View Full Version : bike wont run without choke

11-14-2011, 09:27 PM
I have a 2007 GZ250 which only has 962 miles on it. The oil and filter have been changed, as well as the spark plugs and the carb was cleaned about a year ago. I deploy a lot so I haven't had time to really ride the bike much since I bought it. When I start the bike, it takes about 5 to 6 starts with the choke fully engaged to keep the bike from dying after running it for a minute. When riding the bike, it dies every time you slow down for a turn or at a stop sign. It also sounds very loud and it sputters a lot during the ride. Also, the choke cannot be completely taken off during the ride at any point. Any help is always greatly appreciated and I am looking to find a good starting point to get my bike up and running solid.

11-14-2011, 09:50 PM
From what I read here, your carb needs cleaning again, because several weeks of standstill will gunk it up.

That you need the choke consistently is a good indication that (one of) your jet(s) is/are clogged.

There are several products that you can add to gasoline (Berryman's, Seafoam to name just a few) to clean the carb while it runs through. Maybe try those first (ASAP), rather than bringing the bike to the shop again.

PS Welcome to the forum ! :2tup:

11-14-2011, 09:58 PM
Awesome :). I've heard a lot of people say that seafoam works best so maybe try that one? Thank you for the welcome and the quick reply. I plan on posting pics of the bike soon cause I wont be deploying for a while and i time to get it out there and ride as well as do some work on it.

11-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Awesome :). I've heard a lot of people say that seafoam works best so maybe try that one?
Welcome.I would try some sea Foam at twice the amount indicated.Sometimes it takes a couple of days to get full benefits.A little SeaFoam about once a month will keep your carb clean and eliminate your problem.
:) :cool:

Rookie Rider
11-14-2011, 11:02 PM
Yeah, fill the tank with gas then pour the seafoam in the gas tank, bout almost half the can. That worked for me. Next gas fill up pour 1/4 more of seafoam. Repeat until can is done. Welcome aboard and thank you for your services.

11-15-2011, 12:17 AM
ok will do. thanks guys and i always appreciate when people thank me for my service. 8 years Navy strong ;)

Water Warrior 2
11-15-2011, 12:29 AM
ok will do. thanks guys and i always appreciate when people thank me for my service. 8 years Navy strong ;)
1st, thank you for your service to the free world as we know it and enjoy it.
2nd, what do you do in the Navy ? Don't say anything if you have to kill me after. :lol: :lol: .

11-15-2011, 04:47 AM
You do know that the idle speed should be set to around 1400 to 1500 RPM don't you? Sounds like yours could be on the low side. This is set by the big white knob, under the carb, with a hot engine & no choke. :2tup:

Rookie Rider
11-15-2011, 01:08 PM
I didnt put my choke on yet either so i turn up the idle knob, always

11-15-2011, 03:49 PM
I am an IT in the navy, and I love every minute of it. Best job ive ever had.

I messed with the idle knob but i dont know how to set it to 1400 to 1500 RPM exactly.

11-15-2011, 04:33 PM
I messed with the idle knob but i dont know how to set it to 1400 to 1500 RPM exactly.
It's kinda hit & miss without a tach.Best I can explain it is: What sounds like a fast idle on a different vehicle.
:) :cool:

11-16-2011, 08:27 AM
Try listening to GZRider's sound clip of a bike starting. Towards the end, you will hear the bike crank, idle high and then idle down to something close to normal.

It should about like that, right at the end.

Audio of a GZ trying to start: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5144&hilit=sound+file (http://gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5144&hilit=sound+file)

You could also crank the bike and get it idle smoothly. Then, back the idle down until it starts to get too low and sound choppy. Then turn it back up maybe 1 whole turn and see where you are. It won't be too high and it won't be too low. You'll be somewhere close to the right range.

OR, if you want to go ahead and kill two birds with one stone, you could install a tachometer. They are invaluable over the life of the bike, especially if you do your own maintenance, and are easy to install. It's like $60 for a tach and maybe an hour or two if you've never touched your bike before. Quimrider's How-to is very straight forward. And later on in the thread, others have made recommendations on some shortcuts.

How-To install a tachometer - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=533 (http://gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=533)

11-17-2011, 06:20 PM
A 2007 bike with less than 1000 miles isn't even broke in yet if not abused during break in. Most brand name gasoline in the US (Chevron, Mobile, Shell, etc.) have additives already blended in to prevent gum and buildup problems in carbs and fuel injection.

Other folks recommended Seafoam for fuel cleanup. I've been using Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO) in fuel in engines since I was a kid in the Air Force and the old-timer at the gas station just off base in Denver recommended it to keep engines running well. I especially use MMO in engines that might sit for a while between usage.

My 2009 GZ came with 132 miles. I'm sure it had been sitting around in SoCal quite a bit since 2009/2010 before I got it. But it starts fine now at the first attempt with full choke. The bike does take a while to warm up before it runs smooth without any choke. When taking off first thing in the morning, I start the bike and then put on my gear, takes maybe 5 minutes. I might balance the GZ once or twice to make sure oil is getting around. Still then, the bike is not yet ready to ride around without a little choke, so I decrease the choke to about half (idles slower) while riding initially and the engine is still warming up. Eventually when coming to stops I can tell the engine is revving too fast so I back down the choke until the engine idles decently. Eventually, I move the choke to the off position once I sense the engine has come up to good operating temp. Note that initial riding is 45mph or slower until engine is ready.


11-19-2011, 02:55 PM
so you can ride it initially with half the choke on? I was told this ruins the bike so I never tried it. The funny thing is that when I took the MSF course a few years ago they use the same bike which had the same issue and they also ran it for a little bit with half chocke before the engine fully warmed up and the choke was taken away. WIll this burn out my spark plugs if I do this?

Also thanks for the install guide on the tachometer. I will be putting one on as soon as I find one I like.

Water Warrior 2
11-19-2011, 03:45 PM
so you can ride it initially with half the choke on? I was told this ruins the bike so I never tried it. The funny thing is that when I took the MSF course a few years ago they use the same bike which had the same issue and they also ran it for a little bit with half chocke before the engine fully warmed up and the choke was taken away. WIll this burn out my spark plugs if I do this?

Also thanks for the install guide on the tachometer. I will be putting one on as soon as I find one I like.
The GZ can be a little cold blooded and need some extra choke time. Quite a few bikes, not just the GZ can be in need of half choke(give or take). Don't worry about the spark plug. A little extra choke is probably a good thing during warm up. A better burn and more heating will keep the plug clean as opposed to a poor burn and less efficient heating of the engine. Experiment a little and see what works for the bike.

11-21-2011, 10:25 AM
Using choke to start the bike and ride away almost immediately, slowing removing choke while you ride, is common practice all over the world.

11-27-2011, 11:09 PM
this is happening to me also. i took off the carb it was clean, i also put carb cleaner in it just to make sure. but it keeps shutting off when i slow down, and when i turn it on it idles fine but then maybe 20-30 sec later it revs up high until i idle it down. when i first start it for the first min. i cant take the choke off or it will die. any suggestions

Gz Rider
11-27-2011, 11:53 PM

01-31-2012, 02:57 PM

What was the resolution to this post? Did the carburetor cleaning fluid solve your issue?

Water Warrior 2
01-31-2012, 07:37 PM

What was the resolution to this post? Did the carburetor cleaning fluid solve your issue?
Quite possibly he is out floating around someplace secret.