View Full Version : Kawasaki Eliminator 125 Rear Shocks

12-18-2011, 06:59 PM
I just ordered a set of Kawasaki Eliminator 125 Rear Shocks for $30 from E bay. Let’s see how they make the rear fender look in relation to the rear tire. I’ve read that if you substitute these lower shocks, you have to shorten the kick stand. I also plan on going up to a 150 rear tire and it says you have to lengthen the kick stand. Maybe the combination will be just right with the factory stand. I’ll keep updates posted about the shocks when they come in. With these shocks, I still have less than $100 in it so far. Have to wait on the rear tire. Anyone got a used one I can use for measuring purposes??? Just joking! And I was also doing this for those that are “height challenged” and have questions of how to lower their bike. I picked it up from a previous thread and was going to use the idea to lower the rear of my bike to make the fender/tire relationship look a little closer.

Water Warrior 2
12-18-2011, 08:39 PM
Rather than shortening the side stand you could just grind a little metal off the side stand stop tab so it swings forward a little more.

12-18-2011, 10:19 PM
Interesting about shortening sidestand. My GZ is stock. I live in SoCal where we have earthquakes from time to time. With that, I've put a piece of wood on the floor because the GZ leans over pretty far and I don't want it to tip over in case of quake. I suppose if you put on an even larger rear tire, that would really make it lean over :) Try to find a 1/2 inch piece of plywood to put on the ground :)

12-23-2011, 12:32 PM
Shocks came in today. They look to be a couple of inches shorter. $27.95 shipped. Have to wait to put them on as they went under the Christmas tree! I will post a before and after for comparison. Merry Christmas to all!!!

Water Warrior 2
12-23-2011, 06:03 PM
Raise the front forks on the triple tree a bit so as not to throw out the steering geometry too much.

12-24-2011, 05:31 PM
Done. Before and after. Really makes a differance. Have to rode test it and see how it handles. Still needs tires first. Those on it now are ones I got from my local dealers back lot just for checking looks.

Water Warrior 2
12-24-2011, 08:32 PM
Hey now. Lookin good!!! The rear fender seems to be in a happy place and sets off the whole rear end just about right. The muffler is better looking in a more level location in relation to the ground too.

12-24-2011, 09:26 PM
Looks good lowered.Just be careful for the first few miles,as the front end will react a little different.Not worse,just a different feel.The bike will feel more stable on the straight away.
:) :cool:

12-24-2011, 09:42 PM
Thanks yall. It works. They bolted right up except I had to use the original top bushings as they were a larger sleeve diameter than the Kawasaki’s. The fender was pure luck! I did take it for a run up our drive just to get a feel for it and yes it is different.

01-11-2012, 05:09 PM
Water Warrior, Doing the grinding on the side stand was a great idea! Took a little more than a "little" but a little a time, it worked out great. Thanks!

Water Warrior 2
01-11-2012, 08:02 PM
Water Warrior, Doing the grinding on the side stand was a great idea! Took a little more than a "little" but a little a time, it worked out great. Thanks!
Glad to hear it worked out. Did the same thing to the Weestrom when I lowered it. Then I raised it up again. Had to add a piece under the foot of the sidestand to even things out.