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Gz Rider
01-10-2012, 04:04 PM
I am going to agree with you on the edits.
If a mod wants to move my post, that's fine, but to edit...
01-10-2012, 05:50 PM
I'm a member of some other forums (not motoristic at all), and in las 5 years i notice the thing which can be easily called censorship by moderators etc...
Let us be all more responsible and economic with our energy, that we ask ourselves before we write down some offensive, judgemental opinion on some thing or some one's opinion, cause it usually escalates in this kind of communication: goodbye, farewell... It's a shame. We oughta be wise.
I'm off to newbie land ;)
01-10-2012, 07:25 PM
I'm a member of some other forums (not motoristic at all), and in las 5 years i notice the thing which can be easily called censorship by moderators etc...
Let us be all more responsible and economic with our energy, that we ask ourselves before we write down some offensive, judgemental opinion on some thing or some one's opinion, cause it usually escalates in this kind of communication: goodbye, farewell... It's a shame. We oughta be wise.
I'm off to newbie land ;)
:) :plus1:
Rookie Rider
01-11-2012, 12:15 AM
Im speechless !!
Man, hate to see you go GZ Rider. I didn't see anything more than a cautious approach to a new poster who happened to be parting out a good running bike with no title which is reasonable.
Best wishes to you sir.
01-11-2012, 01:48 AM
Gzrider, hopefully this will pass and you will return. You have many posts and time dedicated to this community. Please don't allow this one time poster to influence you so greatly.
I sent him a pm to buy parts. He never replied, this told me it was a Lurker looking for argument.
I do look forward to your return, as I'm sure many here don't want you to go.
Moderating forums is a tough job sometimes. Just remember, they are fellow riders too. One big family ....hey comrades ;)
Water Warrior 2
01-11-2012, 05:27 AM
Gzrider, hopefully this will pass and you will return. You have many posts and time dedicated to this community. Please don't allow this one time poster to influence you so greatly.
I sent him a pm to buy parts. He never replied, this told me it was a Lurker looking for argument.
I do look forward to your return, as I'm sure many here don't want you to go.
Moderating forums is a tough job sometimes. Just remember, they are fellow riders too. One big family ....hey comrades ;)
I think KrazeeMyke is on to something. GZ Rider, don't let a lurker spoil your time with us. He accomplished his goal, he got some results and is now giggling about you leaving. Stick around, we all sometimes have a moment where we say or do something with negative results. We have a moderator doing his best to keep things under control and we in turn want to express our opinions and thoughts. We have had bigger dust-ups in the past and no one left. You are a valued forum member and no one wants you to leave. Please reconsider.
Gz Rider
01-11-2012, 10:45 AM
I am not the mod here, but this is what I would have done.
Moved the post to Open Forum.
Post Open Forum Rules and Etiquette
Welcome to the Hot Topics and Open Discussion forum on
I created this forum to keep the more interesting and controversial threads in one place without having the potentially hard feelings infect the other parts of the board.
This forum will be not be moderated unless it gets out of hand and spreads to the other forums. These topics can be very flammable and will be tolerated as long as it's kept here.
Thanks and have fun.
01-11-2012, 02:15 PM
I will accept responsibility for making the changes that I did, but my intention in doing so was not to make someone look like an attacker.
I completely agree with the direction that GzRider was taking the conversation. I had no problem there. However, due to the very defensive position of the OP, I removed sections of that conversation that were personal, or could have been deemed personal by either side.
My intention, based on the posts that I kept in the thread, was to leave only the pertinent information that needed to be answered by the OP. In this case, it was GzRider's very valid point to question why a bike did not have a title. My error, as GzRider stated above, was not allowing him the discretion to alter his own posts. And I am sincerely sorry for overlooking this side of things. And in my haste to clean up a "for sale" thread, I will admit that I simply didn't consider the possible fall-out. We moderators (Well, I can only speak for myself) alter and edit mis-posts or "quote" code errors all the time. In my mind, this was similar to that while also diffusing a possible negative situation.
GzRider, if my overshadowing is the reason for your mistrust of a moderator's position, I will gladly relinquish it. Just say the word. But don't leave. I do my best to keep things cleaned up and tidy and I think this was just a gross oversight on my part. On top of everything else, you know what kind of crap I'm going through emotionally. I'm sorry, man.
Good follow up.
Some times you can't be on either side, throw it all in open, it will work itself out or not.
Just my .02 cents.
01-11-2012, 03:34 PM
The problem now is that he (GZ Rider) has to log back on here to read Jonathan's explanation and apology and reconsider his move. If he is gone and doesn't come back, he'll never see it, and we have lost a valuable member.
Gz Rider
01-11-2012, 03:39 PM
01-11-2012, 04:07 PM
to: Jonathan180iq
.....Let me ask you this, would you consider restoring the posts as they were?
I have no problem doing that, if that's what it takes to show you what my true intentions were.
I'll be honest and say that I don't know if it's possible. But I'll scroll through the moderation logs and see if I can restore it. If I can't, then maybe someone else can (Dupo or Patrick?). I know this forum like the back of my hand, but I'm not a technical wizard when it comes to that sort of thing.
If restoration isn't possible, all I can do is give you my word that something like this won't happen again.
I'll certainly continue to clean up double posts and eliminate Spam threads and correct code errors. I mean, that's our job. But, the editing of personal posts is a overreach of our authority. You are absolutely right about that. It won't happen again, at least without fair warning.
You cannot restore posts once you make the changes. Just as if you edited your own post, you can't "undo" it. You have to go back and re write it.
As a rule, we never edit a person's post other than to fix tags, links or pictures. The only other person who had posts edited was that old narrow minded fart that we kicked off the board. If you were around for that, then you know WHY his posts were edited and subsequently deleted.
Jonathan, you took responsibility and if everyone is fine with it, I am too. GZ Rider, I hope you stay. It happened, wont happen again. Lets move on and just enjoy the forum. Its only a forum on the internet, there are more important things to be pissed off at in the world :)
NEXT time, Jon, PM the offender and let them know you are going to delete their posts if they do not edit or delete them themselves. Last resort, lock the thread with final comments on why it was being locked, PM'ing both parties involved.
01-11-2012, 04:42 PM
That /\ sounds good to me, and should be the right way to handle this type of thing.
01-11-2012, 04:44 PM
That /\ sounds good to me, and should be the right way to handle this type of thing.
Gz Rider
01-11-2012, 05:02 PM
01-11-2012, 07:38 PM
Hi to GZ, just wanted to say that I have always found anything you've had to say on here to be very useful and I've always had a great deal of respect for you, your opinions and your knowledge.
Rookie Rider
01-11-2012, 08:19 PM
Group throttle, i mean group hug. You guys rock man, seriously.
Water Warrior 2
01-11-2012, 08:23 PM
So glad and relieved to have this issue resolved. Nuff said.
Cool! Party at GZ Rider's place, bring all your friends! :tongue:
01-13-2012, 05:56 AM
forget friends, bring beer and wine, maybe some we.d and we are off to never neverland... :)
Kidding, just a teenage flashback...
forget friends, bring beer and wine, maybe some we.d and we are off to never neverland... :)
Kidding, just a teenage flashback...
We oldsters call that a senior moment.
01-13-2012, 08:18 AM
Jerry! :)
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