View Full Version : Check that gas level!

10-03-2011, 05:02 PM
Hello all, I made a major newbie mistake about a year ago and now that I'm apart of this forum I'll share it in hopes it helps someone. I washed and waxed my gz250 and went off for a little reward ride in t-shirt and shorts. It was just getting dark and I headed down a 3 lane highway US-19 in Tarpon Springs, FL. All was well going around 45 mph visibility was okay and I was in the far left lane with several cars behind and to the right of me. My bike struggled for a moment and then I started losing power rapidly. Panicked I aimed for an oncoming turn lane to do an emergency pull over at too high a speed and locked the rear wheel. The bike skidded about 6 feet but fortunately the handle bars were square enough to ramp up (crash into) the gentle curb of the median, did a small hop and came to a safe halt in the grass. Pulling over properly and trembling with fright I looked over the bike and found no damage but major damage to my ego. I was frustrated with the motorcycle and I was almost convinced to sell it to the first taker. But begrudgingly it's not the bike, it's the driver and I hope to come to terms with rider responsibility in checking everything including something as simple as gas. The GZ250 does not have a low fuel light so you have to know when you are out, big change for me at least. I KNOW to check my mileage with the odometer to somewhat accurately measure gas remaining now ... It could've been worse for me but I'm fine and still enjoying the gz250..btw, this bike is AWWWEESOMEE
Safe and fun Riding everybody

Gz Rider
10-03-2011, 05:28 PM

Water Warrior 2
10-03-2011, 06:36 PM
In the far left lane !!! Unless you were planning on a left turn you were in a very bad place. Glad to hear you survived without a major mishap.

10-03-2011, 10:21 PM
I was riding home yesterday from the toy run and the same thing happened to me. BUT, I knew it was coming. It just surprised me by coming about 10km early. It took a few seconds to reach down and flip the spigot over to reserve but I managed to hold my position in traffic and motor on. I'm sure the handful of riders behind me recognized what was going on. :whistle:

Rookie Rider
10-04-2011, 12:06 AM

Rookie Rider
10-04-2011, 12:07 AM
I went 214 miles on a full tank, without using reserve.

10-04-2011, 12:27 AM
I usually get 185 before I have to switch. I ride a very diverse mix of hills, and speeds.

Anyway, the key is "don't panic". Keep an eye on the odo and if you're getting close to reserve just switch over on the run before you starve the engine and find yourself in a situation.

10-04-2011, 09:01 AM
I posted here a year or two ago about the importance of practicing to reach down and turn the fuel selector lever on the petcock from RUN to RESERVE. You have to know where this is without looking at it and be able to switch it at the first stumble, then you won't miss a beat. There is almost no excuse for that type of accident other than pure panic and operator error. If you do run out of gas and the engine dies, pull in the clutch and coast over to the side of the road. I suppose it might be possible to lock up the rear wheel if the engine is dead and not running, but I don't think that would happen in 5th gear.
And, IMO, there is nothing smart about going 200+ miles on a tank of gas unless you want to get an idea of what your range is with your riding style and road conditions, but one day if you stretch it, you will be dead on the road with no gas, esp. if you forgot to reset the petcock from reserve to run. Get used to refilling at 150 or 160 miles and you'll never run out of fuel. And like every day when you do your oil level and air pressure and lights check (right? you do those?) before you ride, make sure the petcock is in the RUN position just to make sure.

10-04-2011, 09:04 AM
There has to be something wrong with my bike cause i never get over 150 before the bike cuts out and i have to switch

10-04-2011, 09:18 AM
You have a larger main jet and custom exhaust, right?

Bigger jets flow more gas. Using more gas limits mileage.

10-04-2011, 10:26 AM
Not yet I don't I was gonna do that soon as I can find sone pipe of the apropriate size right now everything is stock accept I have a 16t sprocket installed which I am contemplating taking back off because it already had problems taking hills not it struggles worse I like the bike a lot it just seems like I should have either better power or better mileage but it seems like I am not getting either

10-04-2011, 10:33 AM
How many gallons are you using to fill up? You might just be getting gas too soon.

Do the normal stuff;
-air in tires
-carb cleaner
-check air filter for debris (leaves and other crap can get sucked up in there.)

I would average around 185 per tank. 200-210 if I was brave and/or on the highway.

10-04-2011, 10:51 AM
Tires have air in them I have taken the carb apart and cleaned it all, and ran a can of seafoam through it, Air filter has been taken out and i have cleaned the air box with de-greaser and blown the air filter out as described in owners manual, I found pecans and leaves all in it from a rodent I assume. I have taken the tank off an cleaned it, replaced the front brakes adjusted the rear brakes replaced all the bulbs in the turn signals and brake lights for brighter bulbs and added saddle bags last night. I have to choke the bike in the mornings to start it and it normally has to be choked in the evening when I get off work to get it going then too. since the front brake pad replacement they have made a squeaking sound at low speeds so i bought some brake pad lubricant to try lubricating the holding pin and brake pad between the back of the pad and the shim and also between the shim and the caliper to see if that takes care of it. also have a brand new ngk dr8ea plug gapped properly in there. I use 87 octane fuel from Marathon which has always been a better fuel IMO I also have been using Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment with every fill up I get 3.125-3.25 gallons per fill up and use 5.5 ml measured in a oral syringe made for liquid medication which is the recommended amount as i calculated it per the directions on the back of the bottle.

