View Full Version : Engine oil level goes down

08-16-2007, 03:44 PM
1- Between every oil change that I do religiously every 3000miles, I have to add extra engine oil after ever 800-1000 miles. I keep checking the oil level and whenever its low I add something direct from the bottle. I exactly do not know how many ozs I add but I do need to add oil. (all standard procedures taken, holding straight, level ground etc etc).

The bike is running ok. No leaks, No fumes. I showed to the dealership when it was new with less miles and he told me two things. These bikes do consume some oil and it will reduce after I out some more miles on it but it never happened.

Just want to know is this normal with GZs or something is wrong.

2- Second issue. My high beam fuse blows off after every 5 months. I normal keep it on high beam to save the low beam. Is this also normal. This does not hurt as I replace the fuse.

08-16-2007, 04:01 PM
I only use my high beam when I need it. This may be why your high beam keeps burning up.

As far as oil goes, just remember that all engine will find some way to consume small amounts of oil. It get burned up in the oil blow-by. It may leak ever so slightly. It may just be caught up somewhere else in the engine and not get down into the sump. I wouldn't worry about it unless you are blowing blue smoke or you see lots of little drips under your bike.

Take care,

Easy Rider
08-16-2007, 04:01 PM
The bike is running ok. No leaks, No fumes. I showed to the dealership when it was new with less miles and he told me two things. These bikes do consume some oil and it will reduce after I out some more miles on it but it never happened.

2- Second issue. My high beam fuse blows off after every 5 months. I normal keep it on high beam to save the low beam. Is this also normal. This does not hurt as I replace the fuse.

What year bike? How many miles?
What's your riding style, granny or racer? :)

How many times before the next change do you add oil? If that one time is the ONLY time, then it is probably mostly due to "air" in the system, mostly the filter, working it's way out.
It is not unusual (on most bikes) to need to top it up once after each change.

Do you really mean fuse or is it the BULB that blows?
If it is the bulb, no problem.
If it really is a fuse, then I'd worry a bit. The connector inside the headlight can cause a problem as can a pinched wire rubbing the frame.

08-17-2007, 06:37 AM
2- Second issue. My high beam fuse blows off after every 5 months. I normal keep it on high beam to save the low beam. Is this also normal. This does not hurt as I replace the fuse.

Look for a break or cut in the insulation of the wire going to the headlight particularly where it flexes. I'd start in the head light. If you haven't looked in there be fore get ready for a big surprise. Lots of wiring. Study it carefully before you remove it or you will have a hell of a time getting your head light back on.

I had an ignition system failure that I traces to a tiny nick in a wire in the headlight. It was intermittent for a long time before it finally quit completely. I took me weeks to find it.

Brian Donofrio
10-05-2008, 08:53 PM
The sight glass is tricky. I'm always adding oil, only burn it off right after I start the motor. I'm definitely going to put my breather tube aiming down instead of threw the air box. It seems like the oil just get pumped into the air box and out the tailpipe. Carbonizing my piston cylinder. I always measure out the oil after a change and add the prescribed amount no filter/ w filter/ total engine rebuild etc.

music man
10-05-2008, 09:32 PM
Wait a minute, you are gonna pull your breather tube and point it down at the ground. O.K. oil pouring onto the ground in front of your back tire sounds like a good idea because??

10-05-2008, 10:59 PM
oil pouring onto the ground in front of your back tire sounds like a good idea because??


Easy Rider
10-06-2008, 03:20 PM
The sight glass is tricky. I'm always adding oil, only burn it off right after I start the motor.

This doesn't sound good. If it is as bad as you make it out to be, you might be on the verge of a total engine failure......or it could just mean you are keeping the oil too high. I have NEVER had to put in the "recommended" amount of oil at a change to get it to the proper level.

And I agree, pointing the breather hose down in front of the back tire is a ***BAD*** idea. :skull:

There is definitely something wrong with this picture.

10-07-2008, 12:26 PM

I got my answer from your last reply that it could be the "air in the system" or just this bike needs some oil because otherwise it is running smooth averaging 67mpg (i can never get better than this). riding style is in the middle. never too hard but occassionally drive at 60-65mph (normally around 55mph). start smooth from a stop signal. ride every day to work (50 miles - both ways). in between oil changes 1 add twice about 1-1.5 ml

year: august 2005 (black) bought new.
miles 17900

Easy Rider
10-07-2008, 02:12 PM
in between oil changes 1 add twice about 1-1.5 ml

OK, I am somewhat embarassed ! :cry:

Apparently there are two of you that are loosing some oil.
Although I can't help but question how you think you know that it is down 1-1.5 ml.
The site glass would vary that much if there was a fly sitting on the left handle bar! :biggrin:

If you are changing oil every 3000 miles, I certainly don't think the loss of 3 ml. over 3000 miles to be anything unusual........or that needs replenishing either. :)

Water Warrior 2
10-08-2008, 02:40 AM
GZ 250.........1-1.5 ml of oil ?? Are you going by the marks on the oil bottle. Each mark is 100 ml. 10 marks would be 1000 ml or 1 liter. If you are adding 100 to 150 mls twice between oil changes that is probably an acceptable amount in my opinion. You must remember that the GZ is air cooled and does not have the close tolerances of a water cooled engine. This is to allow for expansion and contraction of engine parts over a wide range of operating temps. Water cooled engines only get to a predetermined operating temp and are designed with closer tolerances. Some will still use oil regardless of a controlled operating temp.
The bike using a little oil and forcing you to keep an eye on it is probably a good thing. You may spot something else that needs attention.

