View Full Version : Advice time, Back-light and horn....

03-16-2012, 05:17 AM
Hi Lads and Lassies. I have some little issues with my GZ250 Marauder. :??:

First thing what i have now noticed few times is that if i turn off the ignition on the bike, take out the key, the back light comes on and stays on :??: , unless i put the key back in the ignition and switch the bike on and off again.
Would that be something to do with ground or loose wire?? Im just afraid that if it comes on and i dont notice, it will eventually just drain my battery

Second thing is that the horn do not make any sound what so ever...is the horn gone, any easy way to test that?

And happy coming Patrick's day to ya all :rawk:

03-16-2012, 05:44 AM
Firstly, the light - If you turn the key all the way anticlockwise the light WILL come on. It's meant to :whistle: That's the "park with light lit" position. Yurn it one click short of that, & remove the key.[attachment=0:29amx2yt]img023.jpg[/attachment:29amx2yt]

As for the horn, it could be anything. First step is to check if there's power to the horn terminal. If there is, then put a piece of cable between the other terminal & earth, & see if it works. Try these first, then let us know so we can tell you the next steps. :)

03-16-2012, 06:03 AM
I see, hmm, ill check that now ....So i can put on the park light even if i switch off the engine, lock the front, take key out? How can i check is there a power to the horn terminal, i dont have that screwdriver with the light with me, need to wait till i get home then ... or is there any other way to do so?

03-16-2012, 06:11 AM
Thank you my friend, that was exact what it was, i turned the key too far so to the park lights...u learn something new everyday :D So now i have left is the horn...

03-16-2012, 06:47 AM
Screwdriver type voltage checkers are not very trustworthy. Treat yourself to a cheapo meter with voltage, ohms (resistance) etc. It's the main faultfinding tool for electrical problems. Your local Chinese shop will probably have one. If not, try your local hardware shop.

To test for voltage at the horn - With ignition "ON" put one of the meter leads to one of the horn terminals, & the other lead to a good earth. If there's no voltage, try the other terminal. If there is a voltage, then put a pice of wire between the other terminal (still connected to horn) & earth. If the horn doesn't sound, then the horn is faulty (or dirty contacts). If the horn sounds, then the problem is further along the the circuit, i.e. the switch. Keep us informed (but buy a meter first :) )