View Full Version : changed my oil today

10-07-2011, 07:08 PM
hi all

well today i changed the oil for the first time. its a 2008 and when i bought it the odometer said 168 miles. well i determined that the bike had to have more then 168 miles on it. any way i changed the oil and filter. reading the threads i found the hose from the air box. i got about 4 to 5 ounces of oil out of it. this is the first time i checked it. my questions are:

1. why is there oil in the air box and how does it get there?
2. how often should it be checked for oil ?

safe biking and have a great weekend


Gz Rider
10-07-2011, 08:08 PM

10-07-2011, 09:26 PM
A small amount of oil in the air box is normal.It is blow by from the engine and gets there through the the breather tube.With the amount that you found,I would guess that the engine was over filled,and the extra oil went into the air box,if the bike was dropped oil can find it's way into the air box also.On a bike with high mileage,excessive blow by past worn or stuck rings can put a lot of oil into the air box.I would just check it again at the next oil change.
:) :cool: