View Full Version : sissy bar with pad 35 plus shipping

08-17-2011, 10:16 PM
i have a spare sissy bar with pad the pad has a tiny rip on the side less than one inch other than that looks new 50 plus s and h ? will consider trades need trunk or fog lights
http://s3.postimage.org/1sib9a3r8/sb_front.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/1sib9a3r8/)

http://s3.postimage.org/1siekcsqs/sb_back.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/1siekcsqs/)

http://s3.postimage.org/1sil6i6pw/sb_tear.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/1sil6i6pw/)
lowered the price as low as its going

08-18-2011, 06:41 PM
If you still have that sissy bar, I'll give you $40 and provide my FedEx number for shipping....let me know.

08-18-2011, 08:27 PM
yup i do thats fine by me how wold the shipping work then?

08-19-2011, 12:38 AM
cobra racks will fit it