View Full Version : help with magneto

09-03-2011, 08:16 PM
First off let me start off by letting you know i am new to bikes all together, but i am eager to learn. My 2001 gz250 is is is missfiring and when i try to accelerate i cant get past 1st gear because of a dead spot on the throtle. so far i have completely cleaned the carb, changed the spark plug, and checked the capacitor. I was told to open up the magneto to be sure there is'nt any moisture. so can anyone help me locate the magneto, as well as give me any needed advice? thanks a lot. :skeptical: :cry:

Water Warrior 2
09-04-2011, 12:41 AM
The GZ does not have a magneto, it has a stator and rectifier to do the charging duties. Did you check the air filter ? It might be plugged and due for replacement. You must remove it entirely and check the inside of the filter media rather than the typical outside inspection. The air flow is reversed in the GZ. I would suggest carb problems before electrical.

09-06-2011, 12:44 AM
I've had the carb looked at and everything was perfect and clean, the bike only has 2800 miles on it. I can tell u this is really getting frustrating. Would take it to the shop but I would much rather try and figure it out by myself.

09-06-2011, 07:22 AM
The GZ does not have a magneto, it has a stator and rectifier to do the charging duties. Did you check the air filter ? It might be plugged and due for replacement. You must remove it entirely and check the inside of the filter media rather than the typical outside inspection. The air flow is reversed in the GZ. I would suggest carb problems before electrical.
Ive had the carb looked at and everything was perfect and clean, the bike only has 2800 miles on it. I can tell u this is really getting frustrating. Would take it to the shop but I would much rather try and figure it out by myself.
I agree that you have a carb problem.Have you tried some Berrymans b-12,orSea Foam in some fresh fuel.If this don't help,I think you missed something when you had the carbs apart.
:cool: :)

Gz Rider
09-06-2011, 07:48 AM

09-06-2011, 04:11 PM
I've had the carb looked at and everything was perfect and clean, the bike only has 2800 miles on it. I can tell u this is really getting frustrating. Would take it to the shop but I would much rather try and figure it out by myself.

If I understand right, you did not have this carb professionally cleaned. If you know what you are doing, you can do it yourself but you must recognize there are all kings of tiny holes in unusual places inside most carbs. They all must be found and cleaned/checked before you can say the carb is clean.

Working on a 10 HP engine I once found 6-7 sets of small holes in clusters of three. If you do understand how a carb is cleaned, say so so that we can move on.

yes it has been professionally cleaned. and about 2 weeks ago before my gz started dis-functioning i treated a tank of gas with two cans of sea-foam. a friend of mine who is mechanically savy to say the least took a quick look and said that it most likely is a ignition problem ( would get him to fix it but he is a busy guy, cant always get what i want).

09-06-2011, 04:19 PM
I know you've said that you had the carb cleaned, but your description of the symptom sounds like a pulled vaccum hose.

Check the "S" hose that runs from the chain side of the motor to the air box.
I had the same symptoms once and that was the cause.

09-07-2011, 09:48 AM
If you put 2 cans of Seafoam into one tank of gas that's enough reason to make it run like crap. The usual dose is 1 oz/gal. or at the most for a severe problem 2 oz/gal, not 2 cans/3.4 gal. You may have to empty the tank or use the whole thing up before your bike will run well.

09-07-2011, 01:33 PM
[quote="PressDuband about 2 weeks ago before my gz started dis-functioning i treated a tank of gas with two cans of sea-foam.[/quote]

I missed that one...

So before you started having problems, you poured in 2 cans of seafoam? And then you started having issues?



Gz Rider
09-07-2011, 01:55 PM