10-09-2008, 08:23 PM
Thanks ER and WW.

You are right. It is 100-200ml (1-2 oz) between oil change and i do it almost twice and it is not because of high mileage. It is like that from the beginning when the bike was new. But does not bother and as you said i keep an eye on bother things as well. Best wishes.

mr. softie
10-10-2008, 01:22 AM
I need to add an oz or two of oil now and then between changes, usually after a long hard ride of 300 to 400 miles. I think it is normal as well. I try to check it at every fuel up as part of my ritual. Petcock to "run", trip odometer to zero, oil level... check! I like to see oil in the sight glass for sure, and also check it before a long ride as part of my pre-ride checklist. Tire pressure, bolts tight, (especially the footpeg bolts!) , chain lubed, etc.

10-10-2008, 05:01 PM
GZ250 wrote "You are right. It is 100-200ml (1-2 oz) between oil change "

1 oz = 30ml (or cc)
100-200ml is not 1-2 oz but ~3-7 oz.
Adding 10% twice (or 20%) between 3000 mile oil changes seems a little excessive.
Anyone else add this much oil in between regular changes?

mr. softie
10-10-2008, 10:38 PM
In the last 2500 miles I have added about 6 oz total. I have been using Pennzoil "Outdoor" oil, But am going to use Spectro Golden Heavy Duty synthetic blend at my next change.

10-11-2008, 10:08 AM
I have almost 27,000 miles on my GZ. Oil consumption is high if I ride it hard. WOT (Wide Open Throttle) into a head wind for a hundred miles. High oil consumption meaning I'll probably need to add some between changes if I do this very much. Under normal conditions which I define as no WOT and speeds mostly less than 55 mph oil consumption is minimal.

When I ride a lot at low speeds at temperatures greater then 90 degrees I do see a slight increase in oil consumption. Commuting during the hot Florida Summer for example. I have never had to add any oil when it was hot but I have seen a small drop in the level.

Assuming no leaks, oil consumption depends primarily on two things: The valve guides and piston rings. Piston rings can be worn to the point where they allow the oil to get by them or they can be broken or cracked. Newly rebuilt cylinders can burn oil if not properly honed. Leaking valve seals or worn valve guides can cause excessive oil consumption.

Unless its a large amount of oil. I would not be to concerned unless I start to see oil fowling on my spark plug.

10-13-2008, 12:33 PM
This thread getting interesting - so many views. today oct 13, i will do oil and filter change. This time i will keep an eye and will measure how much oil and how many times I need to add between changes. I tend to keep the oil level a bit high almost in the middle of the sight glass, may be because of that my estimate of volume is more. will update soon.

and as Bob said my oil consumption might be high because i always ride (WOT) into head wind. Speed limit on that single road is 55mph and people like to drive at 60mph or more so i have go at least 55mph.

Thanks anyway. :bow:

11-07-2008, 09:15 PM

on Oct 13, 08 I did the oil and filter change at 18000 miles (suzuki oil and filter and O rings). oil level was more towards full mark. today Nov 07, 08 I added atleast 110-120 ml because oil level was near L mark. 18730 miles.

Water Warrior 2
11-10-2008, 01:35 AM

on Oct 13, 08 I did the oil and filter change at 18000 miles (suzuki oil and filter and O rings). oil level was more towards full mark. today Nov 07, 08 I added atleast 110-120 ml because oil level was near L mark. 18730 miles.

Sounds like acceptable oil usage. A little fresh oil between changes can't hurt.

08-18-2009, 07:54 PM
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I am having a similar problem. When I had my 600 service done at the Suzuki dealer, it hadn't used a drop. I've put 1400 miles on it since then and never thought to check the oil level until today (my bad) and there wasn't any visible in the window! Called the Suzuki dealer and they told me to bring it in. They topped it back off and by the mechanic's admission they are using bulk oil. Could this have contributed to the excessive consumption? They also didn't check the valve tolerances like they were supposed to on the 600 mile service (they only charged me $50 for it if that tells you anything). I was also wondering if that could had also played a part in it. They did give me a quart of the correct Suzuki oil before I left. My riding is mainly 45-55 MPH (with an occasional 60 to 65) down two lane highways and paved county roads.

