View Full Version : online ordering

Dave Dark
11-30-2011, 10:10 PM
Hello fellow GZers!

Some of you might remember me from a post entitled "Front Brake Fiasco!"

I messed up completely. Cross-threaded the brake pad mounting bolt. Tried to get it out. Couldn't. Disconnected it from the brake hose and took it to a friend who is a mechanic who is going to have to drill it out. Things are not looking good.

Needless to say I need some help. I think I have three options.

1) If the mechanic saves most of the caliper can I grab any old bolt that fits and use it as my brake pad mounting bolt? I know I would have to re-thread the hole. Is this a possibility?

2) Should I just suck it up and buy a whole new caliper? Online I found one at http://www.cheapcycleparts.com. It is like 150$. Has anyone ever used this website? Is it reputable?

3) Does anyone want to donate their front caliper to me and earn karma points? :2tup:

Take care!


11-30-2011, 10:18 PM
A good mechanic should have no problem removing the bolt. Heat and wd-40 will do wonders.

I would wait to see how it goes first.

11-30-2011, 10:39 PM
Hello Dave. I can tell you something about that website you mentioned. I was just there a couple days ago, looking at a Balaclava, (see my recent post titled DOES THIS BALACLAVA LOOK OK TO YOU ?) and I noticed that they did not describe the item, like "made from 100% fleece" , or polyester, or what ever. They just put up an image and a price. I think that is a red flag, like a warning not to trust that website. I changed my mind and ordered from Amazon.com , a big , quality place to shop, a place you can trust. I have not ever been disappointed with shopping at Amazon, I got about 11 years shopping there for absolutely everything.

Water Warrior 2
12-01-2011, 03:15 AM
The caliper should be usable if you find some one who can remove the bolt safely without damage. Use a thread chaser to clean up the threads. A proper new Metric bolt and away you go. It is mostly the end of the riding season so don't be in a hurry. Take time to find some one who can do it right.
If all else fails a slightly larger metric hole and bolt if that is possible.

Gz Rider
12-01-2011, 06:24 PM

12-02-2011, 07:20 PM
There are several posts of people that are parting out bikes, maybe someone has a brake caliper left.

12-27-2011, 03:32 PM
Hi! I'm late to this as usual, sorry, but wanted to mention eBay as that's where I get 70% of everything I own, seems like. I looked and there are brake calipers there running from $38 to $100 shipped. Er... this one is particularly cheap but is up in 6 hours, sorry. Hope you have time to put a bid on it if you still need it.


or maybe if someone knows you or knows that you still need it, they can pick it up for you and send it to you?