a tire might, after sitting idle for three years?

Thanks for all the suggestions.

05-20-2012, 05:50 AM
They're kind of multi-material, but mainly sort of a steel ring wrapped in rubber. I do imagine they might rot a bit but I imagine, like Water Warrior said, it's just as likely that once the oil gets around them the seals will rehydrate and be a lot better. It is kind of unnerving, though, to see your suspension leaking I know, but I rode mine to work and back a couple of times before I got the sealmates and everything seems fine.

06-15-2013, 10:43 PM
Hi all. So I noticed this morning an ugly splatty puddle under my left fork area. When I bought the bike, the owner infomed me that a shop had told him the fork seals would need to be replaced "sometime." I have only put 24 miles on the bike, and I have no idea how many he put on. So my question is, is this something a non mechanical person like me can fix, or am I better off taking it someone who knows what they are doing. Also, is it safe to ride with this issue? Or willit only make it worse or be dangerous?

06-25-2013, 08:47 AM
Have you tried the above mentioned techniques, like Sealmate?