View Full Version : bike clean and maint.

08-13-2007, 09:15 PM
can somebody offer me a good cleaning product for the gz i see a lot of nice shiny bikes on here and would like some suggestions..thanx

08-13-2007, 10:09 PM
I just bought some of Meguiars metal polish for the rims and chrome and was very impressed with how well it worked. I bought some generic liquid wax for the paint but didn't get the results I wanted (may have to go get some of Meguiars wax as well). Here is a link to the metal polish:
http://www.meguiars.com/?wheel-care/NXT ... tal-Polysh (http://www.meguiars.com/?wheel-care/NXT-Generation-All-Metal-Polysh)

08-13-2007, 11:09 PM
Any wash-n-wax carwash solution. I prefer turtle wax car wash for all of my vehicles.

http://upload2.postimage.org/265602/DSCN6391.jpg (http://upload2.postimage.org/265602/photo_hosting.html)

08-14-2007, 11:09 AM
I pressure wash mine once a month ...

Wax - I use mequires or any hi gloss wet look expensive stuff
Chrome - i usually wax it or use 'in between wax' spray detailer
Everyday - California duster to keep it dust free
When i need to show it off - Pig Spit on everything

08-14-2007, 07:20 PM
I'm not real picky about washing the bike. I give it a good washing once in a while with a bucket of cold water and what ever car wash detergent they have on sale and a wash mitt and paint brushes.. I also like to clean with paint brushes simple green and cold water. For drying I use microfiber towels. I can't recommend microfiber towels enough. They are also good for light weight bath towels when your camping. I can dry just as good with one of these little towels as I can with a big cotton terry cloth towel. I wax the shinny parts from time to time with Meguiars best way I ever used.

I clean the wheels and other chrome parts with WD40 and a piece of terry cloth. If you've never done it you'll be surprised how easy the rear wheel cleans up with an oily rag.

For stubborn stuff on chrome its hard to beat an SOS pad. I got melted riding pants off the exhaust with SOS pads. If you have an older bike thats been out in the weather and their are rust stains. Try WD40 and some 000 steel wool.

08-15-2007, 08:01 AM
If I want a quickie shine, i WD40 everyting but the windshield. A lite coating, wiped good, it shines like a new penny. When water no longer beads, Meguiars wax.