View Full Version : Way's Oil Temp Gauge ?? - Not Oil Pressure

12-06-2011, 06:47 PM
I happened to see that one is available for the GZ 125. Seems like a good idea, I was just wondering if it would fit the 250 or if anyone has used one?

Edit: Here's the link, sorry:

http://www.louis.eu/index.php?topic=art ... r=10034300 (http://www.louis.eu/index.php?topic=artnr_gr&artnr_gr=10034300)

Water Warrior 2
12-06-2011, 10:34 PM
It would probably fit. I wouldn't bother though. Give it a shot if you want and get back to us.

12-06-2011, 11:58 PM
I actually haven't made up my mind. I kind of agree with you, just thought it seemed neat. It screws in place of the oil cap. You can glance down and see it I guess but I don't know the point of it. By the time you'd see a problem it most likely would be too late. :skeptical:

Water Warrior 2
12-07-2011, 05:24 AM
Are you sure it is an oil pressure gauge ? Sounds more like an oil temp/engine temp gauge to me. A pressure gauge has to be screwed into an engine fitting to monitor the pressure.

12-07-2011, 08:10 AM
Don't let this go to your head but you are correct:

http://www.louis.eu/_20ffe9b871923dd9f1 ... E=10034300 (http://www.louis.eu/_20ffe9b871923dd9f1ee609a494877879e/shop/shop_article_big.php?IMG=10034313_870_FR_06&TITLE=10034300)

I made a mistake? O_o

12-07-2011, 08:22 AM
Don't let this go to your head but you are correct:

http://www.louis.eu/_20ffe9b871923dd9f1 ... E=10034300 (http://www.louis.eu/_20ffe9b871923dd9f1ee609a494877879e/shop/shop_article_big.php?IMG=10034313_870_FR_06&TITLE=10034300)

I made a mistake? O_o

Sometimes us Old Grey Beards have BTDT.

Water Warrior 2
12-07-2011, 07:48 PM
Every now and again I get one right.

12-07-2011, 09:36 PM

I tried to change the topic but I guess I'm stuck with it. :retard:

12-07-2011, 09:37 PM
Every now and again I get one right.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. :)

12-09-2011, 06:22 AM
I think it looks cool!!

Sometimes us Old Grey Beards have BTDT.
what is BTDT?

12-09-2011, 08:26 AM
Been there, Done that.

12-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Thanks for changing the topic, wherever you are... I was going to sacrifice a virgin... And no, that doesn't mean I have to wait another day to get lucky. :tongue:

12-09-2011, 12:40 PM
I think it looks cool!!

Sometimes us Old Grey Beards have BTDT.
what is BTDT?

I think so too. I might actually spring for it but I want to get some highway bars first.

Thanks also for asking that question, I was wondering too. :)

12-10-2011, 11:58 AM
There's one on "regular" ebay if you search for "marauder oil gauge" or it's just here:

$40 with about $12 shipping. I'm not really sure how that compares to the euro site. It seems like the german one was a little cheaper for the item (as it looks like it's on clearance) but the shipping seemed higher? I'm not sure. YMMV as they say. (your mileage may vary) literally

12-10-2011, 01:40 PM
I think they're roughly the same price. Shipping is the big unknown.

I took a look at the German shipping charges.... :hide:

http://www.louis.eu/_208bb29a9a73468dea ... sandkosten (http://www.louis.eu/_208bb29a9a73468dea0a9ec5f35de0f017/index.php?topic=versandkosten)

It costs more to ship to Iceland than Australia??? O_o

The United States isn't even listed, nor is Canada.. sounds like territorial agreement of some sort with Suzuki. Using their currency converter it's $53 assuming shipping the same as to Australia. Kind of pricey I think but it sure is pretty.

Water Warrior 2
12-10-2011, 02:12 PM
U.S and Can. are shipping destinations too.

12-10-2011, 02:53 PM
U.S and Can. are shipping destinations too.

I don't see where they're listed on that page? Considering your skill at pointing out my errors, I am hesitant to ask :hide: :tongue:

Water Warrior 2
12-10-2011, 04:25 PM
U.S and Can. are shipping destinations too.

I don't see where they're listed on that page? Considering your skill at pointing out my errors, I am hesitant to ask :hide: :tongue:
I was looking at the Ebay listing. "Read Details" has the list of shipping destinations. The other site does not have North America.

12-10-2011, 04:57 PM
Ah, you had me worried there. I was expecting a big Button with USA in big block letters on it. :lol:

Water Warrior 2
12-10-2011, 07:44 PM
Ah, you had me worried there. I was expecting a big Button with USA in big block letters on it. :lol:
Just too funny. I think I hurt my face laughing. :lol: :lol:

12-10-2011, 11:34 PM
Lol, I was getting worried, too. :blush:
didn't see any US shipping on the German site.

12-12-2011, 04:08 PM
I emailed the German site and got this response:

Dear Sir ,
unfortunately ,
we don't ship goods to USA or Canada because
of the divergent warranty and guarantee laws.."

With kind regards Mrs Devika Paulus
Order Service

It must have to do with warranties on the bikes? Acchhh.

Water Warrior 2
12-12-2011, 07:07 PM
At least you got a response and their reason for not shipping. Looks like you are stuck with the other site.

12-13-2011, 12:21 AM
Well I certainly can't complain about the politeness. It makes me miss doing business that much more. :cry: If only I lived in Kazakhstan :poorbaby:

12-13-2011, 05:47 AM
Be careful with stuff coming through Germany. A coupla weeks ago I ordered an electric blanket from Amazon UK. For some reason it had been sent by DHL, via Duetche Post in Germany. Last week I got a notification from the postal service that it had been seized by customs because it lacked an invoice & tax form. I had to e-mail an invoice & all my personal details to the customs. Yesterday it arrived, & I had to pay an extra €16 ($20?) in tax & charges.