View Full Version : How many of people are still riding this winter?
I rode the GZ today in Reno, and got some surprised looks and was called "hard core". :lol:
Hey, the snow melted and the rain mostly dried up. I'm saving money on gas. :2tup:
So what's the weather like, and anyone still riding?
01-25-2012, 06:48 AM
Of course :whistle: What's snow? :lol: Oh, I just remembered. It's that cold white stuff that used to fall from the sky in England, many years ago. :neener: :roll:
(I just love to rub it in :retard: :lol: )
01-25-2012, 08:42 AM
Of course :whistle: What's snow? :lol: Oh, I just remembered. It's that cold white stuff that used to fall from the sky in England, many years ago. :neener: :roll:
(I just love to rub it in :retard: :lol: )
Your doing a great job. :poorbaby: :poke2:
01-25-2012, 08:53 AM
I am still Riding Daily but it has been cold just not snowing. It was 41 degrees(F) this morning, but 35 degrees(F) the other week. I did take off from riding from christmas to new years but that was because i was in North GA, working on my Goldwing getting it ready for this years commuting asap
Gz Rider
01-25-2012, 09:26 AM
01-25-2012, 10:28 AM
I, of course, am still riding. This has been a pretty easy winter so far. Usually we would have had several cold snaps by now (nighttime low to single digits, daytime high in the 20's) but it hasn't happened. I've worn the thermal underwear twice at 30.
I have people comment to me all the time about my riding. It seems that just riding a motorcycle invites it. Regardless of season people will come up to me out of nowhere to tell me that motorcycles are dangerous. Others will ask about the bike itself. In the winter, when the temps are below 40 peope will comments that I must be cold. I then demonstrate all the layers I'm wearing.
Luckily It hasn't gotten cold enough for me to wear anything other than jeans and chaps and my jacket with my gloves that I wear all year round. granted I do have liners for my gloves and jacket. I haven't had to buy anything extra. However when it gets below 40 I cheat and put on my rain gear even though there is only fog but the condensation freezes me.( I live at a lake so there is always fog in cold weather snaps)
I never ride in the winter.
Gz Rider
01-25-2012, 10:40 AM
Water Warrior 2
01-25-2012, 10:49 AM
The bike has been sleeping since Oct 19. There have been days when I could have been out riding but the thought of layering up is just exhuasting let alone actually doing it. Ironically the good days are also the ones when I have a lot of errands to do and the truck is so much more convenient. I am also a bit of a wuss when cooler weather shows up. This coming from a prairie boy who used to think -30/-40 F with sunshine was a great day.
Water Warrior 2
01-25-2012, 10:56 AM
However when it gets below 40 I cheat and put on my rain gear even though there is only fog but the condensation freezes me.( I live at a lake so there is always fog in cold weather snaps)
No cheat there. There's no sense in buying extra clothes that you will only use a couple times a year if you can get by with the gear you have.
We went nuts and got all the heated gear to wear just to find out that when you reach your destination and stop you tend to cook unless you can easily strip down. Tour Master heated gear is great insulation without the power being turned on.
Gz Rider
01-25-2012, 11:16 AM
I usually wear thermal underwear in the winter and have a few layers of clothes. A leather duster with a fleece lined flannel shirt has been my winter coat for many years. I don't ride as much in the winter, but I ride all year long if the roads are clear. Some heated gear would be nice, but I've read that the GZ charging system can't handle it.
As far as the snow goes, Reno is great for it! A few days a year with snow on the roads, and then it gets plowed or it melts off the roads, but we still have it in the mountains to ski on. :rawk:
01-25-2012, 06:08 PM
It hit 70 here today. We've had some cold days here and there but all in all it's been a mild winter so I've been riding. I've ridden in every month since March of 2009. February 2009 was a very cold month and I never got out.
01-26-2012, 03:04 AM
I have just started back riding, but it is summer here. Nice and hot. Have to make more time for riding though. I have become to acustomed to the gas guzzling cage.
Winters are not too bad here, just can be quite wet. Mind you, summer can be wet too. You can have all 4 season in one day in Auckland. Its ridiculous.
Dave Dark
01-26-2012, 08:21 AM
I am so jealous of all of you.
I had to put the bike away on Halloween and it won't be coming out until April 1st at the earliest.
Right now there are snowbanks a metre and a half high outside my window and every piece of road is covered in a thin, slick layer of ice. I wouldn't want to ride in that. I'm using the time to research motorcycles in general, read Proficient Motorcycling and tinker around with the GZ.
Can't wait until April.
01-26-2012, 01:00 PM
I have been riding all winter, because I have no choice lol. The car killed itself, and luckily there has been no snow or ice. Even still, giving winter the finger and throttling into whatever winter has to throw at me gives me quite a bit more of a boost in the morning that your mundane commuter.
