View Full Version : Sprockets

04-16-2012, 02:00 PM
Hello guys!

After driving almost 1400km with my PimpSerS and after having info of my mechanic from the start that my almost 12 years old chain is good only for this season, i decided to buy a new set of sprockets and chain. I'm having a pretty good dela on chain and sprocket kit (Chain is DID x-ring).
Check the link and tell me if this kind of sprockets are good. They are metal ones and i believe the metal is the best.

http://www.esjot.com/en/sprockets-and-c ... dell=30243 (http://www.esjot.com/en/sprockets-and-chains/motorcycle.html?modell=30243)

May be i'm too cautious, but the slack is much beyond advisory of manual, and the chain is really bad, it moves side to side to a lot and having developed a true love to my bike and myself, i'm getting this thing done, even though the old chain and sprockets have made only 10k km. I'm thinking of making some distant trip in a month to sea side and broken chain or something like it, don't want to have these kind of problems on my road menu.
Next thing is crash bar and some minor accessories (ketten max, light visor...) :)

Any respond and comment of buying these sprockets are welcome, thank you!

04-16-2012, 03:46 PM
Have you tried adjusting the chain, to bring it into spec? :??: :)

Water Warrior 2
04-16-2012, 06:53 PM
Agree with Alantf. Try adjusting the chain to the proper specs. It should go quite a bit further if properly adjusted and lubed regularly. I am assuming the previous owner lubed the chain regularly but did not adjust it.
The DID chain is a good replacement when the time comes. Steel sprockets will last longer. You can use aluminum on the rear but the front would wear out far too soon if you use aluminum.

04-16-2012, 10:05 PM
The chain should last over 30000 km if properly maintained. I havw 34000 km on mine.

04-16-2012, 11:56 PM
Thanks guys!

About the chain, the chain maintenance during 11 years was more than bad. I believe it wasn't maintained at all. The links are after 3 good cleanings and 3 lubing as hard as they were. Even worse.

Water Warrior 2
04-17-2012, 03:19 AM
If the links do not move freely and tend to bind or freeze up in position you might be well adviced to replace it and the sprockets as soon as you can. That will allow time for the new parts to run in a bit and get the initial chain adjustment over with before your planned trip. The first adjustment comes fairly quick and then the intervals get longer until the chain is on it's last legs when adjustments are more often again.