View Full Version : Got nailed by a jeep today

08-09-2011, 01:33 PM
it finally happened - i got hit by a jeep changing lanes on a roundabout today

fortunately i'm an ATGATT guy

the lesson well learned here is to just assume everyone on the road is an idiot

the bike is pretty messed up along with my foot and elbow but it could have been much worse

08-09-2011, 02:59 PM
Look on the bright side if you can :tup: His insurance is going to get you a lot better bike than yesterday. Happened to me when a 4x4 I was overtaking turned left into me without checking his mirrors. Even the stuff with existing scratches got replaced. :2tup: .BTW hope your injuries aren't too bad. :2tup:

Rookie Rider
08-09-2011, 03:31 PM
Wow thats scary, glad youre still around to post. Feel better !!

08-09-2011, 03:35 PM
Sorry to hear that and glad you're alright.

Did you low side and slide like the racers do or did you just dump it and roll?

I also agree with Alan... it might time to get something a little more fancy ;)

08-09-2011, 04:52 PM
Sorry about your accident.Glad that you are alright. :) :2tup:

08-09-2011, 05:04 PM
Get well soon, bro! :)

Water Warrior 2
08-09-2011, 06:58 PM
Riding bikes is not a contact sport. Jeeps maybe. Glad you did not get too badly injured. I have always wondered why most folks have no idea how a roundabout functions. It has no moving parts, stays where it is built and still is a mystery to some of the population. It is merely a round intersection.

08-09-2011, 08:20 PM
That sucks but glad to hear you're OK. The bike can be replaced. Just think, after you heal up and get something new, you can start learning about it all over again. But there will be no forum to learn from or hang out at better than this one. Don't go away, let us know how you are doing.

08-09-2011, 09:19 PM
I also want to chime in and wish you well. The bike can be replaced, ... body parts can't.

After you heal, ... if you get another bike , ... I would like to hear from you what you get.

Water Warrior 2
08-09-2011, 10:28 PM
I hear a GZ is a highly recommended bike. :lol:

08-09-2011, 11:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the accident. Get well soon.


08-09-2011, 11:29 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your crash. Hope you heal up completely and quickly. Dad always said, "If you fall off a horse you need to get back on as soon as possible". Hope you get your new horse soon and are back to riding.

08-10-2011, 12:30 AM
Sucks. Glad you came out of it relatively unscathed. I was cruising around the web and came across a bike group called Wet Leather. They had a very sad page called "in memoriam". I hope GZ250bike.com never needs a page like that.

08-10-2011, 06:12 AM
Glad your injuries were not too serious and hoping you have a speedy recovery. Also thanks for the reminder about ATGATT. Hopefully you will be riding soon.

08-10-2011, 06:44 AM
Sorry to hear that and glad you're alright.

Did you low side and slide like the racers do or did you just dump it and roll?

I also agree with Alan... it might time to get something a little more fancy ;)

I'm not really sure to be honest - she just came into my lane out of nowhere

when she hit me my shoulder put a huge dent in the side of her bonnet and it buckled my handle bars so the bike went down with me still on it

I didn't get my foot out in time to dump it and roll so it slid along the ground with my foot under it

I'm getting a mechanic to look at it today so i can get a estimate for the insurance company

The funny thing is that she was an accident and emergency doctor

Thanks for all the replies and i'll let you's know when i'm back on two wheels!


08-10-2011, 06:51 AM
At least someone was on the scene to tend to your issues. Hope you heal soon. I try to drive paranoid, like I'm in a figure 8 race and everyone is trying to hit me.

08-10-2011, 06:52 AM
You know we love you like the girl below loves her teddy bear so you get better quick OK ?

08-10-2011, 07:47 AM
I'm not sure where we are going with this....

08-10-2011, 09:57 AM
somewhere very good

08-10-2011, 01:08 PM
yeah i feel better already

Water Warrior 2
08-10-2011, 01:35 PM
A sweet young thing is good medicine. Mmmm, not too young.

08-10-2011, 02:01 PM
Anybody got a jeep they can hit me with today?

Water Warrior 2
08-10-2011, 02:16 PM
Anybody got a jeep they can hit me with today?
Be careful what you wish for. :roll:

08-10-2011, 02:25 PM
I'm wishing I was that bear...

08-10-2011, 06:10 PM
A sweet young thing is good medicine. Mmmm, not too young.
15 will get you 20!! :tongue: :neener:

08-10-2011, 10:43 PM
Wow, this post started off on a down note, but hey it sure ended on a happy one!
All kidding aside glad you're OK Viirin!

