09-29-2011, 05:33 AM
So I changed the oil myself about 1,000 miles ago. It was the first time I have ever changed oil in a vehicle, and it seemed like I did it flawlessly. The only thing I fumbled on was when I changed the oil filter, I accidentally got oil (lol I didn't know it was going to jump out at me) all over the place. Anyways, I put 1400 ml of oil in there as suggested when replacing the filter as well, and the oil level seems fine. I have had no problems running or starting the bike. The only problems this bike has is the batter doesn't really hold a charge that well. I have to throw the tender on it each week so I can go another week of work commuting.
So one day when I am warming the bike up, I thought that hey, it has been a little over 1000 miles: time to change the oil. So I look at the side of the bike, and notice that I cant see any oil. Ok, so I tilt the bike straight, and then look. I still see no oil. So I have to lean the bike at least 20 degrees on it's right side to get the oil window to show me oil. What I want to know is if this is normal? Might I have an oil leak? Should I take my bike to be serviced?
I don't know. It could be that the bike was warming up, and lots of oil was being shot through the engine. When the sun comes out, i'll go look and see what the levels are when it has been sitting. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I just want to be a good bike owner.
So one day when I am warming the bike up, I thought that hey, it has been a little over 1000 miles: time to change the oil. So I look at the side of the bike, and notice that I cant see any oil. Ok, so I tilt the bike straight, and then look. I still see no oil. So I have to lean the bike at least 20 degrees on it's right side to get the oil window to show me oil. What I want to know is if this is normal? Might I have an oil leak? Should I take my bike to be serviced?
I don't know. It could be that the bike was warming up, and lots of oil was being shot through the engine. When the sun comes out, i'll go look and see what the levels are when it has been sitting. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I just want to be a good bike owner.