View Full Version : I screwed up!

12-04-2011, 02:02 PM
While riding the timing view bolt on top of the left cover vibrated out, it was spewing oil out. i was near a parts store and was able to get a bolt to put in there. The bolt was a bit long and i slightly bumped the starter as i was worried about it , i heard it hit. I backed it way out and now the bike will not run. it started once and ran rough , sounded like it was out of time. I'm going to trailer it home. What did i break?

12-04-2011, 03:29 PM
I think when you screwed the bolt in too far you hit the flywheel & damaged it.This would cause it to be out of time & run rough.You will be able to see once you remove the side cover.Also check that the stator did not get damaged.
:cool: :)