View Full Version : Choke

04-06-2012, 01:10 PM
Do I need to use the choke each time I start the bike?

04-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Generally yes, unless maybe it 85-90 degrees outside, and if you haven't messed with needles and rejetting the carb to make it run richer than factory settings. That's the way these work. It is not a choke like the butterfly valve in an auto carburetor, but is an "enricher circuit". supplying more gas for the startup. More choke is needed for the colder the temp is, less if it's warmer, but most of the time yes. If you have ridden the bike for a while and only rest it for a few hours, then maybe you won't need the choke to start it again - but at least for the first time in the morning, you will need it. Read the owner's manual, and there's nothing macho about not having to use the choke to start the bike, it's normal operating procedure.
The more you use your bike, the more familiar you will become about how much you need and when to use it. In moderate weather start out with about 1/2 way. If it won't start up in 2-3 secs., use a little more and try again.

Water Warrior 2
04-06-2012, 03:56 PM
Also you will have to slowly reduce the amount of choke as the engine warms up and the idle speed increases. As previously mentioned, use the bike and get used to it. The GZ will generally start up with the first jab at the start button after you get comfy with it.

04-07-2012, 02:50 PM

I use choke when i start the bike in the morning, but after running idle for about 30 seconds i start to move choke to zero (even though the choke was not set to maximum, let's say 3/4), cause engine is working ok, without caughing soundish like, just goes smooth. Maybe i have too much idle throttle? Also, i don't find any problems with engine capabilities during the first minutes of operating, when the engine is only warm, not hot. It goes smoothly, doesn't have any problems in running at the stops in the crossroad...
Let's say that i hate hearing engine running too rich or opposite, that is running like it's tiring for engine to run. Is it bad if I have set the idle throttle too rich?
Temperature in my garage in the morning is about 11 to 16 degrees of celsius. My mechanic said that he changed the spark plug, because it was too black, so the bike was running on choke too much (before my buying)...
Thank you guys!


Water Warrior 2
04-07-2012, 04:08 PM
Sounds like your bike is happy with the way it is running. You may want to adjust the idle(white knob on carb) down a bit just as an experiment to see if it is still happy. I think the common thinking with the members here is a GZ should have enough RPM at idle to maintain running and moving the bike in 1st gear on flat ground. A little extra throttle to get it moving is usually required.

04-07-2012, 06:18 PM
Hello WW!

Actually i did play with the white knob, cause i had a feeling that bike was running too rich... Then, few days later i thought the bike was a bit under the healthy sounding and operating and I gave him some more throttle. I believe i got the info here at this forum, that u should set idle throttle when bike is warmed up, so i did and just today, when i came back from the ride and my bike was running, while i was waiting under the balcony for the garage doordialer, i was hearing some nice sound ;)
Even though the weak spot of my bike is the sound (my girlfriend agrees), I actually like it a lot, i love the sound that bike makes when i pull the throttle from 3rd to 4 th gear, later when in 5th, i like it evenmore, cause i can freely hear music in my earphones...

Water Warrior 2
04-07-2012, 07:27 PM
Heard some nice music myself today. Had Lynda's M-50 out for a spin around the mountains. The 2 pipes crackle very nicely with some added throttle now and again. The stock exhaust is quite loud compared to my Vstrom which is just barely audible in most situations.

04-08-2012, 05:07 AM
Hello WW!

Actually i did play with the white knob, cause i had a feeling that bike was running too rich...

The white knob has nothing to do with how rich or weak the carb is set. It's only purpose is to set the speed at which the engine runs when the throttle is closed. With the engine hot, and the choke off, the white knob should be used to set the engine speed to 1400 - 1500 rev/min. This is Suzuki's specification for idle speed.

04-08-2012, 05:34 AM

You are right, and I'm a noob, I am using terminology incorrectly. Didn't mean rich, just more and less throttle... Thanks for that!

Water Warrior 2
04-08-2012, 09:02 AM

You are right, and I'm a noob, I am using terminology incorrectly. Didn't mean rich, just more and less throttle... Thanks for that!
That's what I thought. The white knob controls the idle speed only while rich or lean mixture is a different adjustment on the left side of the carb and a screwdriver is needed. Sounds like your rich/lean mixture is correct if the bike is running well.

04-08-2012, 11:15 AM
I think the idle sped with a warm engine is supposed to be 1300rpms.

04-08-2012, 02:26 PM
I think the idle sped with a warm engine is supposed to be 1300rpms.

Whoops....my mistake :blush: Just checked the owner's manual. When I put 1400 - 1500 rev/min, I should have put 1200 - 1400 rev/min.[attachment=0:27iwbda0]Untitled-1.jpg[/attachment:27iwbda0]

Water Warrior 2
04-08-2012, 04:31 PM
I think the idle sped with a warm engine is supposed to be 1300rpms.

Whoops....my mistake :blush: Just checked the owner's manual. When I put 1400 - 1500 rev/min, I should have put 1200 - 1400 rev/min.[attachment=0:3q3a4er3]Untitled-1.jpg[/attachment:3q3a4er3]
Good thing we don't keep a score card eh.

04-12-2012, 01:52 AM
When choke starting should I move the fuel switch to the "pri" setting?

Also, is 87 octane gas sufficient?

Finally, should the fuel switch be in the "on" position when parked, or "reserve?

Water Warrior 2
04-12-2012, 04:22 AM
Leave the fuel in the "ON" position for normal operation. It is vacuum operated and shuts off fuel flow when the engine is shut off. You need only use the prime position after the bike has been parked for quite some time and fuel in the carb may have evaporated. Turn the fuel to prime for about 10 seconds to fill the float bowl in the carb then back to the "ON" position. 87 octane is the recommended fuel. There is no need to buy more expensive gas because you will not likely see any benefit. The GZ is a popular bike in the 3rd world where gas is sometimes 80% sticks and stones and the rest is noncombustable.

04-12-2012, 09:34 AM
When choke starting should I move the fuel switch to the "pri" setting?

Also, is 87 octane gas sufficient?

Finally, should the fuel switch be in the "on" position when parked, or "reserve?

Why not just read through the owners manual and the service manual that we have here on the site for download?