Water Warrior 2
08-10-2011, 11:43 PM
A sweet young thing is good medicine. Mmmm, not too young.
15 will get you 20!! :tongue: :neener:
Ah yes, scantily clad summer girls, summer 14, summer 15. :lol: :lol: :lol:

08-11-2011, 03:21 AM
i'm glad that you are alright and had instant medical attention...

i keep telling my wife not to pose anymore, but she has this teddy bear fetish !!!! ( don't i wish )

safe biking


08-11-2011, 07:34 AM
i'm glad that you are alright and had instant medical attention...

i keep telling my wife not to pose anymore, but she has this teddy bear fetish !!!! ( don't i wish )

safe biking

Does she have a sister?? :??: :drool: :poke2:

08-11-2011, 09:37 PM
Strange, it's only been viewed 62 times...

(and what the hell are those things hanging on the wall behind her?)

08-11-2011, 10:02 PM
Strange, it's only been viewed 62 times...

(and what the hell are those things hanging on the wall behind her?)
What wall?? :tongue: :)

08-12-2011, 01:31 AM
If you stare at something long enough, eventually your peripheral vision kicks in. Gotta go stare at it some more.

08-28-2011, 12:57 AM
glad you are ok. and where was the teddy bear at ?

09-03-2011, 03:21 AM
That sucks, I am always afraid someone is going to do that. I try to watch there actions closely before I make a move.

Those round abouts are supposed to be safer. I have never felt that way. They claim cheaper, but I have read some on the costs of making them. I saw one in AZ, and it is not big enough for semi's to get around it, and there are tire marks all over the center section where they cold not make the turn.

I hate those round abouts.

Glad you came out ok, I sure like the teddy bear some one posted. Wish my wife looked like theat teddy bear holder!

09-09-2011, 11:17 PM
Hello Viirin,

I was rereading your original post and I just wanted to ask if the foot and elbow are healing OK. I hope they are, and I was also a little bit curious to see if you bought yourself a new bike. If you did , tell us about it, show some pics.

09-11-2011, 06:02 PM
Ha yeah i'm all healed up no with no problems... except that i'm still driving a cage from A to B because my local "mechanic" (and i use the term loosely) still hasn't managed to get in a pair of handlebars for my bike - the scuff marks have damaged the re-sale i imagine so on the new bike front it looks like i'm going to have to go the trade-in route which will probably cost a fair bit more but what can you do - nothing ever really goes according to plan

Water Warrior 2
09-11-2011, 07:59 PM
Flanders Handlebars. They should have them.

09-12-2011, 05:07 AM
If it was the other driver's insurance paying, why will you still have scuff marks? The idea is that he pays for ALL damage, however minor. In my garage I have an exhaust system with the tiniest of scratches, that was replaced (the insurance company didn't want it back, so the bike shop guy gave it to me as a spare). When I got the bike back, it was like new. Even scuff marks that I had done prior to the accident had been replaced. :??:

09-12-2011, 09:18 PM
i wonder if her name is jeep ???

09-13-2011, 10:26 AM
No this whole thing has turned into quite the ordeal - my insurance company admitted responsibility without telling me and by using a falsified police statement. The whole thing is going to court but apparently it's common enough with the insurance company I'm with because the investigators get paid on commission by how quickly they can close claims. My no claims bonus is gone and my premium is up higher than ever, the police man at the scene said that he never gave the investigator any statements, I need to get a solicitor to bring my case to the ombudsman and on top of all that i can't fix the bike until the whole thing get sorted out!

And BTW i found gregors comment hilarious - exactly the kind of comedy i'm into :lol:

09-13-2011, 10:59 AM
Take plenty of photos and video and then fix your bike.
Keep all of your receipts and claim those.

Screw insurance companies.

You pay them a huge premium every year, maybe have to dive into that fund once or twice in a lifetime and they drag their feet and deny certain amounts.... what the hell are we paying them for?

09-13-2011, 09:26 PM
Screw insurance companies. [..]
... what the hell are we paying them for?

To stuff their pockets. Their only goal is to dish out the absolute minimum.

Viirin, didn't the lady admit guilt ?

09-14-2011, 01:38 PM
Have your lawyer sue the woman too, then maybe she'll put some real pressure on her insurance company to settle the claim,

09-14-2011, 02:40 PM
Screw insurance companies. [..]

Viirin, didn't the lady admit guilt ?

