View Full Version : Fuel additives

03-23-2012, 08:28 AM
I've mentioned, before, that we can't get the carb cleaners over here, so I use a fuel additive. The other day I was looking down the supermarket's motor aisle when I came across a plastic bottle (125ml) of "Wynn's Speed FX". On sale at 77centimos ($1?). Read the blurb :- "Speed FX performance booster. For motorcycles & scooters, two & four stroke, with or without separated (sic) lubrication. When filling tank: add 1 capful of Speed FX per 5 litres of fuel. Improves performance of scooter or motorcycle. Prevents petrol ageing and protects against corrosion. Reduces pollutant emission and improves combustion. Reduces fuel consumption." So - for a dollar, I thought "what the heck". Filled up with around 7 litres, & added 1½ capfuls. I've done around 100km, & the engine certainly sounds sweeter, & runs well. I don't know about the other benefits, but I'll check next time I fill up. The label says http://www.wynns.eu, but it also says "© 2010 Illinois Tool Works Inc." so I reckon you should be able to get it in America.[attachment=0:24mzvs94]b57.jpg[/attachment:24mzvs94]

Let's see how it goes. :)

03-23-2012, 09:15 AM
Does it say on the label anywhere what's in there? Is it something good or is it snake oil?

03-23-2012, 10:09 AM
No mention of what's in it, but I guarantee that the engine "sounds" sweeter, & it "feels" smoother. No scientific facts or provable data, but after riding this bike for nearly 5 years, the difference is noticeable to me.

03-23-2012, 12:15 PM
I've mentioned, before, that we can't get the carb cleaners over here, so I use a fuel additive. The other day I was looking down the supermarket's motor aisle when I came across a plastic bottle (125ml) of "Wynn's Speed FX". On sale at 77centimos ($1?). Read the blurb :- "Speed FX performance booster. For motorcycles & scooters, two & four stroke, with or without separated (sic) lubrication. When filling tank: add 1 capful of Speed FX per 5 litres of fuel. Improves performance of scooter or motorcycle. Prevents petrol ageing and protects against corrosion. Reduces pollutant emission and improves combustion. Reduces fuel consumption." So - for a dollar, I thought "what the heck". Filled up with around 7 litres, & added 1½ capfuls. I've done around 100km, & the engine certainly sounds sweeter, & runs well. I don't know about the other benefits, but I'll check next time I fill up. The label says http://www.wynns.eu, but it also says "© 2010 Illinois Tool Works Inc." so I reckon you should be able to get it in America.[attachment=0:2mmyc4bi]b57.jpg[/attachment:2mmyc4bi]

Let's see how it goes. :)

That's probably just a "rebadged" bottle of rubbing alcohol ! :retard:

03-23-2012, 12:39 PM
Bearing in mind that Wynn's is a reputable company that's been on the go for many years, I went on their website & got the following results for the contents.

Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized; Kerosine - unspecified
Kerosine (petroleum); straight run kerosine
Polyalkylene amine
Solvent naptha (petroleum), heavy arom,; kerosine - unspecified

Means nothing to me, but perhaps one of the boffins out there might be able to shed some light on the matter.

Like I said, for all your scepticism, it "seems" to be sounding better. :)

Water Warrior 2
03-23-2012, 01:55 PM
Interesting. Alantf, we will need an update in a couple weeks.

03-23-2012, 02:02 PM
Will do, after the next fill up. :)

03-24-2012, 08:39 PM
Filled up with around 7 litres, & added 1½ capfuls.

Hm, the MSDS from Wynn's says to first add the Speed FX and then fill up. Ah well.

It' mainly kerosene and fuel stabilizer, as far as I can tell.

03-25-2012, 05:06 AM
It' mainly kerosene

But they spell it kerosine. Is that something different?

As for putting it in before or after the fuel, I wouldn't think it makes much difference, as long as it's thoroughly mixed. :)

03-25-2012, 08:00 PM
...kerosine. Is that something different?

No, kerosene = kerosine.

USA vs. Europe spelling, I think.

Water Warrior 2
03-25-2012, 09:52 PM
...kerosine. Is that something different?

No, kerosene = kerosine.

USA vs. Europe spelling, I think.
Yup, spelled different in scientific and industrial usage in some countries. Wiki Wiki. :2tup:

03-26-2012, 02:43 AM
I use additive from the brand STP. Don't know how the bike goes roughly on the gasoline, since i've added stp's thingy already during the winter, before my first ride. The bike goes smoothly, and the top speed was achieved 2 or 3 times about 110 km/h... Even though i like going 90km/h, more seems a bit unstable, possibly because of the wind we have here in this period of the year.
Don't know how the wind is affecting heavier bikes, possibly less affected by wind, haven't rode any motorbike in this kind of weather though...


03-26-2012, 04:48 AM
...kerosine. Is that something different?

No, kerosene = kerosine.

USA vs. Europe spelling, I think.

In England it's called paraffin.

Just checked in the (English) dictionary. Kerosene is the spelling, but kerosine is the spelling when used commercially. Never knew there was different spelling for domestic versus commercial of the same stuff. Confusing or what?

03-27-2012, 06:33 AM
"Kerosene " is an old skool chemical for "stabilizing" fuel from varnishing. Never prooved the fact myself, as I prefer Startron especially with the extremely short shelf life of the newer E10 based fuel. Stabil Marine also works well.

03-27-2012, 08:35 PM
Confusing or what?
Quite so. It's a mix of different hydrocarbons, that comes out of the cracker (refinery equipment that turns the long heavy crude oil molecules into smaller ones) after gasoline. It does not have the the "light" molecules (with less carbon atoms in them) that gasoline has.
More info:

04-07-2012, 12:01 PM
Well.... just filled up at 209km. Can't say I noticed any better MPG,but it's not an exact science since I can't be absolutely sure that I filled up to EXACTLY the same level. All I can say is that with nearly 5 years of listening to it, the bike SOUNDS better, & the engine SEEMS sweeter. No scientific evidence, just how the bike feels. :)

Water Warrior 2
04-07-2012, 12:05 PM
Can't be a bad thing if the bike sounds happy with it's special treat.

04-07-2012, 07:52 PM
You sure you didn't drink that stuff?