View Full Version : Carb cleaners in UK and Ireland

02-01-2012, 06:29 PM
I'm now living in Ireland and need to purchase Seafoam and/or Stabil.

Anyone know where I can purchase one of those or an European substitute?


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Gz Rider
02-01-2012, 10:06 PM

02-01-2012, 10:26 PM
A fuel stabilizer does not take the place of a carb cleaner - they may overlap a little but they are two separate entities for different purposes.

02-02-2012, 05:05 AM
Over here, I can't get the stuff the Americans can, so I use a Fuel additive. It says on the bottle that it also cleans the carb etc, & it works fine. Why not try your nearest Halfords? They've probably got something suitable in the STP range.

02-02-2012, 05:59 AM
I should have been more precise in my question.

This, new to me, bike is running really well so I don't currently need the carb cleaner. Just the fuel stabilizer is what I need now.

I'll take a look in Halfords and see what they have. Then report back and see what you this best.

My memory of what I used to do is coming back, but then I have to grope around until I find the Irish/European equivalent.

You should have heard the discussions in the lumber yards and hardware shops when I was rebuilding a vert run down house. While wasn't looking someone changed the names of every!

Thanx for the help,


02-02-2012, 06:17 AM
Why do you need a fuel stabilizer? Surely Irish fuel is the same as we get, Not like the American stuff with all the nasty additives. :)

02-02-2012, 07:30 AM

That's a good question. I'm accustomed to the crappy petrol in Boston and this forum has lots of chatter about the carbs gunking up. My boat and garden fuel cans all have preservative and I was thinking to use something in the bike.

Come to think of it. When we started this bike, after sitting for 2 months, it started and ran smoothly on the second turn of the key! But prevention is the best cure.

When I lived in Dublin, in the 70's, I had a company car and petrol. I never thought about the poor thing. If it didn't run right the maintenance guys would take it to the shop. Until you brought it up, it never occurred to me that fuel here would contain less junk.

Thanx for the input.

Can you send me a box of island weather?


Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 10:22 AM

02-02-2012, 12:11 PM
Tried to box it but the wrapping kept coming off.[attachment=2:1cg9g6td]view 13.JPG[/attachment:1cg9g6td][attachment=1:1cg9g6td]view 17.JPG[/attachment:1cg9g6td][attachment=0:1cg9g6td]view 1.jpg[/attachment:1cg9g6td]

Water Warrior 2
02-02-2012, 05:39 PM
Reaalllly nice pics. Guess it would be warmer than the +7C we have here right now.

02-03-2012, 05:04 AM
Yup...... I'm on the terrace in a tee shirt. :)

02-03-2012, 08:12 AM
Reaalllly nice pics. Guess it would be warmer than the +7C we have here right now.
At +7c I'd be riding.It's -10 & snowing. :cry: :poorbaby:

02-03-2012, 09:51 AM
Luckier than my friend. I've just got back from the airport. He's going back to England after a week's holiday with us. He gets on the plane at 80º plus, then gets off in England after 4½ hours to -10º. :cry:

EDIT:- Just looked at the English newspapers online - minus 11º :lol:

02-03-2012, 10:19 AM
It's still freezing here. Be polite and at least tell us you're wearing more than a tee shirt.


02-03-2012, 10:50 AM
Hate to tell you, but it was so warm driving back from the airport that I had to have the air con, on, in the car. Mind you, now I'm back home, up in the mountains, there's a nice breeze blowing. Still - the only thing more than the tee shirt is a wrist watch. :2tup:

02-03-2012, 11:09 AM
Still - the only thing more than the tee shirt is a wrist watch. :2tup:

Please no pictures...

I am out of eye bleach .

a product used on the eyes when disturbing content, in line with internet rule 34, has been viewed and cleansing is necessary. steel wool may also be applied in severe cases.
"Damn it, the image of it is burned into my eyes!"
"Quick, use the eye bleach to remove"


Water Warrior 2
02-03-2012, 01:42 PM
Luckier than my friend. I've just got back from the airport. He's going back to England after a week's holiday with us. He gets on the plane at 80º plus, then gets off in England after 4½ hours to -10º. :cry:

EDIT:- Just looked at the English newspapers online - minus 11º :lol:
This reminded me of a story from an acquaintance in the early 70's. Before the Edmonton International airport had those nice sheltered tunnels to the doors of planes. My acquaintance watched a fellow who was born and raised in a very warm climate get on the plane in 110F temps and step outside the plane in Edmonton where the temp was a chilly 54F below. Needless to say he dropped like a stone when the air hit his lungs. They were lucky to save him.