View Full Version : Got the new bike today

09-30-2011, 08:16 PM
Well I picked up the new 2009 GZ250 today for my wife. We have been looking for a used one for awhile and could not find a good used one. I feel we got a great deal on this left over. My wife is a new rider, when thru the MSF class and I bought her a Harley 1200 Custom Sportster.... In over a year, she rode 17 miles..... Today on her GZ250 she rode 70 miles....... I guess the Harley was too big...... For now the GZ is perfect.

Be Safe JIM

09-30-2011, 09:22 PM
Well congratulations and it sure looks like she likes to ride it ! :2tup:

Don't forget the 600 miles first maintenance / oil change etc. (next week ?)