View Full Version : What octane gas should we use?

02-10-2012, 04:55 PM

I'm reading through the maintenance manual and it states to use grade 91 or above. However, I've seen comments around here that it doesn't matter. What grade of gas should I put in my GZ250?


02-10-2012, 05:10 PM

I'm reading through the maintenance manual and it states to use grade 91 or above. However, I've seen comments around here that it doesn't matter. What grade of gas should I put in my GZ250?

Regular fuel (87 octane) is just fine.More expensive fuels are no required & a waste of your money.
:) :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
02-10-2012, 08:13 PM
It's all about the testing procedure. North American bikes require 87 octane as per Suzuki. In other parts of the world a different type of test will have a value of 91 octane using the same fuel in the test. These bikes require a regular gas and not a fancy overpriced gas to make them go. They are a lower compression engine designed to run anywhere in the world where the fuel quality and combustibility may be slightly better than peanut butter. Just fill up with regular or cheapest and motor on.

02-11-2012, 03:20 AM
Here in Slovenia we have minimum 95 (normal) and 98 or 100 octane gas...

02-11-2012, 06:28 AM
Yes, same here. European is either 95 or 98. America uses a different way of calculating, so the same stuff comes out with a different number. Thing is, the GZ's got a low compression engine, designed for third world countries, so it's designed to run on cat's piss if necessary. Just use the cheapest you can find. :)

02-11-2012, 08:30 AM
Good one Alan! You guys make me laugh all the time!