View Full Version : Low oil?

09-29-2011, 05:33 AM
So I changed the oil myself about 1,000 miles ago. It was the first time I have ever changed oil in a vehicle, and it seemed like I did it flawlessly. The only thing I fumbled on was when I changed the oil filter, I accidentally got oil (lol I didn't know it was going to jump out at me) all over the place. Anyways, I put 1400 ml of oil in there as suggested when replacing the filter as well, and the oil level seems fine. I have had no problems running or starting the bike. The only problems this bike has is the batter doesn't really hold a charge that well. I have to throw the tender on it each week so I can go another week of work commuting.

So one day when I am warming the bike up, I thought that hey, it has been a little over 1000 miles: time to change the oil. So I look at the side of the bike, and notice that I cant see any oil. Ok, so I tilt the bike straight, and then look. I still see no oil. So I have to lean the bike at least 20 degrees on it's right side to get the oil window to show me oil. What I want to know is if this is normal? Might I have an oil leak? Should I take my bike to be serviced?

I don't know. It could be that the bike was warming up, and lots of oil was being shot through the engine. When the sun comes out, i'll go look and see what the levels are when it has been sitting. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I just want to be a good bike owner.

09-29-2011, 07:24 AM
Firstly - oil changes every 3000 miles, not 1000 :)

Secondly - get into the habit of checking the oil every day, before starting up.

Thirdly - let the bike stand about 10 minutes, with the engine switched off, if you want to check the oil after the bike has been running. This lets the oil drain back down into the sump.

As a "rule of thumb" check, before riding, I stand at the side of the bike, and if I can see oil in the window, I grab the handlebar and pull the bike level. If I see the oil shoot up the glass as I pull the bike, I know the level is o.k. :2tup:

Gz Rider
09-29-2011, 09:03 AM

07-20-2013, 03:24 PM
Here Iam again I had the same problem on my gz 250 you change the oil & it goes low check it at about 500miles & look at the color in the sight glass if its black than you got loose head bolts
than deside if you want to take the top end down & check every thing mine was like that the head bolts were black been burnd by the oil leaking between the cyclinder & head inside of the engine
just one thing use factory parts only need more help email @ suzukix668@yahoo.com

Water Warrior 2
07-20-2013, 06:43 PM
And here I thought the oil was changing color because it was doing it's job cleaning the engine. Even in a brand new bike the oil will change color. No dirt required, just the natural characteristics of heated oil in an engine.
Your theories suck in the worst way. A newbie might be in a world of hurt by listening to you and spending time and money doing stupid things to a fine running bike.
I notice you haven't tried to defend yourself when called a troll. Does the truth leave you speechless???????????

07-21-2013, 09:30 PM
mrgz250 is a clueless trol

Rookie Rider
07-21-2013, 09:40 PM
Whoa !!!

07-21-2013, 09:48 PM
Here Iam again I had the same problem on my gz 250 you change the oil & it goes low check it at about 500miles & look at the color in the sight glass if its black than you got loose head bolts
than deside if you want to take the top end down & check every thing mine was like that the head bolts were black been burnd by the oil leaking between the cyclinder & head inside of the engine
just one thing use factory parts only need more help email @ suzukix668@yahoo.com

That's some funny shit if you believe what you wrote. :bong: