View Full Version : fuel line problem

11-22-2011, 03:18 AM
hi there, just bought my first bike gz250 (used) and am having serious issues.
rode fine until i took it out on my first big ride and pushed the bike a bit (accidentally let the fuel run really low)
that evening it started cutting out on me and not starting up again.
eventually i couldn't get it started at all, bike collected by mechanic, he says starter clutch is gone. he replaces worn parts.
around the corner from the place bike cuts out and won't start again. so i watch him
1. take apart the carb, and blow it out including the fuel lines , there was water and sediment in it.
bike starts but stops again
2. adjust the air / petrol ratio, moved the diaphragm thing up one notch. to give richer fuel.
bike starts and carries on until you stitch it off again
3. check sparking and electronics
no problems there.
4. replaces choke with a manual one which has a plunger thing on it my one didn't have (instead of connected to my handle bar)
still problem.
5 finally replaces spark plug.
and it works every time until it rains on the bike. it starts cutting out but i can start it every time
the next day ... today. i refill with fuel and around the corner the bike cutts and won't start again

so now i've got the same problem all over again minus the clanking of the started motor. the mechanic won't relook at it without more money than i have. does anyone have an idea what i should try next
thanks chris

11-22-2011, 04:58 AM
"Works 'til it rains" could be a clue. Perhaps water is getting into a split cable. Try removing the tank, then checking every inch of cable, especially round the stearing head (which is subject to twisting). I once had a similar problem with a car, & found that the wiring loom was split where it rubbed on the radiator, & every time it rained, water got in the split & caused all sorts of problems. Hope you get it shorted out soon, & cheaply. :2tup:

11-22-2011, 06:24 AM
should i be able to feel a very feint electrical pulsing when holding the spark plug cable while hitting the starter or is that another sign of a short

11-23-2011, 01:38 AM
I'm not sure about feeling a pulse while holding the sparkplug cable, but changing things from stock before you know what the problem is may end up making things worse. These things are pretty simple and work fine stock. I would guess it's a carb problem and needs to be cleaned more thoroughly. Not sure how rain could get in, but check the carb.

11-23-2011, 04:27 AM
I would guess it's a carb problem Not sure how rain could get in

Nope. From what he says, I'm still convinced it's an electrical problem. I remember, many years ago, being told by a mechanic, that if it's a bit rough first, it's usually a fuel problem, and if it's sudden it's usually an electrical problem. Plus, there's no way that rain can get in the carb, or cause fuel problems that cause the bike to cut out SUDDENLY. It's GOT to be electrical. :)

11-23-2011, 06:55 AM
I also think that it is a electrical problem. :) :cool: