View Full Version : Carburator Rebuild Kits??

09-23-2007, 05:28 AM
I'm having trouble with my bike running. Its sluggish through all gears, especially trying for higher RPM s. I have a feeling its the Carburetor, so I'm wondering if theres a company out there that sells a rebuild kit. It looks in good condition, just probably need new o-rings and a float. If someone can help me thanks.

09-23-2007, 08:25 AM
First of all, clean the carburettor with compressed air or better with a carburettor cleaning spray, specially the jets, and then check if you still need a rebuild kit. Sometimes those jets get -partially- blocked by dirt or by the own "residues" of the gasoline evaporation.
A rebuild kit has joints and membranes that maybe you don't need at all, and I think that no company builds it for our bikes. Old O-rings and bad float won't make the bike sluggish, but it'll make some jerks.

Keep in mind that a -too- lean mixture is smooth running but sluggish, while a -too- rich mixture causes jerks. Also, a bad float will leave you without gasoline at the float chamber, so the bike will look like you're out of gas.

Easy Rider
09-23-2007, 12:02 PM
so I'm wondering if theres a company out there that sells a rebuild kit.

Maybe Suzuki........maybe available at a Suzuki dealer ???? :roll:

What year? How many miles??
Air filter clean?
Age on spark plug??
Drained carb bowl lately??

I think I'd try carb cleaner in gas first (easier, cheaper).
Original Gumout or Berrymans B12 are good.

09-24-2007, 03:29 AM
Thanks for the replies. Well i have new gas and i have already taken the carb apart and cleaned it with carb cleaner. i may take it apart again and inspect the o-rings and needle jets and anything else i think can go wrong. My bikes a 2001 with about i think 60000 miles, i dunno though. New air cleaner, spark plug, and oil change. I may want to take the head off and look at the valves. If nothing else ill buy a new carb. Thanks

09-25-2007, 01:37 PM
60,000 miles? Did you mean 6000? LOL

10-14-2007, 04:20 PM
Yeah sorry about not being on in a while, the bika actually has almost 13000 miles on it, I have the carb apart now, and will clean the heck out of it, ill update when im done.

01-14-2008, 12:21 PM
Here is a link to info re: fuel mixture and temperature / humidity effects

http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/techinfo/s ... country=US (http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/techinfo/spark_plugs/overviewp4.asp?nav=31000&country=US)