View Full Version : Sissy bar question
10-14-2011, 07:18 PM
this 250 gz is my beginner . but at my age it may be my only bike. i to wanted it to sound deeper and louder. love the rumble. when my husband and i ride together he just has to let me start my bike first because when he starts his harley i can't hear my bike. i can control this bike good and i have been pricing harleys and have about ruled them out. too pricey. so if i go bigger , it may be a honda or vstar. in the meantime i have found a sissy bar i am going to order for the 99 gz. could anyone tell me how they attach to the bike thanks
Water Warrior 2
10-14-2011, 07:33 PM
The sissy bar will bolt on to the GZ in the same location as the chrome rail on the rear fender. Longer bolts will come with the sissy bar. Some one will post a pic for you shortly.
As for a larger bike I will assume you are looking at the 650 to 750 range of bikes. Take a look at the Suzuki M-50 and C-50 models. They are 800 cc's and quite a nice bike overall. The C-50 would be my personal choice with foot boards instead of foot pegs, larger seat and a more cruiser look than the M-50.
That said, Lynda likes her M-50 with C-50 handle bars on it. Now it fits her 5' 3" frame and shorter arms. More leverage and less stretch.
10-14-2011, 07:53 PM
thank you so much. we have a local suzuki store and i will go by tomorrow and check out the m-50 and c-50. this forum is so nice and helpful. hi to lynda .love to see a pic of her and bike. thanks again and have a great week end.
Water Warrior 2
10-14-2011, 08:02 PM
thank you so much. we have a local suzuki store and i will go by tomorrow and check out the m-50 and c-50. this forum is so nice and helpful. hi to lynda .love to see a pic of her and bike. thanks again and have a great week end.
10-14-2011, 08:12 PM
A little unsolicited advice - wait a year or so before you move up to a bigger heavier bike. First, you will have more experience and knowledge and not be intimidated by another 150-200 lbs of bike weight and double or triple the horsepower. Second, you will see a lot of other bikes in that time, can sit on a lot of them in a dealership or from people you meet on the road, and you may change your mind about the whole thing. Figure out exactly what you want to do with the bike - pleasure rides, trips to town, or long road trips, Different bikes for different needs. Don't let any salesman pressure you into a newer or bigger bike - they just want to make a sale and couldn't care 2 craps about you, your health or safety. And don't rule out looking at good used bikes - Craigslist and eBay are your friends. I bought my 3 current bikes on there and have been very satisfied with each deal. Ride the GZ, you will like it, it will be your friend and do just about everything you want it to.
BTW, if you are thinking of someday getting a bigger bike, why do you want a sissy bar? For attaching luggage? Instead of spending money on that, I would go for a windshield. And saddlebags can do the same thing for carrying stuff and you can take them with you for your next bike. Or think about getting an engine guard/crash bar, for personal safety and also bike protection (s**t happens).
You don't get a great return on investment for accessories, it doesn't add much to the value of the bike, except you customized it to your liking and that can be a good thing.
Water Warrior 2
10-14-2011, 08:29 PM
Well said mrlmd1. Lynda rode the GZ for 3 years before moving up. She did look very hard at a beautiful well kept, well equiped used 750 Honda right here in our parking area. It also was chain drive, carbed and air cooled which she did not want. I'm sure it went to a good home eventually.
10-14-2011, 11:29 PM
wow, that bike of lyndas really looks nice. when i get ready to go to a bigger bike. i appreciate so much all the good advise.the reason i want the sissi bars is to carry a little more if i go on longer trips. i have a windshied and saddle bags that were made for the suzuki but those things are so small. the sissi barsa aren't a have to have thing . i could always use
a small backpack if i need more space. the sis bar is expensive. or to me it is and i have 2 trips, a cruise and a grandaughters wedding coming up. note to lynda, admire you so much , i know you had fun. would you do it again? thanks to everyone for all the help. i really need you guys.[attachment=0:2usd99ln]bikes&d 001.JPG[/attachment:2usd99ln]
10-14-2011, 11:58 PM
You can just get a luggage rack, which is different than the sissy bar. The sissy bar attaches vertically at the rear of the seat, as a backrest for a passenger, at the front of the rack (which is over the rear fender), or you can get a combo unit. It's all how much money you want to spend.
The Suzuki bags are really small.
Nice bike BTW.
Water Warrior 2
10-15-2011, 12:48 AM
Looks like you are a happy rider in the pic. Big wind shield too. Must be a real + with bugs out and looking for a target to splat on. Would Lynda do it again ?? In a heart beat to say the least. The GZ was a wonderful bike to enter into the riding world and the M-50 is just more bike and much more satisfying on the road with more power and a better ride. It will also support a few more electrical add-ons if wanted.
Hmm, pics of the GZ are here somewhere.
10-15-2011, 01:15 AM
love the bike pictures. beautiful. that lyndas a real trooper. bet she feels just like i do . age is just a number. we are goiing to ride on the parkway in the mountains this week end . i'll try to get some pics . i love seeing everyones pictures.
mrlmd1 suggested a luggage rack. duh, hadn't even thought of that, neat idea. gonna check in out bet i can do it more reasonable that a bar. thanks mrlmd1 and i love florida. its like a second home. taking it to bed . G'night ya'll.