Nah, as far as she was concerned it was 50/50, according to the police, 90% of the accidents on roundabouts end up being settled 50/50 without insurance companies because both sides keep arguing and nothing gets resolved. Unfortunately in my case, my investigator admitted liability without telling me. Such interesting timing seeing as the letter for my annual renewal arrived a few days ago and is back up as high as it was in my first year of riding... If i were a more incredulous person i would think they were trying to get rid of my no claims bonus and hike up my premium... And that could be due to the fact that the company just went into receivership... But i'm just being paranoid, insurance companies have far to much class to resort to these kind of tactics

09-14-2011, 02:47 PM
Viriin, surely you jest.

09-15-2011, 12:06 AM
i got hit by a jeep changing lanes on a roundabout today

Oh sorry I thought the jeep changed lanes.

Anyway, insurance companies only have an outward appearance of class. Essentially, they're no hair better than thieves.
Whose money you think pays for all those nice suits, classy cars, and marble and tropical hardwood lined offices ?

Gz Rider
09-15-2011, 10:28 AM

09-15-2011, 05:15 PM
Viriin, surely you jest.

I wish,

You know how insurance companies like to wriggle and exploit every possible route to avoid paying out? Over here if you drive on a provisional license you have to wear a high visibility vest at all times otherwise the insurance is void. In other cases where people on provisional licenses get into accidents they refuse to pay because of this clause, however in my case they never even asked me even though i'm no longer obligated to wear one since i got my full license. I never told them about passing my test and they never updated my policy because i figured with only a couple of months left there wouldn't be much point and i'd inform them come renewal time - From their point of view I was still on a provisional and they could have avoided getting involved at all but they new what they were doing and knew that they could make more money in the long run screwing me.

i got hit by a jeep changing lanes on a roundabout today

Oh sorry I thought the jeep changed lanes.

No no, it did change lanes...into mine

09-15-2011, 05:32 PM
Can't you challenge the police report about who hit who by the lane position of your bike and where you were hit?

09-15-2011, 08:23 PM
I don't think most Americans understand that the laws and the application of those laws are very different in Europe.

What has me flabbergasted is that in Ireland an insurance representative obviously has the legal right to admit guilt for the insured without him knowing. I don't think that would fly in the USA. Insurance companies would be sued if they would try that.

And, being a recent immigrant in the US I have experience with insurance companies on both sides and most certainly they are similar in their inner greed and outward seemingly decent appearance.

Gz Rider
09-16-2011, 08:10 AM

09-16-2011, 08:20 AM
You can see how that same mindset plays out in individual psychologica development. We Americans tend to think of ourselves as more deserving and more important, while the general tone of the Euros is to accept whatever is better for everyone as a whole. (Generalizations always have faults, but I would say that they exist for a reason...)

Here's an example from the exiting contestants on a very popular game show. One is American and the other is British:

Yank: "It was a conspiracy! They voted me off because they knew I was a threat to them. I hope Kathy loses in the next round and that Ted...he's just lucky I didn't get to face him in one-on-one. I would have smoked him!"

Brit: "Well, I certainly gave it my best. But there were a few questions in that last round that I missed and I know I squandered a few opportunities to bank some money for the team. I wish Cathy and the others the best as they go forward and I would certainly appreciate another opportunity to try again."

Gz Rider
09-16-2011, 10:49 AM

09-16-2011, 11:36 AM
Hahaha. That's awesome!

I would have liked to have been a fly on that wall.

Water Warrior 2
09-16-2011, 03:23 PM
A lot of folks don't like Americans in general because they are citizens of the most powerful country in the free world. Yeah well it took some pretty strong people to make it that way and keep it that way. Individually the Americans that I have met are among the finest and have confidence in their country and themselves. The U.S. has a great presence in my daily life with only a line dividing us. That is one line I can cross without penalty.

Gz Rider
09-16-2011, 05:06 PM

Gz Rider
09-16-2011, 05:14 PM

Water Warrior 2
09-16-2011, 10:40 PM
One thing I do remember is from the JFK era. His actions had more positive benefits to Canadians than our own Government could muster. If he had lived and served 2 terms as allowed the North American continent would be invinceable and economically a superpower with a very good standard of living over and above what we have now. I accept the fact that the U.S. (Business and Goernment)controls our Canadian economy as much as it does. Somebody has to as the homegrown clowns we have in office are truly clueless and without conscience in their business dealings and trade agreements. I'm still trying to find out why a Canadian built car costs more here than South of the border. :??:

09-17-2011, 09:35 AM
I'm still trying to find out why a Canadian built car costs more here than South of the border. :??:
The same reason why an Italian bike cost more in Italy than in the USA: government taxes.
Within a year or two though the financial advantage for the Americans is gone, because their insurance premiums are much higher.

