View Full Version : Help needed for inspecting bikes in the fort wayne area

05-02-2012, 01:34 AM
I'm about to buy my first bike ever. Unfortunately I don't know anybody who could help me inspect the motorcycle.

I was wondering if there are members on here which might be willing to help me check out a bike if I happen to find a bike close to them. I'd be willing to drive a couple of hours, so indianapolis, dayton, cincinatti, detroit and maybe chicago are also in my target area.

I'd promise not to hold it against them if something ends up being wrong with the bike. Id also be more then willing to offer help in a move or whatever in exchange. Im a pretty big guy...

05-02-2012, 04:05 PM
I'm nowhere near Indiana, but thought I'd mention that you might check on craigslist. I looked on there recently myself and found a really nice guy with 20 years+ experience working on bikes who was going to help me out with my bike for a very small price.

05-02-2012, 04:27 PM
Sounds like a good idea. How did you find him so, did you place an ad under motorbikes for sale?