View Full Version : help....
01-03-2012, 07:04 PM
hi everyone. fairly new to this biking game, bought a 2001 gz250 bout 3 months ago. was having a lot of problems with the engine running too high and not idling at steady pace. a few friends told me the carb is filthy and needed to be cleaned out. then had a spill a few weeks back. was lying on its left side for bout two or three minutes, bent handlebars and fork seals started to leak. sent for repair, the guy in the shop told me he changed out the oil and the plugs, and cleaned the carb. about a week later, say maybe 80km of city riding, the engine starts to splutter and die. restarted after first time and drove another 6km, then died again. got it started but after about1.5km it died again, and wouldnt restart. had to get towed home. have gotten it to startsince but theres a serious lack of power, the engine cuts out after about ten feet, sometimes when i just put it in gear. any ideas where i should start? do you think i should change out the carb, or could this be as a result of the bike being crashed? btw, i have a feeling the mechanic i sent it too is a bit of a cowboy, and im not sure i want to take his word for it, as im kind of getting the impression he can tell im a beginner and is just trying to scam a few quid out of me.
any advice would be greatly appreciated
01-03-2012, 07:23 PM
Welcome to the forum.It sounds like your mechanic missed some dirt if & when he cleaned the carb.These bikes are notorious for finicky carbs.They are not that hard to clean if you take your time.There is a manual you can download for free to help you.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27 (
:) :cool:
01-03-2012, 07:44 PM
to be honest, i'd say its more likely an if. theres about 35000 km on the clock, would i be better of just changing the jets, seals etc, or should there still be some life left in the parts?
01-03-2012, 07:54 PM
to be honest, i'd say its more likely an if. theres about 35000 km on the clock, would i be better of just changing the jets, seals etc, or should there still be some life left in the parts?
I would install a carb kit.They are relativity cheap.A kit consists of a new float needle,idle mixture screw,o-rings,and seals.I would also install a inline fuel filter.Cheap insurance in the future.
:cool: :) (
01-04-2012, 04:46 AM
And don't forget, these carbs like a dose of carb cleaner or fuel additive every so often. Don't know what you can get in Ireland, but the Americans get carb cleaner, while I can only get fuel additive. STP products are good, & your local Halfords (do you have those in Ireland, like in England?) should be able to help. :2tup:
01-04-2012, 07:19 AM
Just going for broke as i saw that no one else mentioned it... did you happen to check the vacuum line that runs from the back of the petcock to the carb for leaks.. if it is that you will be able to put the bike in "prime" and run all over the place! in my case and instance i just needed a hose clamp that i picked up from a local bike repair shop
01-04-2012, 09:23 AM
My Bike did the same thing. I had debris in the tank that kept clogging the Carb. Bike sat too long from the previous owner.
After lots of cleaning and Carb rebuild kit. All is good.
**Sent from mobile**
01-04-2012, 09:24 AM
to be honest, i'd say its more likely an if. theres about 35000 km on the clock, would i be better of just changing the jets, seals etc, or should there still be some life left in the parts?
I would install a carb kit.They are relativity cheap.A kit consists of a new float needle,idle mixture screw,o-rings,and seals.I would also install a inline fuel filter.Cheap insurance in the future.
:cool: :) (
**Sent from mobile**
Gz Rider
01-04-2012, 09:43 AM
01-04-2012, 11:45 AM
And don't forget, these carbs like a dose of carb cleaner or fuel additive every so often. Don't know what you can get in Ireland, but the Americans get carb cleaner, while I can only get fuel additive. STP products are good, & your local Halfords (do you have those in Ireland, like in England?) should be able to help. :2tup:
yeah we have halfords they dont seem to have much of a bike car section ill check it out though as soon as this poxy irish weather cleans up. its a bit of a walk.........
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