01-27-2012, 05:01 AM
I'm riding to work about once a week, down from 2-3 times a week. I don't really mind the cold since I put the heated grips on. The fog is annoying but not insurmountable. I'm still kind of afraid to ride in the rain even though I've done it a few times. Haven't quite got the, "lean, but not that much," down yet.
01-27-2012, 11:41 AM
It's been around 75 here for the past week, has warmed up 10-15 degrees, so it's really nice right now. Feel bad for all you guys up there.
Water Warrior 2
01-27-2012, 04:41 PM
It's been around 75 here for the past week, has warmed up 10-15 degrees, so it's really nice right now. Feel bad for all you guys up there.
Call it a draw, we get less hurricanes.
It's been around 75 here for the past week, has warmed up 10-15 degrees, so it's really nice right now. Feel bad for all you guys up there.
Call it a draw, we get less hurricanes.
I will grudgingly agree, but it still sucks I had almost a foot of water in the basement from Tropical Storm Irene and I am over 1000 miles away from anything called the tropics. Now if a tropical beach would fall from the sky..... :)
02-01-2012, 10:53 AM
I'm still riding daily although my trips now are usually in the 20 minute range instead of the two hour plus drives I was doing the last couple of years. It's been a mild Winter so far this season. I think it might have dropped into the mid 20's once or twice and upper 20's 5-10 times so far, but the afternoon highs have been mostly in the 50's. It's rainy today but mild and it's supposed to hit 67 degrees tomorrow. If this is the result of Global Warming, why is anyone complaining? Well, I gotta go spray some aerosol cans out into the atmosphere just in case it really does help with global warming. See you all later. lol.
Gz Rider
02-01-2012, 12:30 PM
02-02-2012, 08:36 AM
The sky isn't falling but something is different.
It's February 2nd and I haven't seen temperatures near 0 since it happened for 1 week at the end of December. That's weird.
That being said, please give me more of this!
It's going to be 67 today and I brought the bike into work this morning as it was a frigid 52 with fog. I didn't even need my scarf or my gloves. I just wore them out of habit.
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 09:57 AM
02-02-2012, 02:30 PM
I actually just read a very interesting chapter of a book about statements like "The moon is made of green cheese", where the argument is made that statements like those are scientific statements.
It's scientific because it can be falsified. It can tested and proven to be untrue. Any statement that can be falsified is a scientific statement.
So while it's an inaccurate statement, it is, indeed a scientific one.
Anyway, I'm one of the psycho nut bags that doesn't believe that global climate change is a farce. Although, I must also say that I'm not one of those sensational eco-pushers that thinks the world will end in 6 months if we don't all drive electric cars. (We should all drive electrics cars, but it's for a very different reason ;) ) And I also know a piece of shit, green-product, ultra-liberal, profit hungry company or product when I see one. If the concern is genuinely to reduce consumption, create less waste and clean up the shit that we've made messy, then the last thing we need are MORE products and more choices. (Maybe that's my commie side talking again.)
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 02:58 PM
02-02-2012, 04:09 PM
If anyone is to be considered a "psyco nutbag" on this it is probably me. I'm the one opposing the majority, I think.
The funny thing is I am more "green" than many that I know who would claim the green label. I grow some of my own food and I buy used whenever I can. The GZ itself should be declared the "Green Vehicle of the Future". Friends of mine while professing to be uber-green are buying new cars every 2-4 years, jetting off to europe, having children (probably the least green thing anyone can do-my apoligies to those with children, especially jon), buying a new cell phones, laptop, or whatever the new hot electronic device of the day is at least once a year and driving miles out of their way past "regular" grocery stores to get to the Whole Foods. All this while lecturing me about climate change.
What makes me green, for the record, is not a concern for the planet but my basic cheapness. I think true green items and thinking (not all) is cheap. However businesses have sprung up and tried (successfully) to convince people that the only way to be green is to spend money on whatever it is they are trying to sell. You have to buy hybrid cars that get average mileage, florescent bulbs that have mercury in them (I have plenty of these) and buy overpriced food from whole foods. To me "green" should be about less consumption not more.
Where are the advocates for home gardening? A 15 x 15 plot can grow alot of vegetables. Work with your neighbors. You grow Sugar snap peas, and they can grow lettuce and you can trade. No trucks, no stores, no taxes and almost no carbon footprint. The problem is, it doesn't line anyones pockets to think like that so no one will advance those ideas.
Dude, you're getting all kinds of :plus1: from me today ;)
Part of being an eco-nut was trying to figure out how to fit having children into that worldview. I agree. If there anything on the planet more resource and labor intensive than more humans, I would like to hear about it. It's not an offensive thing. It's a fact. Population is absolutely ridiculous. At least a couple can have 1 or at most 2 kids and still balance the equation. More than that, and we're talking about increased expansion multiplied by a few billion. That makes all of our current problems only further compounded in the future. ("Compounded" can be used figuratively and literally here)
As far as being in the minority on climate change, that's the not the persepctive I get from where I live. I know that NC is somewhat more liberal than GA but you guys are still rather conservative compared to the rest of the nation. And the general consensus down here is that basically all of the eco science stuff is a brainwash technique thought up by the liberals to make profit on agendas that they push for. There certainly is some of that. But I don't think the political aspect of that negates the science that exists behind most of the eco-studies. I mean, without eco-science, we'd still be clear cutting forests in the south and wondering why we can't grow food anymore.... And some intelligent folks down here still argue for that practice because it's cheaper for the businesses and all that matters is more jobs, regardless of long term negative impact. It's so backwards.