Gentlemen I enjoyed your reflections on differences between various countries on this page however is there any way we can help out poor Viirin? The way he has been treated does not help the common good, only his insurance company.

09-17-2011, 10:00 AM
It seems to me that everyone would benefit by using the Spanish system. After an accident, one of the drivers produces a copy of the accident form. One driver fills in the yellow section, one fills in the blue, common information goes down the centre (white) a drawing of the accident, and a description of what happened. Both drivers then sign it, so that it becomes the story of the accident, unable to be changed if one of the drivers subsequently changes his mind. Each gets a copy (carbon copy underneath) & can then make a photocopy for his own files, & send one to his insurance company, who then can't back out of responsibility. If both parties can't agree, then the police are sent for, & will make an immediate decision on blame.


Gz Rider
09-17-2011, 02:26 PM

Water Warrior 2
09-17-2011, 08:09 PM
Seems to me that Viirin will need a lawyer to sort this out properly.
On a side note. The BCIT(British Columbia Insurance Corp.) has an official way of doing things. Both parties are automatically at fault. If I am legally and properly stopped at a red light or stop sign and get hit I am 25% at fault automatically. Their reasoning: If I wasn't there I won't have been hit. I was there to be part of an accident obviously and should be penalized accordingly. BCIT is the only game in B.C. You must have it.

music man
09-22-2011, 10:36 AM
Seems to me that Viirin will need a lawyer to sort this out properly.
On a side note. The BCIT(British Columbia Insurance Corp.) has an official way of doing things. Both parties are automatically at fault. If I am legally and properly stopped at a red light or stop sign and get hit I am 25% at fault automatically. Their reasoning: If I wasn't there I won't have been hit. I was there to be part of an accident obviously and should be penalized accordingly. BCIT is the only game in B.C. You must have it.

To a certain extent that is the way the American car insurance business works also. I could be sitting at a red light perfectly still, and a drunk driver could purposely swerve over and hit me because he doesn't like blue cars, and my insurance rate will still go up simply because I was "involved" in an accident, even though my "involvement" only consisted of me occupying the space that he drove through, its bulls@#t but it is the way it is. And trust me WW, it doesn't matter if you have other insurance company options or not, as all of ours here in the States are essentially in collusion with each other anyways, so having other insurance companies to "chose" from if you think you are treated unfairly doesn't mean squat.

Gz Rider
09-22-2011, 11:37 AM

music man
09-22-2011, 12:21 PM
[quote="music man":6sdp25af] all of ours here in the States are essentially in collusion with each other anyways, so having other insurance companies to "chose" from if you think you are treated unfairly doesn't mean squat.

The insurance commission in North Carolina decides on how policies can be/are written. Regardless of who you buy the policy from, it's the same policy. The only differences come in service. I doubt other states are any different.[/quote:6sdp25af]

That was exactly my point. Having a "choice" of insurance companies to chose from to get your insurance, doesn't mean that they aren't going to screw you or strong arm you with some bulls@#t, just like WW said they do up there because there is only one insurance company.

But the fact still remains that it is total B.S. and a HUGE fraud to charge me more for insurance because I am "involved" in an accident that I was 100% not responsible for. But it happens everyday. My wife got hit a few years ago by an uninsured motorist, he was found 100% responsible for the accident, but HER premium went up.

It is basically like you living in an apartment building and being arrested for drug dealing simply because someone else who happens to live in the same apartment building sells drugs, its totally ridiculous.

09-22-2011, 03:07 PM
You have the option to sue the other party in the accident for your extra damages (like the premium hike) and any other unreimbursed expenses if the other party was judged to be 100% at fault, either by the police report or by witnesses. The lawyer should cost nothing, contingency fees. etc.

09-22-2011, 04:33 PM
Get well Soon! Glad you Survived to tell the story

Gz Rider
09-22-2011, 05:23 PM

music man
09-23-2011, 12:05 PM
I agree on the "B.S." but you made (sort of) a bad example. If "sonny boy" is in possesion of drugs in your house, the house can be taken under "drug seizure laws". Not quite your example but yeah, there's alot of unfair sha-zit out there.