10-04-2011, 10:53 AM
i never get over 150 before the bike cuts out and i have to switch

I always fill up at 200km (125 miles) That way, I've never had to use reserve. 200 is a nice round figure to spot on the odometer. :)

10-04-2011, 11:05 AM
Tires have air in them I have taken the carb apart and cleaned it all, and ran a can of seafoam through it, Air filter has been taken out and i have cleaned the air box with de-greaser and blown the air filter out as described in owners manual, I found pecans and leaves all in it from a rodent I assume. I have taken the tank off an cleaned it, replaced the front brakes adjusted the rear brakes replaced all the bulbs in the turn signals and brake lights for brighter bulbs and added saddle bags last night. I have to choke the bike in the mornings to start it and it normally has to be choked in the evening when I get off work to get it going then too. since the front brake pad replacement they have made a squeaking sound at low speeds so i bought some brake pad lubricant to try lubricating the holding pin and brake pad between the back of the pad and the shim and also between the shim and the caliper to see if that takes care of it. also have a brand new ngk dr8ea plug gapped properly in there. I use 87 octane fuel from Marathon which has always been a better fuel IMO I also have been using Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment with every fill up I get 3.125-3.25 gallons per fill up and use 5.5 ml measured in a oral syringe made for liquid medication which is the recommended amount as i calculated it per the directions on the back of the bottle.

Well, you're certainly doing everything right. 48 MPG, which I calculate you as getting, is awfully low for this bike.
(I just checked my old mileage logs and I do see some that dip down into the low 50s so you're not that far off, although 62+ is the average.)
I'm not familiar with Star Tron. The only fuel additives I use are Berryman's or Marvel Mystery Oil.

How many miles on the bike?
When is the last time the valves were adjusted?
Have you set chain tension recently? (a tight chain can causes unnecessary parasitic drag which reduces fuel economy)
How much do you weigh/ how tall are you?

Also, starting with choke is necessary just about every time that the engine is cold to the touch. Only a handful of times during my ownership was I able to start the bike without choke, and that was in the middle of summer after sitting in the sun for a couple of hours.

10-04-2011, 11:11 AM
4420 chain is perfect according to the MOM valves have never been adjusted by me I am gonna do that soon as i do my oil in 300 miles 210lbs 5'-8"

10-04-2011, 11:25 AM
Only 4,000 miles? That's still a tight engine...

What, did you buy a used one with like 10 miles?

There is definitely something going on but you seem to have a handle on everything...
I don't know, man. :bang:

10-04-2011, 11:55 AM
no My wife bought it 5 years ago with 53 miles on it and she rode it around to about 900-1000 miles before I met her then it sat at the farm under a carport rusting and sitting for 4 years then i found it and couldn't take it any more so i got it out and jump started her with carb cleaner to see if she was worthy of fixing
then i began ripping her apart and cleaning everything and making sure it was right. I have done all the work my self so far minus the carb cleaning that was a buddy of mine that rides a rebel 250 2009 model. but i watched and helped then he just had experience with them. I was told that it was hard to do the carb by another mechanic, I now know that it is cake work. I dont believe that my tool kit has the valve tool. I have a valve stem tool that I bought from rocky mountain atv and some others that I have from working on stuff. I saw somewhere that it was the same... somewhere on this site. i want to be sure though. Also i have done a full fluid replacement and cleansing. brake, oil and filter...

10-04-2011, 01:26 PM
It's easy enough to check the valve clearances. I would do that next. Mine have needed tweaking now and then and I usually sense a power improvement (wishful thinking?)

BTW, I hit reserve on the weekend at 290km (about 10km early) and rode on to 325km before stopping for gas. Come to think of it, that day I spent an hour near full throttle on the highway, then an hour putting along in a parade, so I guess it's no surprise my mileage suffered.

I put just under 12 litres in to fill it. Since this is a 14 litre tank I should be able to get 375km (230 miles) before I run dry. Not that I ever want to but it's nice to know.

Also, I found my mileage went down with the 16T sprocket. Not a lot, but noticeable.

10-04-2011, 01:45 PM
Valve Adjustment How-to:
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5061 (http://gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5061)

JVA, how many miles have you put on the bike since you got it running?
It might simply be a matter of "waking the bike up" after a long slumber.

10-04-2011, 02:02 PM
3342 MI also, My Name is James V. Ammons III, People call me James, and alot of other things that I am sure I dont wanna know about. :lol:

10-04-2011, 03:09 PM
Don't worry about the valve tool today. Just take the covers off, turn the motor over to TDC and put a feeler gauge in there. That will tell you if you have to go further.