View Full Version : will not take trottle

04-15-2012, 03:11 PM
hello everyone 2009 gz 250 .. ok i have put a new throttle diapham in becuase the bike store guy said that was the problem .. the bike idles fine.. but when given throttle it dies i have taken the carb off and cleaned it so many times.. and still no change.. if i put duck tape half way over the intake hole for the air filter the bike takes throttle but doesnt let me rev out 3rd fourth or 5th gear.. i took it apart again today (the carb) and noticed the needle jet was a very small hole so i switched it with the large hole jet and at first it worked fine but then as i was down the road it stopped taking throttle again.. i had to put it in first and idle it home.. so to re cap idles fine.. will not take throttle if the air filter hole the little opening when air filter is installed properly is covered about half way it will take throttle but will not let u rev out 3rd 4th or 5th gear. the pet cock is working fine.. any ideas...

04-15-2012, 04:50 PM
Have you checked the air filter itself for dirt?

Water Warrior 2
04-15-2012, 08:36 PM
Good idea. The filter must be removed and checked from the inside. The air flow is from the inside to the outside. A total reversal of the normal air filter flow.

04-17-2012, 12:45 PM
Filter is fine.. clean carbuator again and still will not take throttle if I choke it it will take throttle but will not idle .. I have all ready checked for a vacum leak and there isn't one. I had the bike running fine yesterday morning it was taking throttle and everything I let it sit for abaout three hours and bam back to not taking throttle ....help.....

04-19-2012, 04:44 PM
if I choke it it will take throttle but will not idle .. I have all ready checked for a vacum leak and there isn't one. I had the bike running fine yesterday morning it was taking throttle and everything I let it sit for abaout three hours and bam back to not taking throttle ....help.....

Try to get a consistant pattern of when the bike runs ok, and when the engine will not rev. Either your engine is starving for fuel, or it's getting too much. A clue to what your engine is doing (or not) is the fact you commented you need to use the choke to get the engine to rev. The choke add raw fuel into the engine when the knob is pulled out. So your choke is adding the necessary fuel your engine needs, when the normal internal carb jets are not allowing fuel flow. A very common problem is debris clogging the jets from the newer E10 fuel. When you say "i cleaned the carb" to what extent did you clean the carb ? IMO pulling off the carb bowl and spraying Gummout carb clean does NOT signify truly "cleaning the carb". You need to completely dissasemble and remove all the jets , and the fuel screw, then use carb clean and hign pressure compressed air. I'm almost positive you still have a dirt clogged pilot jet and or needle jet...

I just cleaned a Harley carb for a friend who's bike would start, not idle and not rev. All's it was was bad gas (from not using fuel stabilizer) rust and debris in the carb bowl, and a clogged pilot jet. Fresh gas, clean jets, and the bike runs mint !

Water Warrior 2
04-19-2012, 08:57 PM
Always use a top tier gas also. It will contain techron or it's equivalent for cleaning purposes. I was using a lesser quality gas in my Vstrom for a short time and the Fuel Injection started throwing codes and the bike didn't run quite as well. Switched back to Chevron and the bike straighten out it's act. I think I was very lucky it was not a tear the FI down kind of fix.