I am not trying to go Green, I am trying to burn all the fuel I can.
No Green over 5000 feet today.
Water Warrior 2
02-02-2012, 05:28 PM
:lol: Yup, just keep burning those precious fossil fuels while you can. The sooner we run out the sooner we will all have small atomic power plants under the seat.
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 06:15 PM
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 06:18 PM
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 06:21 PM
Also to JWR- if you're trying to burn all the fuel you can, to paraphrase Jaws- You're going to need a bigger bike! :2tup: :lol:
Naw, just down shift and run wide open.
Gz Rider
02-02-2012, 09:47 PM
02-02-2012, 10:57 PM
Today is Feb 2, temp hi 60s low 70s F, SoCal. Perfect moto day. I took out my sidecar outfit for errands since I hadn't ridden it for a couple days. Rode the GZ last couple days. There's not many days here I can't ride, and then only due to rain, fog. Hi winds don't keep the sidecar outfit off the road, but do keep 2 wheelers and human powered vehicles off the road. Haven't had an opportunity to use the sidecar in the snow :) Still no sidecar on the GZ.
02-04-2012, 03:55 AM
heh, "iv just started riding again its summer here". started raining on the way back from my brother the other day while I was going down the motorway(freeway). 100kph into the rain sucks. atleast the GZ handled it. I remember when I had the RGV at full throttle in 4th(6spd) trying to keep at 80kph down the motorway so the cars didnt take me out. Mind you, that was a thunder storm. :S
02-04-2012, 11:58 AM
I'm not riding in the winter, it's to coled out here :))
02-04-2012, 02:43 PM
Now your just rubbing it in. :poke2: :)
02-04-2012, 04:27 PM
I was able to ride this past Monday here in Ohio! It was like a holiday everyone was skipping out of work and the bikers hit the road. Temps were in the 60's which is a rarity for this time of year. I still haven't put my bike up for the winter. I'm in denial.
Now your just rubbing it in. :poke2: :)
I hope it stays this way, as we are planning to ride to Daytona Bike Week.
Leave here March 7. just a little over 600 miles or about 965 km.
As a beginner, I need all the practice I can get, so I try not to let the weather stop me. Even if I just get out there for a quick 20 min. ride down the road, every little bit helps.
That being said, it takes three shirts, a sweatshirt, a winter coat, two pairs of jeans, two pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves, and a tightly wound, tucked-in scarf to get me out there... :whistle:
But, hey, I'm just thankful the roads are clear.
Water Warrior 2
02-10-2012, 03:50 PM
Chim, put on a rain suit to stop the cold wind from penetrating your clothing. The wind chill is sucking away your body temp.
Gz Rider
02-10-2012, 04:12 PM
02-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Just rode yesterday at 29 degrees lol... wasn't bad at all with all the gear
Gz Rider
02-10-2012, 05:17 PM
02-12-2012, 08:44 PM
I rode two days ago when the temperature was in the mid 60's, now it is 20 degrees with 3 inches of snow on the ground. In two days it is supposed to be in the 60's again.
Yeah, we are in a cold snap now. 35 high and teens low.
It will get better.
Rookie Rider
02-12-2012, 10:03 PM
real feel temp here in NY is in the teens, rising temps during the week and i will be riding, i cant wait anymore.
02-13-2012, 10:19 PM
We ride a few days each week, but to be fair, it usually hits the 70's by noon down here in Florida. Be Safe JIM
We ride a few days each week, but to be fair, it usually hits the 70's by noon down here in Florida. Be Safe JIM
I'll be heading you way the 7th of next month.
02-14-2012, 06:23 AM
The cold doesn't bother me (I have invested in heated gear ! :2tup: ) so I have ridden all year in some cases But up here in New England the only thing that forces me to park all my bikes is when they lay down the road salt... then i'm done till the spring's soaking rains wash the salt and sand away..
Rookie Rider
02-15-2012, 08:25 PM
Im always riding alone. kinda dont like being alone as im a newbie especially on the highway.
Water Warrior 2
02-15-2012, 09:57 PM
Im always riding alone. kinda dont like being alone as im a newbie especially on the highway.
A GZ is a pretty small object in the field of vision for most oncoming drivers to see. Run with your high beam on and weave just a bit to get their attention. Every little bit helps in your survival.
Im always riding alone. kinda dont like being alone as im a newbie especially on the highway.
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