Not really because that point was more about what WW said, he said they basically find you partially at fault for simply being at that stop light, So just imagine in the example I gave, the cops and the judge telling you, well if you wouldn't have "happened" to live in the same apartment building with a drug dealer then we wouldn't have arrested you for drug dealing. Its a huge fraud.

But anyways we are basically making the same point, its totally unfair that they do that, and it doesn't really matter what insurance company you use because they all have to (or want to) follow the same bulls@#t laws.

Get well soon Viirin

music man
09-23-2011, 12:14 PM
You have the option to sue the other party in the accident for your extra damages (like the premium hike) and any other unreimbursed expenses if the other party was judged to be 100% at fault, either by the police report or by witnesses. The lawyer should cost nothing, contingency fees. etc.

Yeah right. I had a cop hit me in his personal vehicle once, he had fictitious tags, not only did he not have insurance, but he presented the cop working the accident with an expired insurance card (also fictitious) (the tags and the insurance card were left in the car by the previous owner and he just decided to use them), which the cop working the accident didn't bother to look at close enough to see that, not to mention if he had run the tags or looked at the insurance card he would have noticed that they belonged to a white woman, and he was a black man. (awesome police work isn't it).

Anyways back to my story, he refused to pay for my car, so I took him to court and got a judgment against him for several thousand dollars, which he also refused to pay, so I tried to have his check garnished, well guess what, he already had 8 women garnishing him for child support, he had his other car that he didn't total hitting me and his house in his girlfriends name, so I couldn't touch his check because he had the federal limit taken out of it already every week, and I couldn't take his property because he didnt "have any". So he still owes me several thousand dollars from over a decade ago, and I will never see a penny of it, to top it off, i didn't have full coverage insurance or uninsured motorist (wasn't a hugely popular thing to have then like it is now), and had to pay to get my car rolling again out of my own pocket.

And that is about what you would run into every time, because the average person who drives around with no insurance, also has nothing else you can sue them for.

Gz Rider
09-23-2011, 02:19 PM

Water Warrior 2
09-23-2011, 05:24 PM
Eight cases of child support !!! He needs a snip job and a lobotomy.

Gz Rider
09-23-2011, 05:54 PM

09-23-2011, 07:18 PM
And he and the other cop can get away with all that because they're cops? No discipline? No jail time? No consequences at all? What he and the other cop did is just plain basically illegal, against the law, and nothing at all happens to either of them? This country is really F%$%#ked up. Just like how Congressman Joe Walsh owes $117,000 in back child support and absolutely nothing happens to him, no arrest, no jail time, no nothing. Imagine if that was you.

music man
09-23-2011, 09:50 PM
And he and the other cop can get away with all that because they're cops? No discipline? No jail time? No consequences at all? What he and the other cop did is just plain basically illegal, against the law, and nothing at all happens to either of them? This country is really F%$%#ked up. Just like how Congressman Joe Walsh owes $117,000 in back child support and absolutely nothing happens to him, no arrest, no jail time, no nothing. Imagine if that was you.

Oh trust me I know, I called the mayor of my town and the next town over that he was from, and his police chief. I asked them if they realized how hipocritical and just plain wrong it is that he is a police officer who arrests people for not paying child support, and arrests and tickets people everyday i am sure for fictitious tags and no insurance but yet he is out doing the very same thing. The only thing he ever had to pay (and he probably got out of that too) is half of the no insurance ticket (because he got insurance by the time he came to court, and you only have to pay half if you do that).

Not to mention the police officer at the scene also wrote the WHITE WOMANS NAME ON THE ACCIDENT REPORT, NOT HIS. And the only reason that it was even discovered that he had fictitious tags or no insurance is because I contacted his insurance company (the one he didn't have) and they said they had never heard of him or his girlfriend, and then looked up the womans name on the police report thinking it was his girlfriend that they put on the report, and turns out it was the white woman that used to own the car, and that is when she told me she left the tags and insurance card in the car when she sold it to a car lot, who in turn sold it again with them in there.

Then I had to go to the police station and raise a stink for them to even give him one ticket, never did get an explanation for why he didn't get a fictitious tags ticket, (other than he is a fellow cop).

Water Warrior 2
09-23-2011, 09:57 PM
Thankfully there are only a few bad cops. Just like any other profession. They do keep my world a lot safer and tamer than some areas of the world where a badge is a license to steal and be corrupt.
The day a RCMP friend of mine pulls me over for going real fast and writes me up I will probably thank him. He is only trying to keep me alive and he doesn't need the added paper work.