View Full Version : Starter cable - Choke cable pics

Gz Rider
12-31-2011, 02:07 PM

Rookie Rider
12-31-2011, 04:01 PM
gz, thank you. I would like to install my choke over this winter. You da man, Happy New Year !!

Gz Rider
01-01-2012, 10:42 AM

01-01-2012, 10:49 AM
I will refer to the starter cable, also known as the choke cable,

Mmmmmm.......I thought the starter cable was the thick cable that runs between the starter relay & the starter motor. The choke is more properly referred to as the enricher circuit. (good "how to" though) :2tup:

Gz Rider
01-01-2012, 01:25 PM