10-15-2011, 05:39 AM
I've said it before, & I'll say it again - I'd NEVER ride a bike without an engine guard, or as we call them in England, "crash bars". That's because their primary function is to protect YOU & your legs if (that should be "when", because every rider in the world has gone down at some time in his/her riding career) the bike goes down. Don't think it can't happen to you. I've been riding for over 45 years, but a couple of years ago I got sideswiped by a 4X4 I was overtaking. There was no time to react, & the bike went down. The only thing that stopped my leg from being squashed or burned on the engine/exhaust was the guard. The guard got bent, but my leg survived. I hope I'm making you think hard enough about making a guard your first purchase. Incidentally, if you do decide to buy a guard, don't buy the Suzuki guard. It's for show only! People on here will be able to advise you, better than me, as to what's the best buys in America. :2tup:
10-15-2011, 09:00 AM
thank you so much. i never even thought of that. any suggestions from anyone will be welcome. a sissy bar or rack is something i can do without for a while .i can put my things in my husbands bags . theyre big. safety should always be first and like you i should be prepared. by the way i know spains a great place to live and ride. my daughter lived in spain for 3 years and i spent a month with her every year. thanks again
10-15-2011, 09:08 AM
Do a search for MC Enterprises engine guard. It's sturdy, looks good, easy to install, much better than the stock guard sold by Suzuki.
10-15-2011, 09:13 AM
thanks , i 'll do that today.
Water Warrior 2
10-15-2011, 09:56 PM
Engine bars/crash bars are sacrificial items that save a rider and the bike. Suzuki chose to make the bike sacrificial to save their decorative bars. DUH ! That said, it is probably a lawyer and law suit thing they are trying to avoid.
10-22-2011, 12:21 PM
Another good bar is the Barons Engine Guard. I have one on my V-Star 650 Classic. I have found the best price shipped at Phat Performance ( _p/ba-7182-00.htm). Just a satisified customer.
Just a note. I went down on a GZ250 and had to have another person lift it off my leg so I could get out from under it. Not a fun position to be in.
10-28-2011, 12:38 PM
Hey, probably a bit late now but as Ive only just joined the forum today I wanted to offer my own 10 cents worth.
I have a sissy bar on my bike and the bars which the saddle bags attach to but no saddle bags or windshield. I bought the bike like that and have been using it to get from A-B. Originally it was a supposed to be a temporary fill in for my dying Virago 535. My personal circumstances have change a bit since I bought the bike. Im not in a position to buy a new one at the moment and Ive just spent a lot of money and time getting various things fixed on it.
Personally I hate the sissy bar. I dont really carry pillions very often and it just spoils the bikes lines. So the next thing I want to do it it is get saddle bags and a windshield (which is a must at speeds over 100 km/h) and remove the sissy bar.
10-28-2011, 01:49 PM
Personally I hate the sissy bar.
Although it can be useful at times, for fastening things such as bags & boxes to. Pack elastics or nets do a great job. :2tup:
10-28-2011, 01:55 PM
will it fit a 99 gz 250 and how much you want for it? i have been looking at crash bars but if i can get the bars resonable i would love to have them . thanks can you attach a picture
10-28-2011, 03:34 PM
He's talking about the backrest on the rear seat, not crashbars, & the postage from Gibraltar might be more than buying a new one. :whistle:
10-29-2011, 01:56 AM
lol I was actually going to say when I take my sissy bar off Id give it to her thought after the postage and packing is paid, Im sure you could buy a sissy bar in better condition for less on your end Daisy. Although honestly in my humble opinion dont waste your time getting one unless you go for one that has a shelf on the back for a back box.
Mods like that are quite hard to find in Gibraltar and what there is, is often over priced so personally I wouldnt bother although Im sure you would be able to walk into just about any bike shop and pick up a nice set for your already sassy looking bike :)
Love the tank guard by the way.
10-29-2011, 12:04 PM
gosh, thanks to everyone. your all so thoughtful and helpful. peachy 140 is that gibraltar as in "rock of ". if so been on the rock and let the barbary apes sit on my head. i thinks thats what they were called. anyway beautiful place and yes it would be too expensive to mail but thanks for the offer. cute baby. you guys have a great week end and i envy you being able to ride year round. its too cold here today to ride.
10-29-2011, 12:16 PM
Yeah that is Gibraltar as in Rock Of Daisy :)
And yeah theyre Barbary Macaques or as you say Apes :)
yes it would be too expensive to mail but thanks for the offer.
no probs
cute baby
Thanks :)
Have a great week your self hun
11-02-2011, 07:36 PM
Pic of sissybar installed on a 2005 GZ...
11-02-2011, 11:44 PM
Mine doesnt have the rack behind it which makes the sissy bar pretty useless. But I agree if you have that type theyre really handy :)
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