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Gz Rider
08-01-2011, 09:54 PM

08-01-2011, 09:59 PM
Welcome to the family.
E.R. :poke2: :)

08-01-2011, 10:10 PM
Well, you got my attention! Welcome? I think? (I think you only need 20 or so to move up from squid...)

Gz Rider
08-01-2011, 10:17 PM

08-01-2011, 10:21 PM
i like this guy! i too have pretended to be easyrider. come my freind!

08-02-2011, 01:10 AM
I was trying to see if I could get myself banned in one post or less. :lol:

Wouldn't recommend you taunt them. You wouldn't be the first to get the boot right at the get go. The Poster That Shall Not Be Named remains a Hot Topic and, in that regard, I have found that pretending he never existed to be the best practice.

You are supposed to post a picture of your GZ, which looks exactly like every one else's, and then we all say, "Nice Bike" except for the guy who says "Welcome to the forum from South Carolina." This of course is an unwritten rule, as are many of those that govern herein.

08-02-2011, 02:33 AM
Welcome to the forum from South Carolina! Oh wait, I'm in Oklahoma...

Water Warrior 2
08-02-2011, 04:09 AM
Welcome from the GWN.

08-02-2011, 04:34 AM
Bienvenido de Tenerife.

08-02-2011, 07:12 AM

Gz Rider
08-02-2011, 09:29 AM

08-03-2011, 10:42 PM
Welcome back, :2tup: I missed you, glad we finally have a real expert here again.

PS That must have felt real good, writing that title above your first post :rawk:

(edit, a day later): Alan I disagree with ignoring him. That could come back and haunt you. We should cherish his memory by naming a psychological disorder after him:
Easyriderosis = the uncomfortable feeling that a new board member actually could be the guy that was kicked off.

Gz Rider
08-04-2011, 10:15 PM

08-04-2011, 10:28 PM
I never got in any argument with him. He was/is mechanically very knowledgeable, but often, if anyone gave him an opportunity to verbally attack them, or said something stupid (in his opinion) he surely wouldn't let the chance slip and give them hell.

08-06-2011, 03:37 AM
I was trying to see if I could get myself banned in one post or less. :lol:

Wouldn't recommend you taunt them. You wouldn't be the first to get the boot right at the get go. The Poster That Shall Not Be Named remains a Hot Topic and, in that regard, I have found that pretending he never existed to be the best practice.

You are supposed to post a picture of your GZ, which looks exactly like every one else's, and then we all say, "Nice Bike" except for the guy who says "Welcome to the forum from South Carolina." This of course is an unwritten rule, as are many of those that govern herein.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Yup...a different welcome. Y'all come back now, hea?
