View Full Version : Motorcycle Blog Post Project

08-01-2011, 10:55 PM
I've dedicated some time this year to learning a little more about the internet, websites, blogs, AdSense, Google Analytics, Amazon Affiliates and other related e-commerce crapola. For one of my projects, I've been fixing up, recycling and reposting some of my old Myspace blogs, many of which also appeared on here in various places (I deleted my MySpace profile last year.)

If anyone is interested, I've got about 3 and a half of these up at http://alanmarkcorcoran.com/blog/category/motorcycles/ There's my original "first ride" post, and three more about my camping trip last year. Plus some bike and road pictures. I'm going to be adding to, refining, linking and other sorts of effing around as I have time to work on it. I can always use a few page views if you have a little time to waste!

PS. Don't click on any ads solely to "help me out." Google frowns mightily on fraud and suspicious activity gets one fired pronto. (On the other hand, if you happen to see one for the farkle you been just dying to add - have at it!) I already got fired from Amazon over the sales tax collection kerfluffle. At least that one is Jerry Brown's fault.

PPS. So far, what I've learned is that, unless you are Justin Bieber, a hooker or a porn star, it's pretty damn hard to make money off the Internet.

08-01-2011, 11:13 PM
Looks good, Alan!

08-02-2011, 02:11 AM
Thanks for your support cayuse!

08-02-2011, 02:44 PM
A good site and fun reading. There will always be the cool new social network out there, but there's nothing better than managing your own content. Most people just don't bother to figure out how. I'm glad to see that you went with something you weren't comfortable with and learned how to do it. Wordpress is a great tool I use for other sites I've built. It doesn't do it all, but it's really good at what it does.

08-02-2011, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the encouragement savrip. I spent some time today filling in the details on my 9 day California Camping trip I did last August. Added about a dozen photos and related explanatory text. Anyone planning a bike trip through California may enjoy rediscovering some of my finds... http://alanmarkcorcoran.com/blog/2010/08/22/california-cruising/

To a certain extent, these posts are the modern day equivalent of "Hey, let's look at my vacation slides!" but, in addition to that aspect, I think there is useful content up there regarding gear, roads especially suited for motorcycle riding, and general touring advice for novices like myself.

Of course, I *do* have about 350 vacation slides I gotta do something with too!

08-02-2011, 08:03 PM

Stopped by your site and tried to leave a message (a few times) but something seems to be wrong with the "e-mail" box on the bottom of the page. Someday I'd like to be able to do something a little more sophisticated like yours.