08-18-2009, 08:17 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if you are just seeing the "break in" period on your bike. A lot of motors tend to burn a little oil when new or newly rebuilt until the rings and valves seat. Keep an eye on your oil levels and you may see that you will start to use less oil over the next couple thousand miles. I'd also recommend that you have your valves checked and adjusted. My GZ needed that done pretty regularly about every 4-5000 miles. I always used Suzuki's synthetic oil in my GZ except for one time. That time it burned oil but when I used the synthetic I never had a problem with it burning oil. My bike already had about 1200 miles on it when I bought it so it was probably already "broken in". Maybe you might give the synthetic a try if you continue to see oil consumption and see if it makes a difference. I know the synthetic is more expensive but the GZ doesn't take much more than a QT at oil change time.

Easy Rider
08-18-2009, 09:28 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if you are just seeing the "break in" period on your bike.

And I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't get enough IN it in the first place.

I suspect that you will see little or no useage going forward.

Valves will probably be fine until then next oil change; don't let it go too far though.

You (everybody) should really get in the habit of checking the basics when someone else does the service......BEFORE you ride it off. Even seasoned mechanics sometimes make really DUMB mistakes.

08-21-2009, 10:55 AM
i just want to add that i bought my 03 gz used, changed the oil when i got it put about 2500 miles on it and i have never had to add any oil, its still full only had 1900 miles on it when i got it. i don't ride it hard in general but there is the occasional start out in first and give it hell threw all the gears.

i did read once that on a new or rebuilt motor do not use synthetic for the first few thousand miles or the seals will not properly set.

Water Warrior 2
08-21-2009, 03:38 PM
i just want to add that i bought my 03 gz used, changed the oil when i got it put about 2500 miles on it and i have never had to add any oil, its still full only had 1900 miles on it when i got it. i don't ride it hard in general but there is the occasional start out in first and give it hell threw all the gears.

i did read once that on a new or rebuilt motor do not use synthetic for the first few thousand miles or the seals will not properly set.
Don't be afraid of synthetic oils. When Lynda got her GZ I put in Amsoil at the first change. It always ran strong and reliably. No excessive oil consumption and the tranny was smooth as well. My Vstrom got the same treatment, works great.
Years ago synthetics got a bad rap due to sneaking past seals etc. Seals have been much improved over the years so never fear the old wives tales. My Ranger 4x4 is all Amsoil except for the engine, not a leak or any seepage anywhere.

08-24-2009, 03:02 PM
I'd also recommend that you have your valves checked and adjusted. My GZ needed that done pretty regularly about every 4-5000 miles.

The dealership I bought my bike from is so diversified (motorcycles/ATVs/scooters/boats/trucking company/manlift company/etc.) that I don't trust them to do anything more than basic maintenance. I'm afraid their mechanic would be a jack of all trades and master of none. As stated in my original post, he didn't even do everything he was supposed to on the 600 mile service.

That being said, I talked to the dealership that maintains the bikes for the local MSF safety courses, which is 60 miles away. They said they would be happy to check the valves but it would have to be left there overnight so the engine would definitely be cold in order to do it correctly.

I'll rent a motel room so I don't have to ask someone to make a couple of 120 mile round trips to come get me and then take me back. I plan on scheduling my next service with them so I can get that taken care of.

Maybe you might give the synthetic a try if you continue to see oil consumption and see if it makes a difference. I know the synthetic is more expensive but the GZ doesn't take much more than a QT at oil change time.

I plan to do that also. If nothing else, just for the peace of mind. I just wanted to wait until the first full service to make sure everything was broken in correctly first. Thanks for your input. It's greatly appreciated!

New GZ250
08-24-2009, 03:13 PM
I took my bike down as they opened, they started working on the bike early afternoon. Done late in the afternoon.
Work something out with the dealer. If you have to get down there before they open, to give the bike enough time to cool do it Bring a good book, save a buck!

08-24-2009, 03:18 PM
And I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't get enough IN it in the first place.

I wouldn't either. See my previous post about how much other stuff that particular dealer is into.

You (everybody) should really get in the habit of checking the basics when someone else does the service......BEFORE you ride it off. Even seasoned mechanics sometimes make really DUMB mistakes.

The basics is about all I'd be able to check as my mechanical knowledge is almost nil. I don't trust myself do any type of mechanical work on the bike. It would be my luck that I would try to do preventive maintenance and it would end up being the cause of a breakdown. I can lube the chain though. I did that last week. LOL.

Thanks for your input. It's greatly appreciated!

08-24-2009, 03:23 PM
I took my bike down as they opened, they started working on the bike early afternoon. Done late in the afternoon.
Work something out with the dealer. If you have to get down there before they open, to give the bike enough time to cool do it Bring a good book, save a buck!

Thanks! I'll see what I can work out with them when the time comes.

08-28-2009, 11:54 AM
Just amazed that this thread is still alive - for oil consumption or as i said in the topic "engine oil level goes down". It still happens with my bike. I have more than 22k miles and even after valve adjustment oil level goes down and now I use the Rotella T and same thing happens. the oil level goes down and i have to add more oil.

I don't care now for this as bike is working properly and adding fresh oil between oil changes if not good is not bad either. i don't keep the mileage record anymore but i have to add some oil after every 800 miles.