View Full Version : My avatar

10-10-2011, 11:38 AM
Bugsy, my avatar, died last week. He was only 4 years 3months. He had a fur ball in his stomach. He was so full of life that by the time we realised that there was something wrong it was too late. We got him to the vet, but he died after a night in the animal hospital.

He was so much more than just a rabbit. He was my friend, and followed me everywhere, like a dog. Him and his friend Chicho didn't have a cage. They lived in the house with us and used a litter tray. They were inseperable, and Chicho was fretting so much that the vet advised us to get him a new friend as soon as possible.

Here then is Bugsy, Chicho and Gonzo.[attachment=3:1aqmknxl]bc31.jpg[/attachment:1aqmknxl][attachment=2:1aqmknxl]bc94.jpg[/attachment:1aqmknxl][attachment=1:1aqmknxl]bc122.jpg[/attachment:1aqmknxl][attachment=0:1aqmknxl]bcg2.jpg[/attachment:1aqmknxl]

10-10-2011, 12:58 PM
It's tough losing a close friend. My deepest condolences.


10-10-2011, 02:04 PM
sorry to hear about your loss. best wishes to you and yours.

10-10-2011, 05:03 PM
So sorry for your loss.My condolences.

Rookie Rider
10-10-2011, 05:18 PM
Sorry for your loss, sending prayers.

10-10-2011, 05:47 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss, Alan. I once had a rabbit that followed me all around my workshop. I know it's tough losing such a close companion.

Water Warrior 2
10-10-2011, 09:17 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss. And it is truly a loss. Our four footed kids leave a mark in our lives that lasts forever.

12-08-2011, 09:54 AM
so sorry man i will pray for your avatar

12-12-2011, 03:47 PM
Sorry for your loss Alan.

12-12-2011, 04:49 PM
Sorry to hear that, man.

I lost my favorite car, Zelda, and still haven't been able to replace her with anything close.
It's funny how no matter how many pets you have, there always seems to be one that is a clear favorite, or one that you just bond with more.

12-12-2011, 05:32 PM
Car? Or cat? Big difference.

I've been through that too, and it's tough, especially when you have to put one down that was part of your household and life for 15 years. And they seen to know exactly what you are doing, and accept it too, as if they are ready. It's no fun losing a devoted companion and friend.

12-13-2011, 09:07 AM
Car? Or cat? Big difference.

Well, I no longer have my favorite car either. But in this particular sense, I meant to say "cat". :whistle:

12-13-2011, 11:20 AM
I know, I know, just ribbing you.
A typo and then not looking to check what you wrote, no proofreading, just hurrying to get the message out. I know, I know. :poke2: :poke2:

01-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Apologies Alan. My cat, my best friend, was recently diagnosed with chronic renal failure. We're just waiting on the day when her kidneys stop completely. She's always following me around, always laying on me, and loves me to death. We've had her 12 years now, and since I'm only 23, it's a very large portion of my life. She's gotten me through the most difficult periods in my life, so I know what you felt. They never yell at us or beat us or make us feel bad. They're the best.

I'll keep Bugsy in mind! :)

01-02-2012, 10:49 AM
For everybody who has lost a longtime pet --
http://s8.postimage.org/b2mjf106p/dog_s_last_will_and_testament.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/b2mjf106p/)