View Full Version : has anyone messed around with different spark plugs

08-16-2011, 10:20 AM
Like a NGK iridium vs a standard NGK or a autolite platinum plug for the bike ?
or even a cold air intake set up custom ?

just curious if it has been explored.

thanks in advance,

James Ammons :techy:

08-16-2011, 10:32 AM
On Carburated machines, any change to the intake (such as cold air for example) will require a rejet. Some people like messing with that, other consider it not to be worth the trouble.

As far as spark plugs go, I am of the camp that believes that plugs are plugs. If you want to spend $12 on an iridium plug, then have at it. But I can purchase and replace 3 stadard plugs for that price and I bet you they last just as long and work just as well. Get a properly gapped spark plug and don't think about it for a couple of years.

Most of all of your early questions have already been answered here in the annals of the forum ;)
Search around a little bit in the "How-to" section and in "Gadgets & Farkles"
