View Full Version : Speedometer Cable Guide Bolt

08-27-2007, 12:01 AM
Here is what it looks like when the bolt comes out.

http://upload2.postimage.org/463458/100_0307.jpg (http://upload2.postimage.org/463458/photo_hosting.html)

I didn't even know it. I was pushing the bike into the garage and when I turned real sharp I heard a clicking noise. When it was turned all the way against the stop the guide would rub against the spokes.

This happened awhile back. I stopped and took a photo on the way to the trash today. I'm going to have to use my little tiny torque wrench from now on. I'm just way to scared of steel bolts in aluminum to do it any other way.

08-29-2007, 03:57 PM
I lost that bolt too, but fortunately nothing got broken.

Bad vibrations... :sad:

08-29-2007, 08:38 PM
And I though I was the only one.

It cost me less than $20 to fix it.