View Full Version : this really happened

03-06-2012, 02:13 PM
normally we are asleep at this time but this saturday i was watching a movie (the next 3 days) and my wife was watching something on computer. it was cold and raining when at 3am she told me that someone is outside and trying to open the door. i was not convinced but got suspicious. i went to the door and really there was a sound - someone struggling with the door. now i got real concerned that what the heck is there as this is a safe area and luckily nothing had happened in the last 7 years and we do not get wild animals as we are in the middle of the town.

i turned on the outside door light and peeped from the hole and saw a head and someone standing there and trying to open the door and the second thought was what to do now. just as i turned on the light the man turned his head up and looked at the house number and loudly said "shit" and walked away. i recognized the face.

the owner of the house on our right rents out the place and we get new neighbors every 2-3 years and this guy moved in just recently. lives by himself and seems a reasonable person. must have returned from a party after too much drinking as someone dropped him off (i also saw a car leaving) and his car was not there the next day. we haven't seen each other yet :)

by the way the movie is good.

Water Warrior 2
03-06-2012, 03:37 PM
Your new neighbor got home safely. That is a good thing.

Rookie Rider
03-07-2012, 01:05 AM
He wouldve been shot in Bronx NY

music man
03-09-2012, 12:56 PM
He wouldve been shot in Bronx NY

Shit he would have been shot in Hot Springs Arkansas too brother.

Water Warrior 2
03-09-2012, 08:17 PM
We aren't allowed to shoot intruders in the GWN. We should phone the police and ask the intruder to wait with us. Yeah, a really good plan that usually doesn't work well for the home owner.

03-10-2012, 03:37 AM
We aren't allowed to shoot intruders in the GWN. We should phone the police and ask the intruder to wait with us. Yeah, a really good plan that usually doesn't work well for the home owner.

Just remember. When seconds count the police are just minutes away. He might have been shot in SC here.


Rookie Rider
03-11-2012, 11:08 AM
He shouldve at least got a punch in the face.