View Full Version : Blown main fuse

10-29-2011, 06:54 PM
Hello all,
I have an '07 GZ 250, the other day I was riding home when it felt as though I was running out of gas, only my bike did not die out. Once I shut off my bike and tried to start it back up, it never started again. I found it to be the main fuse was blown. Today, I was riding home again, and about 2 blocks from my house the engine just cut off while coming to a stop light. Again, my main fuse has blown out. Any idea what would cause it to blow like this? Last week I was stuck in the rain, is it possible the turn signals have water in them and shorting out somewhere?

10-30-2011, 05:18 AM
Sounds like something's definitely shorting out intermittently. Only way to go is to remove the tank and visually inspect every inch of wiring. Dont forget to check inside the headlight shell. Good hunting, & let us know what you find. :2tup:

10-30-2011, 06:30 AM
Could very well be the headlight shell. If theres a crack in the casing or the clear display allowing water in that could well be the cause. Does the back light come on your speedometer?

Also check your battery for a bad connection.

Water Warrior 2
10-30-2011, 10:28 AM
When checking the wiring pay particular attention to the wiring at the steering head where the harness flexes as the bars are turned. If I remember correctly there is also a spare connection in the headlight that might be touching something and causing problems.

10-30-2011, 10:42 AM
If I remember correctly there is also a spare connection in the headlight that might be touching something and causing problems.

Not really "spare". It's a +ve from the ignition switch, & a -ve to earth, that's used on the European models for the parking light bulb in the headlight shell. :2tup:

10-30-2011, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the replies, I am about to go out now. I will let you know what I find.

11-30-2011, 12:34 AM
Well, I think the problem was with my neutral light. The glass around it was broken, but the light would still go on once in a while. I think the wires inside the bulb would arc from time to time causing the main fuse to blow. Since changing this bulb, I have not had any problems with my fuses blowing out.