View Full Version : broken clutch cable
09-06-2011, 10:41 PM
While riding Sunday, I pulled the clutch in, and nothing. I knew what happened right away as this is the 2nd time it has happened. I broke the cable. It didn't break in the same spot.
I sent an email to our dealer, and they called less than 30 minutes after they opened. They had one in stock. I tod them to put my name on it, and I would be up there in a few hours..
Boy it made a difference in shifting. I think the other one must had been stretching some, as it would not shift ok. It shifts fine now even at slow speeds.
09-07-2011, 05:07 AM
All cables stretch with use. Seems like you probably needed to adjust the last one you fitted, but that shouldn't have caused it to snap. The only thing non adjustment would do, would be to make it harder to change gear as the clutch wouldn't have been opening as much. The things that usually cause a cable to snap are friction (if the cable isn't lubricated) or too tight a bend somewhere along its length (which weakens it by constant bending/unbending) Before fitting the new one, this time, give it a good lubricating, then check that it has gentle curves all the way from handlebar to engine. After a couple of hundred miles, check the tension, as it will probably have started to stretch. :2tup:
09-07-2011, 05:29 AM
The old cable was free, it fell out when i removed it. It came apart right and the little cylinder that is crimped on the end.
As far as kinking, it was as smooth a curve as you can get going through the cable holders.
It broke a few miles after I adjust there length. I think it must have been starting to break, and when I adjusted it and put some more pressure on it pulled it the rest of the way out.
09-07-2011, 06:41 AM
I think it must have been starting to break, and when I adjusted it and put some more pressure on it pulled it the rest of the way out.
A coupla things spring to mind here - Why would a new cable start to break so quickly, without an external problem? Secondly, after adjusting it, there should be no pressure (tension?) whatsoever on the cable when the clutch is engaged (normal riding position). In fact, there should be some slack. When using the clutch, there will be the same tension on it whether it's been adjusted or not. Something's just not right here. It seems that you've got a problem, but you just can't find it. Clutch cables just don't snap that regularly without there being some problem somewhere. :)
Gz Rider
09-07-2011, 07:23 AM
09-07-2011, 04:21 PM
My clutch cable broke in the same way (pulled out from the lead shot)
Yes, but that's quite different to it snapping at some point, & don't forget that the same thing has happened to him TWICE.
I remember, years ago, I had a bike where the end of the clutch cable had a sort of little "pear" on the end. This fitted into a slot on a little tube that slotted into the clutch lever. After going through 3 or 4 clutch cables in quick succession, I found that the slot in the little tube had closed up slightly, so that it did not allow the "pear" to pivot enough. This led to a bending of the cable each time I used the clutch,so it eventually snapped. A screwdriver, slipped into the hole, & twisted, ensured enough free movement, & the cable never broke again. What I'm trying to get at is that there has to be a cause for two cables to snap. When he finds the cause, the problem will go away.
Gz Rider
09-07-2011, 05:35 PM
09-07-2011, 06:14 PM
The bike is 8 years old and this was the 3rd cable that was on it. The orginal and 2 more. I like the idea that maybe it is not pivoting in the lever. I am sure the rest is ok, as it has a good 1/4 play before the clutch starts to engage.I have let it out slow and it confirms it when it grabs ahold.
It seems to go about 3 years then breaks.
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