View Full Version : $4 million multi-car crash

12-05-2011, 07:28 PM
:popcorn: :popcorn:

Japan, Sunday December 4, 2011.

A group of car enthusiasts out for a ride.

They were following their leader at about 85 mph.
He (tried to pass a Prius and?) hit the median and spun out.
The others were too close.

Water Warrior 2
12-05-2011, 07:33 PM
Looks like a good example of driving beyond your skill level. Rich doesn't mean smart.

12-05-2011, 08:24 PM
Sad...I agree with Water Warrior.

12-06-2011, 05:38 AM
It even made the English newspapers, yesterday.

12-06-2011, 09:04 AM
It was front page @ Yahoo yesterday.

That's funny.