View Full Version : I am thinking to sell my GZ250 and to buy a TUX250

03-19-2012, 01:54 PM
Hey people, what do you think about the older version of the Suzuki TUx250 Volty, the one with the carb not the one which is fuel injected.
I like the looks of it, its almost like a cafe racer, i like the fact that the distance between the wheeals is smaller comparing it to the GZ250 and it is also not that long, what other strengths i can find about the TU250, the fenders are made from metal which its chromed, and the rubber tires are not that width/fat(that means they are cheaper), plus you can do a little off roading with it and its i can say a little more sporty/maneauvrable-i dont know if i spealed that corect :)
What do you think about the TU250, and tell me what is your advice regarding to this tight decision?
TNX, and don't forget, i am waiting some replyes from u ppl, have a nice day

Water Warrior 2
03-19-2012, 04:36 PM
The Volty was never on the North American market as far as I know. You may get some comments from Australia and New Zealand where it was available. Doing a quick search has brought up a year 2000 Volty rated at 20 HP which is slightly more than a North American GZ. The bike does look a little more versatile so that would be a big plus. If the Volty in common in your area I wouldn't see any reason not to have one. If it is fairly rare then parts availability may be a problem. Ride whatever makes you happy.